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Is Japan secretly developing a nuclear weapons program?

They got my support. Japan is bound to go imperial again.
Everyone knows that but the point of the article is that Japan is actually building nuclear weapons according to an analyst.

The New PM Abe is more pro-military as compared to his many predecessors. But the Japanese know the effects of a Nuclear bomb and what it entails. The Japanese people don't want to see those pictures again in any newspaper. No one does.

Not that having weaponized nukes means that you'll use it. The entire balance of power would change instantly in E. Asia. With just the intro of 1 Nuke. Abe is still trying to get the Japanese Military more $$$$ to equip itself, and that's a struggle for him (somewhat).

The Chinese & Kim Jung number Un know that the Americans have a sworn duty to defend Japan and S. Korea. And the line has already been drawn. American protection is the only thing keeping Japan & S. Korea from going Nuclear weapons. Hell, the only reason S. Korea hasn't taken out little Kimy.

The world powers will do everything to keep the Status Quo. Whether its the US or Argentina. Just the knowledge that Japan can go Nuclear Weapons capable serves as a deterrent.

They got my support. Japan is bound to go imperial again.

Your opinion is all that matters kardeşim
The New PM Abe is more pro-military as compared to his many predecessors. But the Japanese know the effects of a Nuclear bomb and what it entails. The Japanese people don't want to see those pictures again in any newspaper. No one does.

Not that having weaponized nukes means that you'll use it. The entire balance of power would change instantly in E. Asia. With just the intro of 1 Nuke. Abe is still trying to get the Japanese Military more $$$$ to equip itself, and that's a struggle for him (somewhat).

uhh, NK went nuclear, the balance did not change what so ever. no one wants to invade the japanese home islands so nukes for them is not useful since they are under the american umbrella even if someone wanted to invade. go nuclear would only bring problems for japan and offer next to no benefits. however break out capability is very much in their interest and they've had this capability for decades.

The Chinese & Kim Jung number Un know that the Americans have a sworn duty to defend Japan and S. Korea. And the line has already been drawn. American protection is the only thing keeping Japan & S. Korea from going Nuclear weapons. Hell, the only reason S. Korea hasn't taken out little Kimy.

if the US said its okay, i still dont think SK would invade NK.

first of all they wouldnt win because china would respond to that invasion and im sure SK dont want to commit suicide.

secondly the damage to themselves would be far too great, its economy would be in ruins and there will be many deaths.

thirdly NK has nuclear weapons now, while they are big, inaccurate and unwieldy, they could use them defensively by setting off detonations inside NK in response to a SK invasion(which incidentally is the same as american plans for possible ww3 in europe).
uhh, NK went nuclear, the balance did not change what so ever. no one wants to invade the japanese home islands so nukes for them is not useful since they are under the american umbrella even if someone wanted to invade. go nuclear would only bring problems for japan and offer next to no benefits. however break out capability is very much in their interest and they've had this capability for decades.

if the US said its okay, i still dont think SK would invade NK.
first of all they wouldnt win because china would respond to that invasion and im sure SK dont want to commit suicide.
secondly the damage to themselves would be far too great, its economy would be in ruins and there will be many deaths.
thirdly NK has nuclear weapons now, while they are big, inaccurate and unwieldy, they could use them defensively by setting off detonations inside NK in response to a SK invasion(which incidentally is the same as american plans for possible ww3 in europe).

Come on its N. Korea, you can give a nuke to the Federation of Antarctic Penguins and the BoP wouldnt change. Japan is a different case. They already got a 21st century military, well trained and equipped. Tech advantaged etc.

S. Korea would have retaliated to the war of attrition conducted by Kimy. It would have escalated, greater powers would intervene, and Kimy would have figured out that his poking would only piss the S. Koreans off anymore.

I think its this year that the S. Korean Military would be under S. Korean control since the Korean War.
first of all they wouldnt win because china would respond to that invasion and im sure SK dont want to commit suicide.

secondly the damage to themselves would be far too great, its economy would be in ruins and there will be many deaths.

thirdly NK has nuclear weapons now, while they are big, inaccurate and unwieldy, they could use them defensively by setting off detonations inside NK in response to a SK invasion(which incidentally is the same as american plans for possible ww3 in europe).

fourth. They don't want to have to deal with millions of brainwashed citizens.
Japan already had like 100 Nuclear plants , its not hard for them to go nuclear ready
I can be sure that Japan can secretly test nuclear bomb and claim it as "earthquake" :yahoo:
China concerned at Japan holding weapons-grade plutonium

(Reuters) - China said on Monday it was "extremely concerned" by a report that Japan has resisted returning to the United States more than 300 kg (660 lb) of mostly weapons-grade plutonium, the latest dispute between the two Asian neighbors.

Japan's Kyodo news agency said that Washington had pressed Japan to give back the nuclear material which could be used to make up to 50 nuclear bombs. Japan had resisted, but finally given in to U.S. demands, it added.

The material was bought for research purposes during the 1960s and the two governments will likely reach an official agreement on its return at the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague in March, an official at Japan's Education Ministry said.

China concerned at Japan holding weapons-grade plutonium| Reuters
China concerned at Japan holding weapons-grade plutonium

(Reuters) - China said on Monday it was "extremely concerned" by a report that Japan has resisted returning to the United States more than 300 kg (660 lb) of mostly weapons-grade plutonium, the latest dispute between the two Asian neighbors.

Japan's Kyodo news agency said that Washington had pressed Japan to give back the nuclear material which could be used to make up to 50 nuclear bombs. Japan had resisted, but finally given in to U.S. demands, it added.

The material was bought for research purposes during the 1960s and the two governments will likely reach an official agreement on its return at the Nuclear Security Summit at The Hague in March, an official at Japan's Education Ministry said.

China concerned at Japan holding weapons-grade plutonium| Reuters
My thought is what make Japan finally given in to US's demands. If I have to guess, it would be US threaten to abandon them in the conflict with China?

To the OP, this is a non-news. Even we know Japan are capable of going nuclear quickly. The key here is how our American friends would respond to that. We know with a nuclear Japan, they would eventually kick out the US and that US don't want that. It's a win-win situation for us. LOL
We know with a nuclear Japan, they would eventually kick out the US and that US don't want that. It's a win-win situation for us. LOL

Not sure what would happen but it is a weird situation now where the US has a base at the entrance of Tokyo Bay with an aircraft carrier. I'm sure the Japanese still feel "occupied" when they see the US Navy driving around. However even at their economic height they seemed to only have an issue with the Okimawa bases.
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