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Is it true? That Muslim majority have very little power left in Iran?

@Spring Onion, the Iran-Israel "conflict" is a big joke.

I believe that enemies are not born in a day, nor do old enmities die overnight.

Iran today is toeing the Arab line.

As it has been doing for over a thousand years.

When Iran stops doing that, Iran will rediscover the real enemy.

I see that happening while both of us are still alive and kicking, albeit a bit more grizzled than what we are today.

1. I personally believe Iran-Israel conflict is NOT real neither they are enemies.

2. Iran is NOT at all toeing Arab line. The Iran-Arab (currently read Iran-KSA) enmity has nothing to do with secterian color. The rivalry is thousands of years old when Iran was NOT a Muslim region. Their regional war is dragged and painted into secterian color today . That is an added color which they both pour in just to justify finding support in Muslim world for their own centuries old enmity
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I have seen Iran both urban and rural, the regime does have considerable support and resources - and there is a very strong religious element in Iran, love for Imam Ali and Imam Hussain is very strong - even in people who you would consider liberal or atheist.

There is also a strong element that want reforms, but want to retain the Islamic element of the regime.
It would be excellent if it was true, although Iranians opened their eyes and saw the true nature of religion, Muslims are still controlling everything. However, it must be noted that Secularism, Atheism and Agnosticism are gaining foothold in Iran, and hopefully future generations will be free of fairy tales and religion.
1. I personally believe Iran-Israel conflict is NOT real neither they are enemies.

I am glad someone else sees the obvious as well.

For all that the Persians have done for the people over centuries, I honestly believe the Jews to be an extremely ungrateful race.

The Iranians on the other hand do themselves no favors fighting the Arab's war by proxy.

There is no sole patent of stupidity globally.

2. Iran is NOT at all toeing Arab line. The Iran-Arab (currently read Iran-KSA) enmity has nothing to do with secterian color. The rivalry is thousands of years old when Iran was NOT a Muslim region. Their regional war is dragged and painted into secterian color today . That is an added color which they both pour in just to justify finding support in Muslim world for their own centuries old enmity

Its not so simple. There is the enmity of blood and race at the level of people. That prevails for centuries, millenia even. The Persians have never seen the Arabs as their equal.

Funnily not even after succumbing to them a thousand years ago. Its a strong sentiment that comes from deep within. And hell yes, its strongly racial.

Then there is the theological enmity for supremacy of the clergy. The sectarian overtones you speak about. Ask 99% of Iranians here why they dislike Arabs.

I bet the answer 100% of the time (well, maybe with a few exceptions here and there) would be "because they are Arab."

Not "because they are Wahabi Sunnis."

One is from the gut.

The other is from the head, fed by their mullas.
1. I personally believe Iran-Israel conflict is NOT real neither they are enemies.

2. Iran is NOT at all toeing Arab line. The Iran-Arab (currently read Iran-KSA) enmity has nothing to do with secterian color. The rivalry is thousands of years old when Iran was NOT a Muslim region. Their regional war is dragged and painted into secterian color today . That is an added color which they both pour in just to justify finding support in Muslim world for their own centuries old enmity

I agree with the Iran versus Arabs bit. It has nothing to do with religion and they usually fight over race left and right. The Sunni-Shia bit just adds a demension to their hatred for one another but would not make a big difference in the fight if it did not exist.

I am glad someone else sees the obvious as well.

For all that the Persians have done for the people over centuries, I honestly believe the Jews to be an extremely ungrateful race.

The Iranians on the other hand do themselves no favors fighting the Arab's war by proxy.

There is no sole patent of stupidity globally.

Its not so simple. There is the enmity of blood and race at the level of people. That prevails for centuries, millenia even. The Persians have never seen the Arabs as their equal.

Funnily not even after succumbing to them a thousand years ago. Its a strong sentiment that comes from deep within. And hell yes, its strongly racial.

Then there is the theological enmity for supremacy of the clergy. The sectarian overtones you speak about. Ask 99% of Iranians here why they dislike Arabs.

I bet the answer 100% of the time (well, maybe with a few exceptions here and there) would be "because they are Arab."

Not "because they are Wahabi Sunnis."

One is from the gut.

The other is from the head, fed by their mullas.

I agree with you here, especially about the jews being ungrateful and the racial beef between Arabs/Persians. BTW it has been a while, welcome back doc. :cheers:

Iran needs an Ataturk!!

Not all Muslims are fans of ataturk.
It would be excellent if it was true, although Iranians opened their eyes and saw the true nature of religion, Muslims are still controlling everything. However, it must be noted that Secularism, Atheism and Agnosticism are gaining foothold in Iran, and hopefully future generations will be free of fairy tales and religion.

tough job. be it any sect, the islamic(arabic) culture tends to remain and pollute even if the followers left the religion. a namesake murtad is not different than a bearded arab wanna be momin who craves for arabic ummah to annihilate the world. it needs a go back to previous civilization(hard to go) or embracing free values of western countries- either of it is the way forward.
Here are some surveys of Iranian public opinion from the University of Marylands "World Public Opinion"-Insitute:

Iranians: Do They Say They Want a Revolution? - World Public Opinion

Iranian Public Opinion on Governance, Nuclear Weapons and Relations with the United States - World Public Opinion

Iranians Favor Diplomatic Relations With US But Have Little Trust in Obama - World Public Opinion

Analysis of Multiple Polls Finds Little Evidence Iranian Public Sees Government as Illegitimate - World Public Opinion


Most Iranians do not want regime change, and two-thirds are not against supporting Hamas and Hezbollah.

And at the end of last link you see: It's not urban vs. rural people. Many conservatives live in cities, and there also reformists living in rural areas.
And there are also many academics within the religious population, so it's only the less educated who are conservative.

Iranian society is very diversified!
I am glad someone else sees the obvious as well.

Current situation qualifies both sides as enemies of each other, however enmity between nations is not necessarily eternal!

For all that the Persians have done for the people over centuries, I honestly believe the Jews to be an extremely ungrateful race.

"Jewish" is not a race! Jews are Semites like Arabs! Those are the European Jews who are not Semitic (they're mostly converts!) However, the original Jews were/are Semite whether they like it, or not!

Its not so simple. There is the enmity of blood and race at the level of people. That prevails for centuries, millenia even. The Persians have never seen the Arabs as their equal.

Arab nationalism and arrogance plays an important role there, especially in countries like Saudi Arabia! I can understand the feelings of nationalism in Arabrized countries such as: Iraq and Egypt, because they have extensive and fruitful histories, unlike Saudis! Interestingly people from the named countries were actually very friendly (at least towards me) compared to Saudis who think they own the universe and are god's gift to man!

Although many Iranians are nationalist as well, but at least they don't express it in an undermining manner like Saudis do (at least not in your face!). The problem with Saudis is that the majority of them (in my encounters) thinks that you are a Persian مجوس so they don't even recognize you as a human being.

Among other reasons may be imposition of a rather backward religion upon a civilized nation, like Persia in a barbaric manner? I honestly don't figure out Iraqis and Egyptians, why do they follow a religion that is the main cause of their misery today?

Note: My sensors detect presence of conspiracy theorists!

the islamic(arabic) culture tends to remain and pollute even if the followers left the religion. a namesake murtad

Hundreds of thousands don't have any religious affiliations in Iran, and the number is increasing exponentially, of course, its only wise not to tell anyone!

is not different than a bearded arab wanna be momin who craves for arabic ummah to annihilate the world.

Being a radical doesn't have anything to do with being an Arab, Islam is an ideology, a very strict one!
Yes I am fully compelled with your . The clerical regime is deeply rooted in the Iranian society and has strong pockets in urban centers too, I tend to agree with Prof Sadek Zebahkelam that the regimes urban clout is eroding swiftly and that is natural. The problem with these foreign experts is that there reach is limited to the so called elite- modernist and that so, in the major Urban centers.

So you think you know our country better than us? You claim to have travelled to Iran 10 times, well guess what?! I was born there and lived there for more than 16 years, so please refrain from commenting on something you don't know anything about!
So you think you know our country better than us? You claim to have travelled to Iran 10 times, well guess what?! I was born there and lived there for more than 16 years, so please refrain from commenting on something you don't know anything about!

Spending 16 years or born in a country does not qualify a person to be a socio-politico- economic expert of the said nation state. You might be having much more expertise than me on Iranian affairs but discarding one’s comprehension on the same subject is merely an illusion.
One thing for sure...I have interacted with Muslim society in Dallas,LA,San Diego and also Boise in USA. With the my scope of interaction, Iranian people who are familly members are the most liberal, polite and cross cultural people to be friendly with amongst the Muslim people. They are the people who value and respect very much even other culture and religion...And on top of it they are very much progressive, respect women a lot and also educated and modern in their mindset....So whenever i see the people of Iran and i really feel that it is political tragedy of the US who think Iran and its people are its enemey and US likes to call some Muslim nations as their friend who are culturally and value system wise are completely opposite to US....This is what i can see the political and diplomatic failure of US and the West in Muslim world...
i thin the best system for muslim country like Iran,Iraq,Saudi arabia,bahrain,egypt or other muslim country in middle east is Malaysia or Brunai System they are Modern & Peacefull Country.............
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