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Is it right to attack South Waziristan now?

Is it right to attack south waziristan now??

  • yes

    Votes: 43 52.4%
  • no

    Votes: 28 34.1%
  • listen to america

    Votes: 5 6.1%
  • after few days

    Votes: 6 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I dont think GOP and PA are ready for attack within next one year, our cities are not fully secured(TTP already started war in cities) , no arrangement had done for IDPs and financial condition for war is in favour.
Securing the cities is not the job of the PA - local law enforcement has to step up, and in Lahore at least did step up.

Nor will the cities aver be secure so long as the TTP and other groups have sanctuaries in FATA and elsewhere.

SW is merely the largest and most dangerous, once that is pacified others will have to be as well.

Local population and majority of Pakistanis are against US drones attackes and even attack on waziristan.
Against US drone attacks yes, but I am not sure how you can conclude it is against the attack on Waziristan, given that the TTP is claiming responsibility for all these terrorist attacks, and the GoP is tying the TTP to these attacks publicly.

In these condition if PA attacked on waziristan chance of success will be very low and their is possibility the fire of war spread in Balouchistan and Punjab and Sindh.
SW has always been a difficult challenge, and it will not become any easier. As for the fire spreading, in case you missed it, it already has spread.

No choice now except to crush terrorist centers in FATA and Punjab, starting with SW.
I dont think we have enough reserve army to control gurrilla war idf started in all parts of Pakistan .
Local LEA's and para-military will be enough, as we saw today. However, we need to continue to build their capacity and make them more potent.

And again, the war has started in all parts of Pakistan, your argument is too late - it is time for Pakistan to respond to that war now.
Thousands flee S Waziristan ahead of offensive

DERA ISMAIL KHAN: Streams of civilians jammed into cars and trucks to flee the militant stronghold of South Waziristan as the government pounded the area with air strikes ahead of an expected ground offensive against the Taliban along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan.

Early Thursday, a suspected US missile strike hit neighboring North Waziristan, killing four alleged militants as the Americans, too, kept up pressure on insurgents in Pakistan’s lawless tribal belt, intelligence officials said.

Bombing runs over suspected militant hide-outs have sharply increased in recent days after a string of bloody attacks on military and civilian targets killed scores of people across Pakistan. Government officials said the wave of terror was forcing them to take the fight to the insurgents’ heartland.

The army, which gave no timeframe for the offensive, has reportedly already sent two divisions totaling 28,000 men and blockaded the region.

Fearing the looming offensive, about 200,000 people have fled South Waziristan since August, moving in with relatives or renting homes in the Tank and Dera Ismail Khan areas, a local government official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

The exodus intensified with the increase in airstrikes in recent days.

Since the weekend, about 80 vehicles a day have been carrying fleeing families past one checkpoint at Chonda on the edge of Dera Ismail Khan, said Naimatullah Khan, a police officer based there.

Police at the isolated checkpoint stopped the departing vehicles Wednesday, checked people’s identification, searched their luggage and frisked some of them. Many of those fleeing had to take circuitous routes over back roads to dodge the military blockade.

Haji Ayub Mehsud, 55, said the increased bombing forced him to flee with his six children.

‘It is difficult for local people to stay there in peace. I had to bring out my family,’ Mehsud told an AP reporter at Chonda.

As of last month, at least 80,000 people had registered with the government as displaced from South Waziristan, said Ariane Rummery, spokeswoman for the UN refugee agency. Government officials say only half of those fleeing the area have bothered to register.

The UN has distributed various types of aid – from kitchen sets to jerry cans – to around 6,500 families and is monitoring the situation, Rummery said.

An offensive in South Waziristan is not expected to create anywhere near the refugee problem the government faced when its Swat Valley offensive earlier this year rapidly displaced 2 million people and forced many into tent camps.

The residents of South Waziristan have had plenty of warning about the expected operation, appear to have places to stay nearby and the region has far fewer residents, with population estimates of around 500,000 before the recent exodus.

The US has encouraged Pakistan to take strong action against insurgents who are using its soil as a base for attacks in Afghanistan, where US troops are bogged down in an increasingly difficult war.

The US has carried out a slew of its own missile strikes in South and North Waziristan over the past year, killing several top militants including Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud.

Pakistani formally protests the missile strikes as violations of its sovereignty, but many analysts believe it has a secret deal with the US allowing them to carry out the strikes.

A push into rugged South Waziristan could be difficult for Pakistan’s army, which was beaten back on three previous offensives into the Taliban heartland there and forced to sign peace deals.—AP:angry::disagree:

Air strikes in South Waziristan kill 17 By Anwarullah Khan and Sailab Mehsud :tup::whistle:

LADDAH/KHAR: Warplanes hit militants’ hideouts and some civilian areas in South Waziristan, leaving 17 militants and some non-combatants dead.

According to sources, two planes bombed militant positions in Saam, Khasura, Spinkai, Gorgoray and Tangi Bazay areas. According to local people, one of the bombs hit a cave-house in Spinkai area, killing one Nekum Khan and eight members of his family and injured six others.

Security officials said the father of local Taliban leader Noor Wali Mehsud was killed when a bomb hit his house. They said the total number of militants killed in the attack could not be ascertained.

Sources said that the number of casualties in the air strikes which started on Tuesday was 26.

The town of Sara Rogha which had almost been destroyed during a military operation last year also came under attack on Wednesday.

Nine people were killed in an attack on Maulvi Khan Sarai on Tuesday. Houses of two tribal elders, Yaqoob Shah and Allauddin Mehsud, were hit in Shinkai Mela.

According to reports reaching here, militants have asked shopkeepers and about 200 people living near Razmak town in North Waziristan to move to safe places.

Thousands of tribal people, it may be mentioned, left the area amid reports of an imminent military offensive in the Mehsud area.

Security forces are reported to be consolidating their positions and moving tanks and heavy artillery towards Makin and Razmak. Troops are also building strategic roads on Mamo mountains. :tup:

In Bajaur, troops have intensified action in Salarzai where air and ground offensive was launched on Monday.

Local people said that troops backed by tanks and artillery entered the area on Wednesday and set up checkpoints. They were received by elders of Salarzai tribe and volunteers of the local lashkar.

Witnesses said that a convoy of more than 80 vehicles had entered Pashet and headed towards Mulla Said and Torget areas.
Elders of Salarzai had been asking the government for some time to send troops to the area and have raised a lashkar against militants.:tup:

Security forces have secured hilltops and other key locations to curtail movement of militants.:tup:

Meanwhile, helicopter gunships attacked militants’ hideouts in Mamond on Wednesday. Five suspected militants were killed and seven others injured. Troops have also claimed destroying several bunkers. :tup:
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POF needs to work two shifts and stock up on the 203 mm rounds.

The gunners should start raining down hell on terrorists like there is no tomorrow!
all , i can say is that, plz stop posting here , that isnt the topic here!
if you want to full fill your crazy , thoughts plz, join QTV or go to teach TTP, by the way if , you so strong with ur "iman" plz go & let terrorists understand the meanings of "ISLAM" & "UMMAHA" & STOP of bieng a "INTERNET PIR", IF you not come back to topic , i will report you!:azn:
dont post hanky ,panky any more!:taz:

Dawat is such a great thing never go wasted , take your time think with cool mind .

What you report that this guy told me about ummah and its meanings, which i dont know .Please go ahead:D

Insurgency in Pakistan is due to ignorance and misunderstanding from both sides .

GOP is supporting US drone attacks in which lot of innocient died , all government official are responsible for this lose also TTP killed many innocient people in suicidel attacks they will get also punishment from Allah.

I am not against operation , but first we have do preparation which is not yet done.

Waziristan is very big area which need large scale operation from three sides but before attack US forces should block Pak Afghan boarder from Afghanistan side, which they have not done.

There is very strong possibility Al Qaeada fighter moved to our cities to sieze the supply line of PA .

Good luck to PA.:pakistan:
There is very strong possibility Al Qaeada fighter moved to our cities to sieze the supply line of PA

Our supply lines are not that weak that some r a t who defactes in the open can just take over them ( this argument is along the same line that our nukes might get 'taken over' )

These attacks that have happened in Pakistan , these have indeed caused loss of life but strategically these are insignificat.

News channels will rant and rave about these since that there job , thats what they get paid for. The terrorists know this that why they call up the news channel whe they are about to do some un-godly deed.
It's a s s pounding time, we need to broaden the airstrikes and open up the artilliary barages day and night. All entry and exit routes should be sealed , a media blackout will help untie the hands of the armed forces.
I think more appropriate title is as follows:

"Is it right to attack indian-backed terrorists in South Waziristan ?"

US playing big game in Afghanistan and India is partner in this US adventure, Indian trained spies are actually providing information to drones to hit the US desired targets.

US on other side putting pressure on PA to start ground offensive for our army is lacking in lot of equipments , which are still awaited.

Same 7th fleet game which never reached in bangladesh if you remember .US will never provide required latest equipment , they just wanted to push PA in a ditch of gurrilla war from where they could never come out.

Second step will be to weaken our cammand and control system , they will inject dollar poision and buying selling will be started, our political system is already weak and corrupt, Mr Zaedari is champian in dealership buisness.

US plan is to isolation balouchistan and FATA from Pakistan and develop and US controlled buffer zone.

Next few weeks are vital , Allah may help PA to foil the US big game.

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look at this and decides what they want to do with muslims world

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if you watch morons like zaid hamid and hamid mir, you will lose touch with common sense and reality. zaid hamid is an ex-jihadi who will try his best to deny other jihadis are the problem and keep blaming israel, zionists, hindu-zionists, sardarjees... we need real political pundits, not nutjobs like him.
maybe ur wrong bcz mayne zid hamid ki he nhi aur b bhut si doc dekhi hai jis may ye bat prob ki hai k 9/11 fake story hai
"That is all what you got from my post..."

Sorrowfully, no.

It is an issue of personal integrity with me. You've openly displayed your values, All-Green, and they're flawed.

What else can explain "milk"?

I'm sorry sir but platitudes about "trust" pale right there in the face of your comment. We HAVE trusted you but it would appear that Steve Coll is correct that America aids the ally of our enemy.

That's MY money and that of my fellow citizens you milk. It is theft under any such definition.

"Milk" us? Why not declare war upon us? That would be right and proper and not nearly so duplicitous.

Right now I am stunned and feel very, very sorry for both you and I. We'll part personal ways here, sir.
US playing big game in Afghanistan and India is partner in this US adventure, Indian trained spies are actually providing information to drones to hit the US desired targets.

US on other side putting pressure on PA to start ground offensive for our army is lacking in lot of equipments , which are still awaited.

Same 7th fleet game which never reached in bangladesh if you remember .US will never provide required latest equipment , they just wanted to push PA in a ditch of gurrilla war from where they could never come out.

Second step will be to weaken our cammand and control system , they will inject dollar poision and buying selling will be started, our political system is already weak and corrupt, Mr Zaedari is champian in dealership buisness.

US plan is to isolation balouchistan and FATA from Pakistan and develop and US controlled buffer zone.

Next few weeks are vital , Allah may help PA to foil the US big game.

Now ! gmm me, you best shot! not just hanky panky! will you!
i can assure you , that enemies of pakistan tried to bust pakistan in the past, & they failed! right remember ISRAELI air attack on KAHOTTA?:lol:

I AM 1000000000000% sure, they will fail this time & soon they will be begging for help, just belive me!:tup:
PAKARMY has its eyes on evry one, & it willnot wait a second to , push a button !;)
let me know you , i went for "DAWAT" HERE in a budhist country, so dont think for other peoples, that they are ignorant about islam.

yes there will be IDPs but , just for once, let me tell you i was been a cover up in afghanistan, the times of SOVIETS & i know , PAKARMY CAN give them what they never thought about.
but plz stop, targeting the current PA & its leadership, just because you listen javeed nasir SHAHIB, you can ask him what was he was doing that time, i mean the time of afghan jihad?
but soon after his retirnce he became "dai"!
bro , dont belive these guys!
oky i still salute gen,ZIA because he did his job, but every COAS has his own probeums & , they all have to listen their, commanders, this goes to GEN . musharaf too, he was a MASTER of deception, & he decepted the world, & made pakistani defence , a untouchable wall, he did that but, as a human he, did some mistakes by not introducing a hard core revolution in pakistan , instead he went for"DEMOCRAZY", for which for he is paying now?:hitwall:
but HIS decicion to make GEN.KIYANI a new COAS, was indeed the most right full & the most patriotic, decicions he made!:azn::tup:

NOW our COAS , is very humble & cool minded man but at the same time A "DEADLY MILITRY STRIKE PLANNER", i can assure you he will going, tomake pakistan,s ENEMIES, a "knockout" for sure.;)
i think PAKARMY is going to hunt down .TTP animals , which they never thought, after all its just belive, right that we muslims have?
so just belive it, someday we will win, for sure!:cheers:
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