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is it possible in near future???????????

Nice thread mate...

Well lets see!

#1 I think Kashmir 'issue' is a bit unclear right now, we have some folks that say it should be part of Pakistan, others saying independent (at least), and some saying that the violence there should stop.

I know many will disagree with me here but... it's far too late to try land grabs. Azad Kashmir has been integrated into Pakistani society very well, and J & K AFAIK has been integrated into Indian society. I'm happy with the borders as they are IF... there is no violence in Kashmir, peace and stability in the region and some ties with India at least.

#2 Strategic alliance? can't tell just yet. It would be nice, I suppose A'stan is just too close to the US right now, ad India doesn't get along too well with Pakistan or China. But I think it's the bitterness is bound to ease as time progresses, we've all been building on trade which is a good first step.

I could see this happening in the future, given that the West is no longer the economic hub of the world, given that India, Pakistan and China can have some sort of understanding and build upon it from there.

#3 I can't tell really, I mean sure you need changes in standard of living and law enforcement.
But if we go back to lets say the 50's and 60's, this stuff was rare in Pakistan, even with people being much worse off then.

I suppose as we progress we may overcome such difficulties, it's bound to ease in any case.

#4 Rule of law? It's likely, with the biggest factor not being standard of law enforcement... but the biggest factor is actually education. If we have an educated populous we have a law abiding populous.

#5 Western influence should fade away as China and India rise. In the future China and India may provide others with what Americans provide, without all the associated problems I guess.

All of them are reasonable points, some we can sure see happening but others are somewhat unclear right now... only time will tell.

first solve the kashmir issue and find peaceful solution according to the wishes of people of kashmir . After that there will be no more issue left between Pak and India , then yes in near future we can think of big cooperation between Pak and India .

how's the idea of making LOC into an international border ? nice confidence measure ain't it ???

later we can discuss Siachen, Sir Creek, dams on rivers in Kashmir etc etc
actually if you look at it objectively , there are no benefits for either side to claim the others Kashmir. the loc turned into the IB is the only way forward.
the rest are small issue with can be worked out.
on the other topic if stepping away from western influence , its more a case of people in the sub continent using them against the other. if we can swallow our egos and work things out between ourself . we can eliminate what ever interference we have by them.
Nice thread mate...

Well lets see!

#1 I think Kashmir 'issue' is a bit unclear right now, we have some folks that say it should be part of Pakistan, others saying independent (at least), and some saying that the violence there should stop.

I know many will disagree with me here but... it's far too late to try land grabs. Azad Kashmir has been integrated into Pakistani society very well, and J & K AFAIK has been integrated into Indian society. I'm happy with the borders as they are IF... there is no violence in Kashmir, peace and stability in the region and some ties with India at least.

#2 Strategic alliance? can't tell just yet. It would be nice, I suppose A'stan is just too close to the US right now, ad India doesn't get along too well with Pakistan or China. But I think it's the bitterness is bound to ease as time progresses, we've all been building on trade which is a good first step.

I could see this happening in the future, given that the West is no longer the economic hub of the world, given that India, Pakistan and China can have some sort of understanding and build upon it from there.

#3 I can't tell really, I mean sure you need changes in standard of living and law enforcement.
But if we go back to lets say the 50's and 60's, this stuff was rare in Pakistan, even with people being much worse off then.

I suppose as we progress we may overcome such difficulties, it's bound to ease in any case.

#4 Rule of law? It's likely, with the biggest factor not being standard of law enforcement... but the biggest factor is actually education. If we have an educated populous we have a law abiding populous.

#5 Western influence should fade away as China and India rise. In the future China and India may provide others with what Americans provide, without all the associated problems I guess.

All of them are reasonable points, some we can sure see happening but others are somewhat unclear right now... only time will tell.


but sir my confusion is that any person no matter how much hate filled he is...im not naming any person or country they are aal but human & its owr nature to work for progress so owr children live a better life than what we had?????????????????

then how come when every body else in the world thinks on those lines whats stopping us ...(south asians) doing the same??????

borders should remain but is it not nesessary that if we are not freinds we cant live as normal naighbours(non enemy)????????

---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------

actually if you look at it objectively , there are no benefits for either side to claim the others Kashmir. the loc turned into the IB is the only way forward.
the rest are small issue with can be worked out.
on the other topic if stepping away from western influence , its more a case of people in the sub continent using them against the other. if we can swallow our egos and work things out between ourself . we can eliminate what ever interference we have by them.

so true we have a perfect case of monkey eating the cake while the cats fight????????
#1 pakistan keeps kashmeer issue on backburner & talks of peace & trade?

There is no "issue" in J&K. The only issue that is there in the state is that it is flooded with traitor writers and so-called "liberal" intellectuals who have no love for their own country. External militants meddled, we sent them packing in match boxes. If Pakistan has anything else to discuss which it doesn't then no point.

If they are willing to move beyond this and forget the past, then we can have a lot of peace and commercial ties.

#2 Afghanista / Pakistan / China & India form a strategic alliance & make the old silk trade route into an energy & transit route all the way from Bangladesh/India/Pakistan/Afghanistan/CAR'sto Europe???????

You're kidding me! :woot:

#3 peole can travel without fear of prosecution & robbery in this regone & this area becomes the most properous area in the world

First we should do that to the eastern and NE India where we don't get robbed, mugged or attacked. Domestic crime level is too high.

#4 rule of law in south & middle asia????

I don't know about Pakistan but in our country, we will have to remove this form of government and rewrite the socialist-nowhere type of sad constitution that we have. Remove 90% of bureaucratic procedures and have a strong central semi-authoritarian regime that is dedicated to the country. Not happening with 552 MPs and three dozen union level political party lunatics looting us day and night.

The supreme committee has to be 28-30 members from each state, with a background outside politics and in management and research aspects.

# last but not the least no room for westrn hegenony????????

What western Hegemony? We are pretty free from any hegemonic forces.
Which game are you playing these days must be a PEACE game , because the game which played HALO even the ALIENS beat the hell out of me and treaty and peace between Asians is not even light year reach.
There is no "issue" in J&K. The only issue that is there in the state is that it is flooded with traitor writers and so-called "liberal" intellectuals who have no love for their own country. External militants meddled, we sent them packing in match boxes. If Pakistan has anything else to discuss which it doesn't then no point.

If they are willing to move beyond this and forget the past, then we can have a lot of peace and commercial ties.

You're kidding me! :woot:

First we should do that to the eastern and NE India where we don't get robbed, mugged or attacked. Domestic crime level is too high.

I don't know about Pakistan but in our country, we will have to remove this form of government and rewrite the socialist-nowhere type of sad constitution that we have. Remove 90% of bureaucratic procedures and have a strong central semi-authoritarian regime that is dedicated to the country. Not happening with 552 MPs and three dozen union level political party lunatics looting us day and night.

The supreme committee has to be 28-30 members from each state, with a background outside politics and in management and research aspects.

What western Hegemony? We are pretty free from any hegemonic forces.

i know what is the main problem but sir we have to start some where or at least think of how to get the job done without loosing owr ground

i thought so aswell but ????????

certainly owr first priority should be north east india , but whats the harm in thnking?????????

certainly with current indian penal code & beurocracy we cant go far , lets keep working in making owr system more clean & transparent as much possible ??????

if we keep workin positivly we might just achive that as well...what say you????????
I don't think Pakistan should be ready to put Kashmir on the back burner.
If we do that and develop normal relations, then we essentially give up our position of leverage on the matter.
If India wants land access to central asia and the west, it has no choice but to go through Pakistan, and we can use that to force India to settle the Kashmir issue.

I don't think we can accept LOC to be permanent borders when Kashmiries are being slaughtered in their homeland.
Indians have no problems supporting Tibet, even thought it is recognized part of China, Pakistan really has no problem supporting Kashmir since it is recognized as a disputed territory.
I don't think Pakistan should be ready to put Kashmir on the back burner.
If we do that and develop normal relations, then we essentially give up our position of leverage on the matter.
If India wants land access to central asia and the west, it has no choice but to go through Pakistan, and we can use that to force India to settle the Kashmir issue.

I don't think we can accept LOC to be permanent borders when Kashmiries are being slaughtered in their homeland.
Indians have no problems supporting Tibet, even thought it is recognized part of China, Pakistan really has no problem supporting Kashmir since it is recognized as a disputed territor

good luck & keep dreaming....???????
I don't think Pakistan should be ready to put Kashmir on the back burner.
If we do that and develop normal relations, then we essentially give up our position of leverage on the matter.
If India wants land access to central asia and the west, it has no choice but to go through Pakistan, and we can use that to force India to settle the Kashmir issue.

I don't think we can accept LOC to be permanent borders when Kashmiries are being slaughtered in their homeland.
Indians have no problems supporting Tibet, even thought it is recognized part of China, Pakistan really has no problem supporting Kashmir since it is recognized as a disputed territory.

mate you are basing your premise on flawed facts . so you got flawed results. try to understand there is no country we haven't wooed and gotten to our side . the support for Kashmir in the UN is non existent . it hasn't been discussed for 45 yrs.
If their is no issue of Kashmir, then:

1. Why BJP was not allowed to host Indian flag in IJK? (BJP yatra stopped at J&K border, Swaraj, Jaitley arrested - Times Of India)

2. Why people in whole of the Kashmir observe black day?

3. Why UN acknowledges Kashmir Dispute?

On the basis of comments posted here, it seems to me that Indians are being indocrinated that their is no issue of Kashmir - it is all Pakistani propaganda. As time is healing old wounds, new generations will forget them. How smart.
First let us make India a better place to live, where no one will sleep with empty stomach. Higher education should be a persons birth right, No f*cking quota in education or jobs, even if it exists it should be given to the poor not some minorities. Better healthcare for everyone.

This is what i want to see, i'm not concerned about normalizing relations with neighbors. We have done well for the past 60 years being their enemies, and we'll continue to do well in the future.
There is only one condition that peace can be achieved in the whole region: All countries should decide based on their own interests and their neighbors,not countries on the other side of the world.All of you know what i mean and today,unfortunately we don't see this happening.
#1 pakistan keeps kashmeer issue on backburner & talks of peace & trade?

#2 Afghanista / Pakistan / China & India form a strategic alliance & make the old silk trade route into an energy & transit route all the way from Bangladesh/India/Pakistan/Afghanistan/CAR'sto Europe???????

#3 peole can travel without fear of prosecution & robbery in this regone & this area becomes the most properous area in the world

#4 rule of law in south & middle asia????

# last but not the least no room for westrn hegenony????????

is it too ambitous or is it Possible ......Kindly Comment Without any prejudice, Thanks again .

Possible when Pakistan and India will leave or event 99% cut American Interference in Pakistan and Israel-American Interference in India...


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