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Is Pakistan having smallest nuclear ( Atomic ) bomb of the world?


Mar 30, 2012
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Certainly, Pakistan must have built many secret defence projects. But what about a very small nuclear bomb? According to some sources Pakistan have created smallest nuclear bomb of the world many years back. This nuclear bomb is a real threat to her enemy.

Take a look at another news published a few time earlier. ( Edited Version )


Pervez Musharraf told American officials what we have made, Diplomatic source

Islamabad (Ansar Abbasi)In Pakistani nuclear program a big step forward have been taken and world's smallest tactical atomic weapon have been made. According to foreign ambassador Ex dictator Pervez Musharraf thought its good to tell American officials in a conference that what Pakistan has and how Pakistani atomic scientists have made the defence of the country secured. Diplomatic source said that new Delhi knows what Pakistan have made and they know that this thing have no examples. Indians got this information from Americans and source said that Musharraf willingly gave this information to Americans so that they will not try any misadventure like Iraq or Afghanistan with Pakistan. Pakistan didn't signed NPT nor CTBT but they have singularly decided that they will use their nuclear program as deterrence against any country's aggression. After the propaganda of all type against Pakistani nuclear program by western capitals especially Washington Pakistan have also developed a reliable and foolproof command and control system for its atomic program. American officials admitted the structure and security system of Pakistani nuclear weapons. A think tank in Washington said that Pakistan have increased its plutonium producing capability. Website also said that in 2009 the number of atomic bombs in Pakistan was round about 200 but they also agreed on a point that it is difficult for the experts also to estimate the actual amount. Because Pakistan's nuclear program is in strict security. Pakistan's nuclear program was started in the reign of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and its experiment was done in the reign of Nawaz Sharif on 28 may 1998.
Dear why you want to arrange a troll party, This has been discussed many time try to go through previous discussions on very same topic.
This sort of info is never leaked out of the nuclear circle of Pakistan and if, IF Musharaf has disclosed this sort of info, then the ISI needs to make some arrangements he is clearly disclosing state secrets........

It does however make me wonder, what does a leader like, Musharaf, Zardari/Bhutto, Nawaz have to disclose and disclose in order to remain in exile with the blessing of the West, otherwise they would have long ago been deported for one reason or another.
This is nothing more then a Speculative news , Published by a 3rd Rate News Agency to get some attention , So Lets Just not Pay it some.
The US had tactical Nuclear weapons that could be used in an artillery strike in the 1950's. What could really be smaller then that? A Nuclear hand grenade?
The U.S. produced the smallest confirmed nuclear weapon, the "Davy Crockett," with a yield of 0.1 kilotons and weighing only 51 pounds.


XM-28 120mm Davy Crockett
Cannon : XM-28 120mm Recoiless Rifle
Calibre : 120mm
Max Range : 2Km

Warhead : XM-388 Nuclear Warhead
Length : 760mm
Max Diameter : 270mm
Weight : 34.5Kg

Is the 'Mush' nuke smaller than this? Oh yeah! Probably a nuke 7.62 bullet fired from an AK-47!! Jeeez!
Don't know about the claim but Pakistan has certainly mastered the art of miniaturising nuclear war heads, NASR being an example.

The U.S. produced the smallest confirmed nuclear weapon, the "Davy Crockett," with a yield of 0.1 kilotons and weighing only 51 pounds.


XM-28 120mm Davy Crockett
Cannon : XM-28 120mm Recoiless Rifle
Calibre : 120mm
Max Range : 2Km

Warhead : XM-388 Nuclear Warhead
Length : 760mm
Max Diameter : 270mm
Weight : 34.5Kg

Is the 'Mush' nuke smaller than this? Oh yeah! Probably a nuke 7.62 bullet fired from an AK-47!! Jeeez!

If only......imagine a radiation free AK-47 bullet that could tear apart an M1 Abraham MBT!
Don't know about the claim but Pakistan has certainly mastered the art of miniaturising nuclear war heads, NASR being an example.


Absolutely. There has to observe the small diameter of the nose of the missile named Nasr (BRBM) which was developed as a "low-yield battlefield deterrent".

Quote Wikipedia:

US scientists with a full-scale cut-away model of the W48 155-millimeter nuclear artillery shell, a very small tactical nuclear weapon with an explosive yield equivalent to 72 tons of TNT (0.072 kiloton). It could be fired from any standard 155 mm (6.1 inch) howitzer e.g. the M114 or M198.

An American 8 inch W33 nuclear artillery shell. This warhead had a number of different yield options e.g. 5 kilotons. It could be fired from any standard 8 inch (203mm) howitzer e.g. the M110 or M115.

Test 15 Kilotons with a 280mm Cannon (May 25, 1953). Prerequisite to obtain technology of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle (MIRV).



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we also have what are known as 'nuclear coins'. if a war breaks out, each soldier will be given one coin which he can use as a last resort to stop the adversary.- just think 600,000 nuclear coins!!! - better watch out! - dont mess with us!
Don't know about the claim but Pakistan has certainly mastered the art of miniaturising nuclear war heads, NASR being an example.

I wish that this truck would be modified in future to carry 5-7 NASR Missiles. Ameen.
I think Pakistan should do more n more R&D on Sensors, Materials and engines of different classes like Rocket, jet engines and other carnot engines.
we also have what are known as 'nuclear coins'. if a war breaks out, each soldier will be given one coin which he can use as a last resort to stop the adversary.- just think 600,000 nuclear coins!!! - better watch out! - dont mess with us!


Throw a good grenade at a batch of troops patrolling around their own base, and the explosion will
destroy your own base with just a grenade:rofl:

funny idea, but far from practical...there you just called your entire army kamikazes/suicide...well.
we also have what are known as 'nuclear coins'. if a war breaks out, each soldier will be given one coin which he can use as a last resort to stop the adversary.- just think 600,000 nuclear coins!!! - better watch out! - dont mess with us!
Dosent matter if attacked by a nuclear missile or nuclear coin.(Lol...nuclear coin!! :lol: ) The retaliation would be same...massive and unacceptable damage .
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