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Is our country being subservient to the West?

You are Counting UK and Germany as exception, huh?! Both of them are Controlled by banksters and Jewish media. Exception would be Iran and North Korea which are isolated from this plague.

Your country which is also Mine as well, was being ruled by Freemasons from 1940's to 2003. Then from 2003 on, it is being ruled by A jamaat Controlled by USA through his agent Fethullah Gülen. Somebody must be behind it, who has the power over money!

Alienoz_TR, with all due respect thats a whole lot of BS and Conspiracy theories.
Alienoz_TR, with all due respect thats a whole lot of BS and Conspiracy theories.

But on the other hand, Everything Turkey had, is now foreign owned. Land, army, factories, politicians, hamburgers, tv programs, souls (!).....

This country is definitely Not mine. Some ppl stole our underwear while we were sleeping. It is really messed up.
just cos your part of the nato pack alliance does not mean you equal to the rest turkey is being taken for ride and you going to pay for this mistake even today on news showed Turkish minister saying this is conspiracy against turkey. it not me watching films like valley of wolves while flotilla got attacked. reality check for turks best to keep out otherwise backfire already car bombs taken place not in united states not in eu nato but turkey how come? why? you taken for ride.
It has nothing to do with NATO,we are equal to all.
You cant assume just because you hate the ''west''that we are taken for a ride.
We wont pay for nothing and only will gain from this.
Not because of this government but we will.
Well this government is like a swingchair,today this tomorrow that.
We came in this situation only because of this government,and valley of the wolves is for young kids since you know about it one starts to think.
Flotilla,first of all what happend there shouldnt have happend,Israel should just have apologized.
Only for killing them,because we all know that some those on the ship were not just peace loving innocent people.
Evrything that happens in my backyard is my bussiness so your comment is strange.
But on the other hand, Everything Turkey had, is now foreign owned. Land, army, factories, politicians, hamburgers, tv programs, souls (!).....

This country is definitely Not mine. Some ppl stole our underwear while we were sleeping. It is really messed up.

Well thats part of capitalism. Look at Erdogan he canceled the tender for the Bosphorus Bridge after it was completed because some Qataris might pay more then the Turkish company. Thats what our dumb people voted and support.
Well thats part of capitalism. Look at Erdogan he canceled the tender for the Bosphorus Bridge after it was completed because some Qataris might pay more then the Turkish company. Thats what our dumb people voted and support.
This was on news today or yesterday right? As far as I know, it got cancelled because there was criticism that it went away for too cheap. They are planning to do another bidding, unsure on if the 3rd bridge was involved though.
This was on news today or yesterday right? As far as I know, it got cancelled because there was criticism that it went away for too cheap. They are planning to do another bidding, unsure on if the 3rd bridge was involved though.

I think it was about the FSM bridge and the highway leading to it.
The tender for the third bridge failed miserably and the government is now trying to find ways to get it done.
It has nothing to do with NATO,we are equal to all.
You cant assume just because you hate the ''west''that we are taken for a ride.
We wont pay for nothing and only will gain from this.
Not because of this government but we will.
Well this government is like a swingchair,today this tomorrow that.
We came in this situation only because of this government,and valley of the wolves is for young kids since you know about it one starts to think.
Flotilla,first of all what happend there shouldnt have happend,Israel should just have apologized.
Only for killing them,because we all know that some those on the ship were not just peace loving innocent people.
Evrything that happens in my backyard is my bussiness so your comment is strange.

believe what you want i dont hate west but they been hijacked by bankers so is Muslim world. what is to gain by being so call ally of NATO and attack syria first deal with pkk, why not research who funds them you be very suprised. thoseon the ship were innocent civilians not some hardcore militants. search uss liberty false flag.
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