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Is Pakistan making an indigenous UAV.


Oct 20, 2006
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Salam. I was watching the new about the USAF Predator spying over Lal Masjid. That got me wondering. Isn't Pakistan making a UAV i think called Vector.:pakistan:
don't know if u guys know about Raja Sabri khan....he exports UAVs to USA,sweden and Australia...
Salam. I was watching the new about the USAF Predator spying over Lal Masjid. That got me wondering. Isn't Pakistan making a UAV i think called Vector.:pakistan:

As far as i recall per the news reports ,Pakistan was deployong indigenous short-range Vector TUAV in 2001 or 2002 i guess
We have four different UAV projects:

UAV Vector
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex UAV Baaz
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex UAV Ababeel
Air Weapons Complex UAV Bravo
Pakistan promotes home-grown UAVs

The increasing efforts of Pakistan to develop an indigenous capability in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology is evident on two stands in Hall 10. Some of those displayed have not been seen before outside Pakistan and the variety of designs is impressive.

The Air Weapons Complex has brought an example of its Bravo tactical UAV to IDEX for the first time. Shown in its first-generation form, this has been in production for some 18 months and is in service on border patrol and law enforcement duties. The all-composite Bravo has a strong airframe, carries a 15kg/20kg payload and operates at ranges of up to 80km. It is capable of flying autonomously on a preprogrammed flight plan, although this can be changed during flight if necessary.

From the same source, the Vision-1 uses the same airframe as the Bravo, but is fitted with a more powerful engine that enables payloads of up to 25kg to be carried. The Vision-1 is described as a second-generation design which can be put to more sophisticated roles than the earlier model. Typical payloads include FLIR sensors, IR scanners, CCD camera on fixed or gyro-stabilised platforms, and ELINT or COMINT sensors.

A greater variety of UAVs is produced by the National Development Complex, which has brought its Vector and Nishan models to the show. The former flew in prototype form in the mid-1990s but series production is not expected to get underway until the end of this year. However, with a wingspan of just over 7m, the Vector Mk 7 can carry a 25kg payload for up to eight hours at heights up to 15,000ft.

While the Vector has a conventional twin boom, rear-engined configuration, the NDC's delta-wing Nishan is one of a number of target drones in its product range, and it can also function as a decoy or missile simulator. Finally, the Hornet Mk 2 of conventional high-wing, tractor-engine design is another target drone produced by NDC, designed to carry smoke or infra-red flares on sorties out to a 20km range.

Debut: The Bravo produced by Pakistan's Air Weapons Complex is shown at IDEX for the first time

Pakistan and Turkey are jointly working on an advance UAV programme.
Few weeks back, I read a partial news about it on Janes but due to no subscription cannot access the past news.
Below link also host some pictures of the event.
UAV Projects Signature Ceremonies (May 23rd, 2007)
In the scope of Indigenous UAV (MALE) Development Project,

The Signing Ceremony concerning cooperation agreement between Turkey (TAI) and Pakistan (AWC),

The Contract Signing Ceremony between TAI and ASELSAN concerning ASELFLIR 300T payload,

The Contract Signing Ceremony between TAI and SAVRONİK concerning Data Link System, were done on May 23, 2007 during IDEF’07 Defense Industry Fair.

With aim of meeting the reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces in the scope of Strategic UAV, the signing ceremony between SSM and TAI concerning the leadership of TAI in the strategic UAV program was done on May 23, 2007 during IDEF’07 Defense Industry Fair.
What intersts me is the colaboration with Turkey. I wonder what the outcome of that would be. Hopefully something very sophisticated and something taht would tie up nicely with the network cantric model PA is promoting.
What intersts me is the colaboration with Turkey. I wonder what the outcome of that would be. Hopefully something very sophisticated and something taht would tie up nicely with the network cantric model PA is promoting.

Turkey is already being to develop a UAV more information about capability of one of Turkish developed UAV.


The contract regarding the development of a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) System for the reconnaissance requirements of the Turkish Armed Forces became effective on 24 December 2004. Within the framework of the program, a total of three prototypes and ground systems are planned to be designed, developed, manufactured and flight tested by the end of 2010.

The Description of the System:

The Turkish Indigenous MALE UAV (TIHA) system will consist of air vehicles (A/V), Ground Control Station (GCS), Ground Data Terminal (GDT), Automatic Take-off and Landing System (ATOLS), Transportable Image Exploitation System (TIES), Remote Video Terminal (RVT) and various Ground Support Equipment (GSE).

The TIHA system, which is designed for night and day missions including adverse weather conditions, performs real time image intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, moving/stationery target detection, recognition, identification and tracking missions.

While the TIHA system has an open architecture to support other potential payloads and missions; within the context of the existing project, the air vehicle is configured to carry the following payloads onboard:

* Electro-optic Color Day Camera (ASELFLIR-300T EO),
* Electro-optic/Infrared/Laser Combi (EO/IR/LRF/LD/Spotter) (ASELFLIR-300T),
* SAR/GMTI, ISAR Payload.

The whole composite airframe is composed of a monoblock fuselage, detachable wing and V-Tail, retractable landing gear, redundant control surfaces, avionics and payload bays and service doors. The sandwich skin structure is reinforced by composite or metallic frames, ribs and supports. Propelled by a pusher type heavy fuel engine, the aircraft is furnished with fuselage fuel tanks and fuel system, ice protection system, environmental control system, lighting system, redundant electrical system with battery backup and harness system.

The platform is also equipped with a digital flight control system, electro-mechanical actuators, flight control sensor systems such as: pitot-static, air data computer, navigation sensor, transducers, temperature, pressure, displacement sensors, etc. Various tasks are distributed along flight management computers and auxiliary control boxes. Identification and communication units and interface computers are employed in order to establish real time wide band communication and provide test and diagnostics functions. An air traffic radio is also integrated in the communication system for integration of the aircraft into the civilian airspace. All flight critical equipment are dual or triple redundant and emergency modes of operational scenarios are taken into consideration for fail safe design.

All flight software configuration items embedded on both air and ground equipment are being developed indigenously by TAI. In a similar manner, all mission hardware and software are aimed to be developed by national sub contractors.

TIHA operations are supported by very sophisticated ground system. Whole mission segments of the air vehicle can be managed, monitored and controlled by a GCS. A pre-programmed mission plan can be loaded before the flight begins or can be altered during the flight. All the imagery stream of the payloads can be displayed and recorded in real time and all the payloads can be controlled from the GCS. ATOLS allows the air vehicle to perform its operation without operator intervention, including the most critical phases which are landing and take-off.

In TIES, valuable intelligence information can be obtained by the analyzes of bulky imagery data. TIES operators can initiate intelligence missions prior to or during flight. Refined information flows to upper command layer to assist headquarters to monitor a network of TIHA systems and benefit from the gathered intelligence information. Another interface of the TIHA system is RVT, with which other friend unions who are close to the target area, utilize the real time imagery that TIHA air vehicle broadcasts.

Technical Specifications:

Basic performance specification of the TIHA system is as follows:
* Payload :TIHA A 200 Kg ,TIHA B 500 Kg
* Service Ceiling: 30,000 ft
* Endurance: 24 hours
* Cruise Speed >75 kts
* LOS Communication Range: 200km
Y'know by looking at those UAV I like to lauch all of them and put the Music Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner.

Like they did Apocalypse Now, used in a scene for a squadron of helicopters, near the begining

:P :P :P
Old info should have read the entire thread before posting
Mods, could you delete?
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