Thank you
Thank you
The bold parts are key. I have touched on water scarcity in one of my threads and that will go hand in hand with population growth. This relationship between water and population will need to be balanced or it will cost the country. So I would like both of these issues taken care of on urgent bases.
This should also run parallel to the agri sector as we can make it much more efficient and productive with the introduction of good seeds (need research) and intelligent use of water.
This. Reform Police and Judiciary which become a public servant not ruler....
This. I did a guesstimate (another thread) of figures together with population growth and energy needs and I think it will be many years before Pakistan is in surplus.
Feudalism and land reforms. This is a major problem and holding back Pakistan.
Education reforms. Education for everyone (free to a certain level if possible). Increase the literacy rate to above 80%. This will help in other matters such as eradicating extremism, equal rights for women etc.