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Is it possible? Bicycling as primary means of transport in Dhaka

Trust me, just simply normal walking is not enough to loose weight! :lol:

One must engage in cardio exercises to actually burn fat. Example are running or even brisk-walking.

By the way, I forgot to mention that places like Gulshan, Baridhara and Uttara have some nice parks!
My Dhanmondi has the nicest lakeside walkway.
My Dhanmondi has the nicest lakeside walkway.
it's more crowded now. Say for example the Robindro Sorobor --this place seems like fair in every evening. After completion of the Hatir Jheel project, you will get a competitor for sure i guess.

I normally use bi-cycle when I go to my hometown. Dhaka is totally not suitable for cyclist. Reasons- road safety, transport management, infrastructure. They need to make it suitable for pedestrian first. Walking is also good exercise ( for short distance travelling).:)
Instead of promoting other stuff your Government should promote use of Condoms, believe me 90% of your issues will get resolved (Poverty, Traffic, Pole vaulting:cheesy: )
Did you even care to look at your own backyard poor guy ??
Everyone knows that. But government doesn't! :lol:

Also, the government receives a lot of tax revenue from the high import duties of cars. They won't easily give up that source of income.

You just said a few posts ago that very few Bangladeshis drive cars. I'm pretty sure the govt would be saving a whole lot more money if traffic wasn't what it is in Dhaka.

Youtube is pointless since its banned here. By this, it's pretty obvious you do not read much into Bangladeshi matters.

It is feasible to ride bikes in streets. But not on main roads or highways. And seriously, you are comparing NYC to Dhaka? LOL....there are good reasons why Dhaka is at the bottom of city rankings.

And again - your third world mentality comes out. NYC is a great city but it is not a great bicycling city. I know it's hard but try to understand subtle nuances.

Do even know what diabetes is? That article you posted is about obesity. So I take that as a no. Diabetes is caused by many sources, such as excessive sugar intake, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and in some rare cases - genetic.

I thought I remembered covering it sometime during medschool - strangely, we were taught here in USA that there's a pretty strong link between Diabetes Type 2 & obesity. You guys must be learning something else in BD.

There are many forms of exercise, not just cycling. And of-course 70% is a matter of diet.

It mostly happens among adults. Among children, it is extremely rare.

No - it's not rare among children. Type 2 DM is growing in kids in USA as children become fatter. If DM2 is growing in fat US-kids, take 1 guess what'll happen to the fat middle-class kids in BD?

Affluent families should be able to afford club membership or a gym. It's a matter of will to maintain a physically fit body. And frankly, due to the poor law & order situation now, affluent families are reluctant to sent their kids out alone. Even during the day.

So what you're advocating in all this is: pay money to a join a club, spend extra time outside of daily schedule to go specifically for exercising... You think that's a better idea than incorporating exercise & fitness into daily commute where you're guaranteed to get exercise...

USA is a country that follows that rule. Compare health & fitness in USA to places like Holland where everyone commutes by bicycle.

Give it up. You're making a stupid argument for no reason other than you can't admit you're wrong.
I also have Bike but only for exercise purpose. I usually ride it in week end during summer time. Other-than that I prefer SUV.

SUV? That's not cool. My dad has to drive his SUV everywhere too. It's part laziness & part immigrant-mentality that bigger cars = status symbol. I'm pretty sure you're an immigrant too. Your kids won't be immigrants though so hopefully, they'll be more conscious of environmental safety.

Bye the way, are you in Manhattan because it's also hell in there. Yellow cab and on going forever not ending construction made it hell there.

It's definitely not boring riding here. The cabbies are vicious.
Pure nonsense Idea. How you plan to carry our Mom, Dad, Aunt, Dada and Dadi. I don't think our Mom would be cycling. Please advise something that will make sense considering over all condition of the country instead of what ever comes in mind.

Bicycles are cheap. The whole family can have 2 or 3 bicycles & each bicycle can easily carry 2 people.

Why can't mom cycle? If old ladies in China are cycling, then why not old ladies in Bangladesh? There's nothing in Islam that says women can't ride bicycles.

Dhaka won't be saved from the wrath of traffic congestion until we decentralized and eliminate rickshaw including auto rickshaw from road. I think mass transit system is better option.

Why is it an either-or? Mass-transit can easily exist with a good bicycle culture. It's not that expensive to support bicycles.

Mass transit system is very important & good option. But I'm guessing you don't live in city with Mass transit - it's pretty slow.

There are lots of videos on youtube from different cities: NYC, Seoul, Beijing - where it's a race between bicycle, car, mass-transit. In distances under 7miles bicycles win no contest.

Here in NY, for me to go from my apt to my hospital (2miles), it's a 30min subway ride. It's 8min by bicycle. I value my time so it's a pretty obvious choice.
I have a Motorcycle & a Bicycle ...
Motorcycle is for long distance ride & Bicycle is for Short distance ride ...

I love ২chakka(2 wheelers),,,mind it...!! :azn: :) :lol: :tup: :lol: :) :azn:

- MHJ ...

Is your bicycle made in Bangladesh? It's very important that you support Bangladeshi-owned manufacturers. For every product out there - if a Bangladeshi version is available, Bangladeshis should buy it first. The quality might not be great but it's important for growth of economy.
You just said a few posts ago that very few Bangladeshis drive cars. I'm pretty sure the govt would be saving a whole lot more money if traffic wasn't what it is in Dhaka.

The main point is that the government earns tax revenue from them.

Just like cigarettes :lol:

And again - your third world mentality comes out. NYC is a great city but it is not a great bicycling city. I know it's hard but try to understand subtle nuances.

Hey troll, I've grown up in over 5 countries during my life. And I have used public transport and even bicycle as a kid without any problem. And yes, my father did have a car which was an option.

So your "third world mentality" rant is moot.

I thought I remembered covering it sometime during medschool - strangely, we were taught here in USA that there's a pretty strong link between Diabetes Type 2 & obesity. You guys must be learning something else in BD.

There is. And I did specify obesity as one of the causes. You are twisting the words of others to suit your agenda.

There's nothing wrong with Bangladeshi education system.

No - it's not rare among children. Type 2 DM is growing in kids in USA as children become fatter. If DM2 is growing in fat US-kids, take 1 guess what'll happen to the fat middle-class kids in BD?

Well, that's too bad for US kids :lol:

Post some statistics regarding diabetes among children in the US, and then you'll have some credibility.

So what you're advocating in all this is: pay money to a join a club, spend extra time outside of daily schedule to go specifically for exercising... You think that's a better idea than incorporating exercise & fitness into daily commute where you're guaranteed to get exercise...

It's an option.

USA is a country that follows that rule. Compare health & fitness in USA to places like Holland where everyone commutes by bicycle.

And Dhaka is Holland? :lol:

Give it up. You're making a stupid argument for no reason other than you can't admit you're wrong.

Then why are you replying?

You just proved yourself that you are nothing more than a snobbish retard who sees the BD education system as "inferior" just because people from there do not agree with ALL of your opinions.

And yes, Al-Zakir was right.

For women in Bangladesh, it is a cultural taboo to ride bicycles. If you want to change that by sitting behind a PC in the US, well good luck with that.

You are nothing more than one of those "my opinions are facts" crowd.
The main point is that the government earns tax revenue from them.

Just like cigarettes :lol:

Hey troll, I've grown up in over 5 countries during my life. And I have used public transport and even bicycle as a kid without any problem. And yes, my father did have a car which was an option.

So your "third world mentality" rant is moot.

Then why don't you act like it? If you've grown up all over the world, then you should realize how important environmental protection is to the world & especially to Bangladesh. Instead you're sitting there poopoo-ing the most environmentally type of transportation known to man.

You want to say that's anything but third world mentality?

There is. And I did specify obesity as one of the causes. You are twisting the words of others to suit your agenda.

There's nothing wrong with Bangladeshi education system.

You're the one who had a problem that I posted a link about obesity & mentioned it in the same sentence as Diabetes.

Well, that's too bad for US kids :lol:

Post some statistics regarding diabetes among children in the US, and then you'll have some credibility.

Diabetes strikes younger and younger - USATODAY.com

Please try to pay attention to WHY Diabetes is growing in US children. Then tell if you can make a correlation with the information about growing obesity in middle-class Bangladeshi families.

And Dhaka is Holland? :lol:

Again. Third world mentality. I compared Holland to USA - Holland is healthier than USA.

Also, Holland put effort into building up its bicycle culture. So did China - that's why people in China & Holland can bicycle safely. So can Bangladesh.

You just proved yourself that you are nothing more than a snobbish retard who sees the BD education system as "inferior" just because people from there do not agree with ALL of your opinions.

I never said Bangladeshi school system is inferior. I was just surprised you didn't seem to get the correlation between Diabetes & obesity ;) It might just be that YOU are inferior.

For women in Bangladesh, it is a cultural taboo to ride bicycles. If you want to change that by sitting behind a PC in the US, well good luck with that.

Bangladesh govt managed to convince a country to drop 6 children per woman to 2.3 children per woman. Even though there were Imams saying birthcontrol is bad.

You are nothing more than one of those "my opinions are facts" crowd.

Here are my opinions:

1. Global warming is a real problem & Bangladesh is most likely to be affected by global warming. So Bangladeshis should be particularly concerned about global warming.
2. Bicycles generate no carbon foot-print & is very good for the environment.
3. Bangladesh has bad traffic problems and a growing # of cars on the roads.
4. Bicycles take up a lot less space and people are healthier when they commute by bicycle.

Ya - I'm pretty sure my opinions are facts. Are you going to try to dispute them?
Then why don't you act like it? If you've grown up all over the world, then you should realize how important environmental protection is to the world & especially to Bangladesh. Instead you're sitting there poopoo-ing the most environmentally type of transportation known to man.

You want to say that's anything but third world mentality?

Now where did I say anything against bicycles? I, like many simply stated the limitations of its use in a city like Dhaka.

Please try to pay attention to WHY Diabetes is growing in US children. Then tell if you can make a correlation with the information about growing obesity in middle-class Bangladeshi families.

I never said Bangladeshi school system is inferior. I was just surprised you didn't seem to get the correlation between Diabetes & obesity ;) It might just be that YOU are inferior.

Here's what your original source said:
Prevalence of obesity among affluent school children in Dhaka.

A cross sectional study was conducted in September 2006 in one of the private schools in Dhaka, Bangladesh to see the prevalence of obesity among affluent school children and adolescents. Informed consent was taken from school authority to take anthropometric measurement of all school children. Standing height was measured with a stadiometer and weight with a bathroom scale. Waist and hip circumference were measured with a measuring tape. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated using weight in kilogram/(height in meter)2 formula. Obesity was defined as BMI&#8805;95th percentile for age and sex, over weight as BMI&#8805;85th percentile for age and sex, normal weight as BMI between 5th and 84th percentile and underweight as BMI <5th percentile. Official centers for disease control (CDC) growth chart for boys and girls age 2-20 years was used. Children and adolescents were divided into group 1(3-5 years), Group 2(6-9years), group 3(10-13 years) and group 4(14-18 years). There were a total of 468 children and adolescents (male 266, female 202). In group 1 there were 110 children, in group 2 there were177 children, in group 3 and 4 there were 149 and 32 adolescents respectively. The prevalence of obesity was 17.9%, higher among males (19.9%), compared to females (15.3%). Obesity was highest (27.7%) in group 2, 14.5% in group 1, 10.7% in group 3 and 9.4% in group 4.

Now where does it say about diabetes? The report is about obesity.

And this report is about affluent families. Not middle-class. It just shows you couldn't even differentiate between middle class and upper class.

And yes, I did imply a correlation between diabetes and obesity.
Diabetes is caused by many sources, such as excessive sugar intake, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and in some rare cases - genetic.

The abstract doesn't take into account the issue of diabetes. And answers that the research questions seeks to are very specific.

Bangladesh govt managed to convince a country to drop 6 children per woman to 2.3 children per woman. Even though there were Imams saying birthcontrol is bad.

Sources please.

Here are my opinions:

1. Global warming is a real problem & Bangladesh is most likely to be affected by global warming. So Bangladeshis should be particularly concerned about global warming.
2. Bicycles generate no carbon foot-print & is very good for the environment.
3. Bangladesh has bad traffic problems and a growing # of cars on the roads.
4. Bicycles take up a lot less space and people are healthier when they commute by bicycle.

Ya - I'm pretty sure my opinions are facts. Are you going to try to dispute them?

And just how big is Bangladesh's carbon footprint? Last time I checked, Bangladesh's carbon footprint per capita is 0.36 compared to China's and America's 5.83 and 14.19 respectively.
World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest | Environment | guardian.co.uk

It's the rich countries that matter. Not the poor. Why not ask your American friends to go ride around bicycles? Or are you too afraid?

And no, your keyboard fighting skills are not enough to make me or any of us go all the way to Gulshan, Baridhara, Motijheel by bicycle all the way from Uttara (in my case).

Your opinions are your opinions.
Now where did I say anything against bicycles? I, like many simply stated the limitations of its use in a city like Dhaka.

They're much more useful in a city like Dhaka than anywhere else because the congestion is so bad. They fly through traffic and once you know how to ride safely, they're not much more dangerous compared to walking. You don't have to believe me - you can talk to actual people in Dhaka who commute by bicycle.

It's a group of >5000 people in Bangladesh - they're called BDCyclists.

Here's what your original source said:

Now where does it say about diabetes? The report is about obesity.

And this report is about affluent families. Not middle-class. It just shows you couldn't even differentiate between middle class and upper class.

And yes, I did imply a correlation between diabetes and obesity.

The abstract doesn't take into account the issue of diabetes. And answers that the research questions seeks to are very specific.

And now you're contradicting yourself. First you say you see the relationship between obesity and diabetes. Then you ask me why I'm mentioning diabetes when the article talks about obesity only.

so... do you see the correlation or not?

Sources please.
It's not hard to find:

Bangladesh, Still Poor, Cuts Birth Rate Sharply - New York Times

Apparently, Bangladesh govt blocked google on your computer along with youtube.

And just how big is Bangladesh's carbon footprint? Last time I checked, Bangladesh's carbon footprint per capita is 0.36 compared to China's and America's 5.83 and 14.19 respectively.
World carbon dioxide emissions data by country: China speeds ahead of the rest | Environment | guardian.co.uk

You should say "Thank god" that Bangladesh's carbon footprint is that small because Bangladesh is the 5th most vulnerable country to natural disasters. But your carbon foot-print is big for a Bangladeshi - you have a personal responsibility & you can't just say "Oh - my country's footprint is small so I'm going to ride around in a car, add to traffic, add to pollution. And complain about how the govt isn't doing city planning."

It's the rich countries that matter. Not the poor. Why not ask your American friends to go ride around bicycles? Or are you too afraid?

Most of my friends work at my hospital - they live close by. NONE (that's 0) of them drive cars. Some ride bicycles. Most depend on the buses. I tell the bus users they're stupid for wasting so much of their time but atleast they're only hurting themselves & not everyone else by using cars.

And no, your keyboard fighting skills are not enough to make me or any of us go all the way to Gulshan, Baridhara, Motijheel by bicycle all the way from Uttara (in my case).

You haven't been paying attention. Refer to earlier posts. I advocate bicycles for distances less than 8-10miles.

If it's >8-10miles, it makes sense to take a bus or other mass transport system because at that point, you'd get wherever you're going sweaty.

I'm sure that you're also traveling shorter distances & you're probably getting around by car. I'm also pretty sure you're the person sitting in the car complaining about how bad traffic is when other modes of transportation exist.

Your opinions are your opinions.

Really? My opinions aren't facts? So now you're disputing global warming, health-benefits of bicycle commuting, bad traffic situation in Bangladesh etc... Just to reiterate: my opinions:

1. Global warming is a real problem & Bangladesh is most likely to be affected by global warming. So Bangladeshis should be particularly concerned about global warming.
2. Bicycles generate no carbon foot-print & is very good for the environment.
3. Bangladesh has bad traffic problems and a growing # of cars on the roads.
4. Bicycles take up a lot less space and people are healthier when they commute by bicycle.

Please - enlighten me about how these opinions aren't facts ; ) I'd love to see this.
No one is forcing you not to go around a bicycle in Dhaka. But you forcing your opinions on others. And frankly, that makes you look an idiot.

Yes, I have seen those cyclists in Bangladesh. They never go around highways. Only in roads.

And yes, I do travel long and short distances in my car with my family. Do you seriously think my mother or even my father would ride a bike?

Keep deluding yourself mate.
They're much more useful in a city like Dhaka than anywhere else because the congestion is so bad. They fly through traffic and once you know how to ride safely, they're not much more dangerous compared to walking. You don't have to believe me - you can talk to actual people in Dhaka who commute by bicycle.

It's a group of >5000 people in Bangladesh - they're called BDCyclists.

And now you're contradicting yourself. First you say you see the relationship between obesity and diabetes. Then you ask me why I'm mentioning diabetes when the article talks about obesity only.

so... do you see the correlation or not?

It's not hard to find:

Bangladesh, Still Poor, Cuts Birth Rate Sharply - New York Times

Apparently, Bangladesh govt blocked google on your computer along with youtube.

You should say "Thank god" that Bangladesh's carbon footprint is that small because Bangladesh is the 5th most vulnerable country to natural disasters. But your carbon foot-print is big for a Bangladeshi - you have a personal responsibility & you can't just say "Oh - my country's footprint is small so I'm going to ride around in a car, add to traffic, add to pollution. And complain about how the govt isn't doing city planning."

Most of my friends work at my hospital - they live close by. NONE (that's 0) of them drive cars. Some ride bicycles. Most depend on the buses. I tell the bus users they're stupid for wasting so much of their time but atleast they're only hurting themselves & not everyone else by using cars.

You haven't been paying attention. Refer to earlier posts. I advocate bicycles for distances less than 8-10miles.

If it's >8-10miles, it makes sense to take a bus or other mass transport system because at that point, you'd get wherever you're going sweaty.

I'm sure that you're also traveling shorter distances & you're probably getting around by car. I'm also pretty sure you're the person sitting in the car complaining about how bad traffic is when other modes of transportation exist.

Really? My opinions aren't facts? So now you're disputing global warming, health-benefits of bicycle commuting, bad traffic situation in Bangladesh etc... Just to reiterate: my opinions:

Please - enlighten me about how these opinions aren't facts ; ) I'd love to see this.

I have seen a cyclist being run over by a bus and the bus fled. You have all valid and nice points, you will make a great tree hugging cyclist in Bangladesh. Enjoy your bike and i will enjoy my car. Thank you, i'll get my coat.
The quality might not be great but it's important for growth of economy.

What do you mean?!

Made in Bangladesh Bicycles...
Price: 5,000tk to 1,50,000tk...
Meghna Group Bangladesh produces most of them ...

Meghna Group BD Ltd produces bicycle since 1980.
Raleigh, Coyote & Diamondback are UK 's brand & GB cycles is Germany 's Brand ... These are made in Bangladesh.

Trust me bro...Bangladesh makes world class bicycles ...

Please click on these links:

Link 1: https://www.facebook.com/gsimpexbicycle/photos_albums

Link 2: https://www.facebook.com/LionCycle/photos_albums

Link 3: https://www.facebook.com/NawabCycle/photos_albums

Link 4: https://www.facebook.com/nazmulcyclestore/photos_albums

Link 5: https://www.facebook.com/CycleLife.Exclusive/photos_albums

Link 6: https://www.facebook.com/BicycleLoversBd/photos_albums

Link 7: need more?!

- MHJ ...
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