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Is it war against Islam?


Oct 2, 2007
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I am asking one simpal question all of you my friends, please give the answer !

If this War Against Terror will convert in War Against Islam,

The Question is if you'll cose side of USA or others?
I am Asking one Simpal Quetion all of u my Friendz please Give The Answer !

If this War Against Terrore'll Convert in War Against ISLAM,

the Question is (where u'll) ???

side of USA or others

Side of ISLAM (where u'll never get any beneft (here in world),

u ven't any other Opsion !!


Its clrearly not the WAR against terrrorism.

Its a CRUSADE which we all forget ...

and being a Muslim no one wana be at the Side of the US because according to our Faith this world have to be finished at a certain time (Qayaamat / Judgment Day) we have to prepare our selfs for that time ..
I am Asking one Simpal Quetion all of u my Friendz please Give The Answer !

If this War Against Terrore'll Convert in War Against ISLAM,

the Question is (where u'll) ???

side of USA or others

Side of ISLAM (where u'll never get any beneft (here in world),

u ven't any other Opsion !!

Before writing this you should have studied Islam first.
Now go read what is islam then come back to ask any cquestion concerning Islam.

Before writing this you should have studied Islam first.
Now go read what is islam then come back to ask any cquestion concerning Islam.


Wasn't that rude :what:

He is concerned about the evil designs of the US and the west and eventual fall out against Islam...

Donot pretend that you donot feel the same way that slowly and slowly Islam is being portrayed as a negative ISM and Terrorist liking belief!

It's the logic the west and US are creating in the minds of the people who are accepting Islam around the world. Check the stats of conversion to Islam before 9/11 and today .... You will see what i mean! Check the Islamic Ideology in Islamic States and you will see what i mean!

Sometimes it is better to construct a mind then to discourage it with rude responses ... No. I feel the brotherhood should be here where we argue but we donot create a relationship among each other! We are all Muslims! and Concerned ones ... Please donot take it as an offensive note.



Muslims have a misconception---they want to be loyal to islam first---they are clueless that islam doesnot want or need their loyalty.

First and foremost, islam wants you to be loyal and true to yourself---then to your family--friends--people around you. If you are not loyal and true to yourself, your family, your nation---how can you be loyal to islam.

Why does islam want it that way---because of the following principal---if you are not true to yourself---you can never be true to islam---if you are not true to your family----you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the people---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the state ---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to anyone of these people---how can you be ever be loyal to anyone---your family, the people, the community that you live in is like your shadow---how can you distance yourself from your shadow---it is not possible.

Islam does not allow anyone to look down at others---when they say that their first and foremost loyalty is to islam---inadvertantly---that is what they are saying----I have gone to a different pleateau---which is a no no.

Muslims have a misconception---they want to be loyal to islam first---they are clueless that islam doesnot want or need their loyalty.

First and foremost, islam wants you to be loyal and true to yourself---then to your family--friends--people around you. If you are not loyal and true to yourself, your family, your nation---how can you be loyal to islam.

Why does islam want it that way---because of the following principal---if you are not true to yourself---you can never be true to islam---if you are not true to your family----you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the people---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the state ---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to anyone of these people---how can you be ever be loyal to anyone---your family, the people, the community that you live in is like your shadow---how can you distance yourself from your shadow---it is not possible.

Islam does not allow anyone to look down at others---when they say that their first and foremost loyalty is to islam---inadvertantly---that is what they are saying----I have gone to a different pleateau---which is a no no.

I am sorry but with all due respect I disagree with you. Islam says you need to be loyal to Islam and then comes worldly things. The reason is Islam teaches one to be loyal to other things. For exemple if their is a jihad all Muslims qualified must take part in it. Here you a leaving your family, but Islam teaches us to be this way. We go and fight and leave the rest up to god. Now Islam says you must be loyal to the your country, you family but if Islam calls for you you must go their.

You are totally missing the message in my post. You ASSUME about worldly things---you have to dig a little deeper in yourself to understand my post---you are talking about very superfluous thing---the jihad to fight---I am talking about the real everyday jihad where you are in constant struggle against your desires and weaknesses---where you keep taking from the people and don't give back---where the weak and the poor suffer and there is no jihad for their wel-being, where you have to do small good deeds everyday and sometimes they are noticed and sometimes they are not---that is the jihad that is more important---but there is no glory in it---

The meaning of Jihad is being twisted in your post---in taodys day and age---we have a designated army to do the battle---we have a trained force of employees to keep the government running---we have different management groups who are given their tasks to perform their daily jobs----the todays environment has split up the duties amonst different groups of people---each one of them are performing JIHAD by doing their jobs in the best possible manner----they are like the intertwined building blocks---holding and supporting each other and keeping them together.

You are totally missing the message in my post. You ASSUME about worldly things---you have to dig a little deeper in yourself to understand my post---you are talking about very superfluous thing---the jihad to fight---I am talking about the real everyday jihad where you are in constant struggle against your desires and weaknesses---where you keep taking from the people and don't give back---where the weak and the poor suffer and there is no jihad for their wel-being, where you have to do small good deeds everyday and sometimes they are noticed and sometimes they are not---that is the jihad that is more important---but there is no glory in it---

The meaning of Jihad is being twisted in your post---in taodys day and age---we have a designated army to do the battle---we have a trained force of employees to keep the government running---we have different management groups who are given their tasks to perform their daily jobs----the todays environment has split up the duties amonst different groups of people---each one of them are performing JIHAD by doing their jobs in the best possible manner----they are like the intertwined building blocks---holding and supporting each other and keeping them together.

The first part is what I agree with you, but I would not call it Jihad. This sturggle is the duty of every muslim. Now you could call it Jihad or anything, but I do agree with you.
It doesn't matter if we have an Army that will fight for us. If a Jihad is taking place it is the duty of every Muslims to take part in it. In todays day and age the Army is the first line of defence and we should be the second line, but we must still take part in it.

Muslims have a misconception---they want to be loyal to islam first---they are clueless that islam doesnot want or need their loyalty.

First and foremost, islam wants you to be loyal and true to yourself---then to your family--friends--people around you. If you are not loyal and true to yourself, your family, your nation---how can you be loyal to islam.

Why does islam want it that way---because of the following principal---if you are not true to yourself---you can never be true to islam---if you are not true to your family----you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the people---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to the state ---you will never be true to islam---if you are not true to anyone of these people---how can you be ever be loyal to anyone---your family, the people, the community that you live in is like your shadow---how can you distance yourself from your shadow---it is not possible.

Islam does not allow anyone to look down at others---when they say that their first and foremost loyalty is to islam---inadvertantly---that is what they are saying----I have gone to a different pleateau---which is a no no.


You are totally missing the message in my post. You ASSUME about worldly things---you have to dig a little deeper in yourself to understand my post---you are talking about very superfluous thing---the jihad to fight---I am talking about the real everyday jihad where you are in constant struggle against your desires and weaknesses---where you keep taking from the people and don't give back---where the weak and the poor suffer and there is no jihad for their wel-being, where you have to do small good deeds everyday and sometimes they are noticed and sometimes they are not---that is the jihad that is more important---but there is no glory in it---

The meaning of Jihad is being twisted in your post---in taodys day and age---we have a designated army to do the battle---we have a trained force of employees to keep the government running---we have different management groups who are given their tasks to perform their daily jobs----the todays environment has split up the duties amonst different groups of people---each one of them are performing JIHAD by doing their jobs in the best possible manner----they are like the intertwined building blocks---holding and supporting each other and keeping them together.

Excellent reply Mastan!

Jihad is a hijacked term, it saddens me that even true believers have misconcepted the Jihad. :undecided:
Excellent reply Mastan!

Jihad is a hijacked term, it saddens me that even true believers have misconcepted the Jihad. :undecided:

Alright what is your definition of the word Jihad? It is true today it is being used for peoples personal reason. The word Jihad means struggle.
To me Jihad in modern age is primarly an inner struggle to improve life and society and it should be non violant.

We have armed forces to defend our borders to ensure religious freedom, there's no need for me to carry out outer jihad. I'd be more than happy to qualify as a muslim by respecting the 5 most important principles of Islam, i.e. performing or atleast thriving to perform the following:

1 - Shahadah
2 - Salat
3 - Zakat
4 - Sawm
5 - Hajj

Jihad is not mentioned as basic or fundamental 'pillars' of Islam, I am not in position - nor do I qualify -to go for outer Jihad if I fail to practice the above mentioned principles.

I know my priorities, they are to purify myself and to desire harmony with the Creator day after day.
Thats what Jihad means to me.
To me Jihad in modern age is primarly an inner struggle to improve life and society and it should be non violant.

We have armed forces to defend our borders to ensure religious freedom, there's no need for me to carry out outer jihad. I'd be more than happy to qualify as a muslim by respecting the 5 most important principles of Islam, i.e. performing or atleast thriving to perform the following:

1 - Shahadah
2 - Salat
3 - Zakat
4 - Sawm
5 - Hajj

Jihad is not mentioned as basic or fundamental 'pillars' of Islam, I am not in position to go for outer Jihad if I fail to practice the above mentioned principles.

I know my priorities, they are to purify myself and to desire harmony with the Creator day after day.
Thats what Jihad means to me.

Like I said before Jihad is a duty that all Muslims must preform if needed. Now Jihad can not be preformed by all Muslims. For that you must be a true Muslims, a Momineen. A Momineen is someone who lives his life the way the Holy Prophet did. Now it doesn't mean live it in the style of the stone age but live it in todays standards. Now Jihad is not just for the Army to fight but a duty of every Muslim, depending that they are true Momineens. What you have said about purifying one's self is no doubt true and believe me I agree with you 200%. But this is not Jihad. Jihad means a struggle. The Holy Prophet only waged Jihad if he it meant saving a surpressed people. The above duties you have mentioned are the Five Pillars of Islam, after one has met all these conditions then and only then is he capably of preforming Jihad. This thing about Jihad being an inner battle in my opinion is not true, Jihad is war but war for the right reason, a war for the surpressed a war for Islam.
I am Asking one Simpal Quetion all of u my Friendz please Give The Answer !

If this War Against Terrore'll Convert in War Against ISLAM,

the Question is (where u'll) ???

side of USA or others

Side of ISLAM (where u'll never get any beneft (here in world),

u ven't any other Opsion !!


What a rubbish question.

There are around 1 billion muslims on this planet and for some daft reason you think that the West is going to declare a war against a religon.

Your naivety is unbelievable go find another forum.
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