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Is Pak army behind the rise of Imran Khan?

Load of BS....majority of KPK's population is not satisfied from ANP govt there...Imran Khan has tremendous support there and in the tribal areas...more than that he has in Punjab. Infact....the political pundits say he is sure to win in FATA.

As far as the screwed up and immature article is concerned...(and why shouldn't it be funny and immature after all its by an indian news channel )....lemme explain you that Pushtuns make up 25-30 % of Pak Army and ISI. Out of 4 military dictators in Pak history 2 were of Pushtun decent...this fact alone is a big slap on the faces of those who posted this BS article. Pakistan has twice as many Pushtuns as those in Afghanistan...Indian analysts need to first get some general knowledge before writing articles. Looks like even there analysts watch too much of their Bollywood movies.

Anyways...to my fellow Pak members...don't worry what some loser says just remember "BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITE"
Propogandas made by peoples and countries...including some Pakistani Political parties.....which don't want to see progressive Pakistan......they still want Pakistani peoples be controlled by Fudals and remain in the state which they are .....and those bastards making properties in UK, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, US and Canada etc. by looting this country..........Imran Khan gave hope to Pakistani generation.....about new Pakistani clean from the dirt of the current politicians......that's why peoples are making propgandas against him.....and sometimes linking him with ISI and sometimes with Talibans or Tribals......

But on the other hand if we see reality......it dosen't looks like that Imran Khan will be able to make govt this time in upcoming elections....coz those fudal parties has roots so strong in the country......may be in next elections he will be in Power.
There is difference between your "pathan" of punjab and proper pashtuns of KP and afghanistan. This talib khan is not a pashtun, he is a punjabi of pathan descent.
He is pushed forward by agencies. I attended his jalsa in peshawer, it was a big failure...only few thousands attended it, many of particants actually came from punjab...which indicate that some how ISI is trying its best to support talib khan.. It also indicates that imran khan has failed to impress pashtuns.

And pahstun's are impressed by ANP and thier performance isn't ? kuch tu haya ker bhai:what:
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