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Is RSS world's largest organization ever ?

It is a waste talking to you.

Why then quote me ..... That guy deserves a ban, these guys ride on ancestors names and try to show there fake superiority here, Bunch of fools who don't know a jack about India and Hinduism and come here pretending to be defenders of Hinduism out of hatred.
Why hide then come and discuss.

In the beginning caste system is not rigid, any one who learns sanskrit hyms is called a Brahmin, any one who can wield a sword is called a kshatriya. It is not by birth a Varna is categorized, People like you made this system a mess.

I know your bird brain understanding of epics stop your B.S.

All brahmins are fixed lineages and brahmins are born on their own,not easily.

it is not easy to become a brahmin,you have to convince a guru/rishi of your character and commitment and willingness to pursue a monk's lifestyle.
Muslims make up stories about their past with built up stories,their arab forefathers and they are such vile self pitying beggars,lazy and with no shraddha for education and expect freebies all the time.

Not to forget these lazy bums ll go indulge in terrorism claiming flimsy reasons but have no balls to go to pakistan as their balls ll get busted there.

You are replying to someone who is intolerant enough to complaint about a fellow Indian to a pakistani.

Is such a person worth your time ? That is the real question. best to treat such people as untouchables.
Muslims make up stories about their past with built up stories,their arab forefathers and they are such vile self pitying beggars,lazy and with no shraddha for education and expect freebies all the time.

Not to forget these lazy bums ll go indulge in terrorism claiming flimsy reasons but have no balls to go to pakistan as their balls ll get busted there.

Its not about muslims....its about RSS.
What taliban is to muslims .... RSS is to hindus.

Sowwie had to return...to make this last post here.(i hope....)
I am just mentioning facts.

not necessarily to him. 

No it is not,you are ill informed and clueless.

I would suggest you to go figure the reality before opening your mouth.
Its not about muslims....its about RSS.
What taliban is to muslims .... RSS is to hindus.

Sowwie had to return...to make this last post here.(i hope....)

ARE U INSANE!!! RSS is for hindus ??? do u even know the amount of charity and help RSS provides.....n u r comparing THE TALIBAN with RSS.....omg...i guess its enough internet for today
All brahmins are fixed lineages and brahmins are born on their own,not easily.

it is not easy to become a brahmin,you have to convince a guru/rishi of your character and commitment and willingness to pursue a monk's lifestyle.

Yes I know, But modern day guys who are decendents of these rishis/ and who attained Brahmin status use the word Brahmin to show their superiority and divide the society.
If India has to progress , these attitudes must go. 
You are replying to someone who is intolerant enough to complaint about a fellow Indian to a pakistani.

Is such a person worth your time ? That is the real question. best to treat such people as untouchables.

Who gives a damn what you think!!!
I agree many brahmins merely show off and dont earn the respect.

My family both mom and dads were landowners of the village and we are still loved by our people.

But i cant even try to use that for selfish needs.

Nothing wrong in being a Yadav,Lord Krishna was also a yadav and one of the bravest armymen of India,the yaduvanshi aheers are also yadav and amongst my friends,some great fighters of Telengana are also yadavs.
ARE U INSANE!!! RSS is for hindus ??? do u even know the amount of charity and help RSS provides.....n u r comparing THE TALIBAN with RSS.....omg...i guess its enough internet for today

Bye. Take Care. :wave:. See you tomorrow.
ARE U INSANE!!! RSS is for hindus ??? do u even know the amount of charity and help RSS provides.....n u r comparing THE TALIBAN with RSS.....omg...i guess its enough internet for today

The christians, muslims and hindu fools is what passes for 'secular' Indians in pdf. Everything else is communal and saffron terror.

If only Insanity plea was true. That would be less painful than see this shameless and spineless capitulation. Makes me want to puke.
ARE U INSANE!!! RSS is for hindus ??? do u even know the amount of charity and help RSS provides.....n u r comparing THE TALIBAN with RSS.....omg...i guess its enough internet for today

To me RSS is as good as Taliban.
Because RSS goes around moral brigading in the country just like Taliban does.

Mohit you calling me insane.....was not called for.
Why do you RSS supporters always resort to personal attacks and abusive language???
And please change your profile pic.....it doesnt suit you.:tdown:
sorry guys,RSS is an integral part of India from Jammu to Kanyakumari and is here to stay forever and good.

Even if all the seculars drown in cigraette smoke and alcohol,shaka ll happen at 6 am,come what may. 
To me RSS is as good as Taliban.
Because RSS goes around moral brigading in the country just like Taliban does.

Mohit you calling me insane.....was not required.
Why do you RSS supporters always resort to personal attacks and abusive language???
And please change your profile pic.....it doesnt suit you.

I did not attack you personally,i come from a family of shaka attending swayamsevaks.

your perception need not be the reality and you never gave us any hints that you have seen RSS from a close angle.
To me RSS is as good as Taliban.
Because RSS goes around moral brigading in the country just like Taliban does.

Mohit you calling me insane.....was not called for.
Why do you RSS supporters always resort to personal attacks and abusive language???
And please change your profile pic.....it doesnt suit you.:tdown:

taliban kills innocent people in the name of religion where as rss opts for non voilent approach for its ideology....10 in 100 hindus in india are a part of RSS....they are businessmen bureaucrats teachers women children etc etc....do u wanna compare them with those in taliban ????
I am just mentioning facts.

not necessarily to him. 

No it is not,you are ill informed and clueless.

I would suggest you to go figure the reality before opening your mouth.

Try this

And dont forget this
https://www.google.ae/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=rss attacks&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CDIQtwIwAw&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Ksj0FwEdI&ei=S4R6Us2yCcSa0QWXlYHgAw&usg=AFQjCNFDKesElJ-ggpJgQqZzeIwwU_tuvw

You are ill informed.
And its better to let others assume you are a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
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I am surprised that they dont have the freedom of expression that you have,if u r walking into a pub/bar and manhandling people,thats wrong but you dont have rights to express your displeasure at something?

Oh,i see.

Should i start talking about the violence,unrest,manipulations caused by silly missionaries in India?

give crocin to a sick guy and say jesus gave u crocin and cured your fever.

please,i come from a district full of fraud pentecostal gangs,i wish we can do the same in kanyakumari.

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