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Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

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GopalP, could you please provide me the source of your crap? when I say source, I would expect something from the US.

Your India brainwashing media is in general regarded as a 3rd class news source and is already being questioned by media in other countries.

Please don't feed us such crap, please don't spam on this forum. We free people want news from the free media, not your India brainwashing ones.

thanks, but no India news source please.

You want INDIA to attack PAKISTAN

so lets GO ON

we are ready to die

But your all major Cities will be WIPE out of the MAP ..

We'll test the Thermonuclear devices on all your MAJOR cities ...
i responded to the post above hold your guns.. you speak of war as though its a joke.. realise the consequences.. thermo nuclear weapons it takes responsable nations to use them as the ultimate weapons.. not for political positioning,,
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Political and economic realities mean there is little chance of a military standoff or full-blown war between the longtime rivals, analysts say.

By Henry Chu and Laura King
December 6, 2008

Reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan, and New Delhi -- Hostility between India and Pakistan is at its worst in years, but tensions stemming from last week's terrorist attacks in Mumbai are unlikely to bloom into full-blown war between the nuclear-armed rivals -- at least for now, according to analysts on both sides of the border.

Indian authorities say that the gunmen who rampaged through luxury hotels and other crowded sites in Mumbai, leaving more than 170 people dead, were trained and guided by the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba. New Delhi has angrily demanded that Islamabad turn over leaders of Lashkar and officials have pointedly refused to rule out military action, warning that they reserved the right to protect Indian territory "with all the means at our disposal."

But a combination of new political and economic realities, U.S. pressure and perhaps some lessons learned in the past have inhibited a rush to open conflict.

Any war would be financially devastating, especially at a time of worldwide economic downturn. India's economic juggernaut has lost some steam; and even more dire, Pakistan has had to appeal to the International Monetary Fund to keep its economy afloat. Foreign investment in both countries, which fled during a 2001-02 standoff, would vanish once again in the event of an armed clash.

"No one can afford it," said Abhay Matkar, a former Indian army major in Mumbai. "Both countries are not ready for war, and it will not happen."

Ayesha Tammy Haq, a popular talk-show host in Pakistan, questioned whether Pakistan's armed forces were even prepared militarily for a war, conventional or otherwise.

"We've had decades of propaganda about how strong we are, but we can't win a war," Haq said. "We have an army that's fat, not a well-oiled fighting machine."

Another factor leading to the relatively restrained response may be the lessons learned from a somewhat similar attack seven years ago this month -- an incident that some say almost led both countries to press the nuclear button.

On Dec. 13, 2001, a group of gunmen stormed the Indian Parliament complex in New Delhi and came close to killing the high-ranking lawmakers inside. When the gun battle was over, a dozen people lay dead, including the five assailants and six security personnel.

India also blamed that attack on Pakistani Islamic extremists, allegedly abetted by their country's powerful intelligence agency. Within days, India lashed back by deploying the first of hundreds of thousands of troops along its border with Pakistan, which promptly followed suit.

The military standoff lasted for months before intense international diplomacy helped dissuade the archrivals from launching their fourth war in 55 years.

Though the number of dead in last week's coordinated assault in Mumbai was more than 10 times that of the 2001 attack, the Indian government has shown no signs this time of moving soldiers closer to Pakistan, despite some public pressure for hard-fisted action.

Part of India's forbearance, some analysts say, is because it ultimately gained little from the 2001-02 military faceoff. A peace process initiated in 2003 has improved the air somewhat, but real progress toward resolving the dispute over Kashmir, the divided Himalayan region that lies at the heart of the two countries' animus, has been fitful and elusive.

"The step taken in 2001 and 2002 was not the wisest. Maybe they learned from that," said Ved Marwah, an expert on Indo-Pakistani relations at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi.

The political actors on both sides of the divide are also different this time around. In 2001, Pakistan was ruled by a military dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who was forced to step down this year as the nation's president and was replaced by an elected president, Asif Ali Zardari.

Although Zardari's clout is weak and the military remains Pakistan's most powerful government entity, there is a sense in New Delhi that perhaps he ought to be granted some time to muster a satisfactory response. Zardari has so far denied that the Mumbai attacks were launched from Pakistani soil, but promised to act if his nation received solid proof.

"Here is a civilian leader who's saying all the right things, so we should give him a chance. It's the right thing from the Indian side," said C. Raja Mohan, an Indian security analyst based in Singapore. "If anyone thinks it's going to be the same script [as 2001-02], they'll be mistaken."

Likewise, the Hindu nationalist party that governed India during the previous crisis is no longer in power. Since 2004, the prime minister has been the bookish, mild-mannered economist Manmohan Singh, whose Congress Party espouses a pluralist, secular society.

With national elections due by May, Singh and other Congress Party leaders know that a war with Pakistan would cost them votes among the Muslims in India who form an important bloc of support for their party.

Another source of pressure on India and Pakistan is the United States, which was also instrumental in ending the previous standoff.

On a hastily planned visit to both countries this week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told Pakistan that the U.S. expected "robust" action to help bring the plotters of the Mumbai attacks to justice.

At the same time, she warned India not to do anything that might produce "unintended consequences" -- chief of which, to Washington, is a military buildup or maneuver that would cause Pakistan to divert its resources from fighting Taliban and Al Qaeda militants on its rugged western border, who regularly launch attacks on U.S. forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

Singh's government has made better relations with Washington a key element of its foreign-policy agenda and would be loath to sacrifice those gains.

"Before India takes any precipitate step, India has to consider what is the international context," said Mohan, the analyst. "They don't want to do something that will make immediate problems for the U.S."

Analysts stress that, despite the various constraints on a military flare-up in South Asia, the situation is, by nature, volatile enough that anything could happen. If India suffered another attack by militants believed to originate in Pakistan, for example, all bets would be off.

But forgoing overt military action for the time being does not have to mean sitting idle, analysts note.

The Indian security establishment could intensify covert actions to destabilize Pakistan's military. New Delhi could also try to marshal support from other nations to bring suspected militant groups in Pakistan under international inspection, or to reduce the billions of dollars in financial aid that Pakistan has received from countries such as the United States.

"I don't think a full-scale war is on the cards. . . . There's a huge amount of strategic space for India to act" without resorting to out-and-out armed conflict, said G. Parthasarathy, who was India's top envoy to Pakistan from 1998 to 2000 and is now an independent analyst.

"The response of mobilizing troops as we did in 2001 was, to my mind, a reaction relevant to that time," Parthasarathy said. "But things have moved on. Nothing is static in a country's affairs, including its strategies. We'll have to wait and see."

You want INDIA to attack PAKISTAN

so lets GO ON

we are ready to die

But your all major Cities will be WIPE out of the MAP ..

We'll test the Thermonuclear devices on all your MAJOR cities ...

stay calm mate, they don,t have balls to attack us
stay calm mate, they don,t have balls to attack us

Exactly... warna kar chukey hotey abhi na!

When some warmongering indians talk of war they do it best hiding behind a personal computer and that is basically their "War"... lol. This i know f4m personal experiance. I even got death threats from hindu fanatics on ytube but they dont have the balls to show themselves and face me. They just keep moaning frm the other side about Islam and Pakistan and how they know you. lol.

Therefore the lesson here is when an Indian fanatic says something he is either lying or using the fact that he is behind his computer to his or her advantage. In the end if he hears ur name he will start chasing after someone else with the same name... So stay calm! :agree:

However i do admit... they are very confident... as if they know that someone is not tracking their own *** i'll give them that! Where does that confidence come from? Ny ideas?
You don't have balls to stop Americans from using drone attacks. When you can stop them, then talk to us.

Me thinks that the Mumbai 'drones' did a far better job on ground than the US Reaper's or any other UCAV at any time of the day! And yes! the entire world watched & saw the 'balls' of the so-called Indian Special Forces making a fool of themselves and becoming a laughing stock of the military community!
Indian Special Forces making a fool of themselves and becoming a laughing stock of the military community!

The only one making a fool of himself with senseless talk is you!

Many senior Pakistani members who actually know of such things have appreciated the effort and they know what it takes and what difficulties are involved.

Obviously not true for the likes of you. You are an armchair soldier and that doesn't count in the real world.
The only one making a fool of himself with senseless talk is you!

Many senior Pakistani members who actually know of such things have appreciated the effort and they know what it takes and what difficulties are involved.

Obviously not true for the likes of you. You are an armchair soldier and that doesn't count in the real world.

Can you please specify what is a ''senior Pakistani member"?? :crazy:

Seems like the damage by the Mumbai Mow Down is not limited to Mumbai but to the Indian mentality too! :hitwall:

The 10 teenagers were also armchair soldiers and look what they did to your Mumbai!

If you do not have the words to express yourself, its best to sometimes just SHUT THE F**K UP! :wave:
You don't have balls to stop Americans from using drone attacks. When you can stop them, then talk to us.

that is politicians weakness,the air force is ready to take down drones.
then talk to us,:lol: we are talking to you infact entire pakistan is united if you do something silly. 70 lakh tribesmen are ready
Exactly... warna kar chukey hotey abhi na!

When some warmongering indians talk of war they do it best hiding behind a personal computer and that is basically their "War"... lol. This i know f4m personal experiance. I even got death threats from hindu fanatics on ytube but they dont have the balls to show themselves and face me. They just keep moaning frm the other side about Islam and Pakistan and how they know you. lol.

Therefore the lesson here is when an Indian fanatic says something he is either lying or using the fact that he is behind his computer to his or her advantage. In the end if he hears ur name he will start chasing after someone else with the same name... So stay calm! :agree:

However i do admit... they are very confident... as if they know that someone is not tracking their own *** i'll give them that! Where does that confidence come from? Ny ideas?

I agree that the Indians will not prefer a war because they will be thrown further back in the stone-age compared to us. They have a lot more to loose as was done in 2001 when a group of major Indian businessmen from Mumbai and other city had met with the PM then and asked him to back down as the nuke stand-off was causing huge losses to them in shape of fleeing investors etc. Its Indian mentality to fret and fume first, when snubbed they get into a self-hallucinatory shell. However, history has also shown that you should never turn your back ever to them because that is the time they intend to stab you in the back.

The confidence that you refer to is again a self-induced spell of hallucination to the Indian mindset of being on the verge of a super power. This hallucination is being induced by the likes of the US and the west to prep India against the unchallenged dominance of China in the region.

And as the age old saying of the sub continent goes BAGHAL MEIN CHURI MOUN PAY RAM RAM! (Carrying a knife in the arm pit while reciting peaceful hymns) is perfectly applicable in this case also.

Lastly, again agreed that the Indians may be tech-saavy but that does not necessarily makes them superior in any way in today's world.
guyss check this out.. a must see vdo...indian politicians exposed..

they all were involved in gujraat incident!!!

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Can you please specify what is a ''senior Pakistani member"?? :crazy:

In this case it was X-Man. See his posts:



He actually seems to know what he talking of. Rather unlike your kind!

Seems like the damage by the Mumbai Mow Down is not limited to Mumbai but to the Indian mentality too! :hitwall:

The 10 teenagers were also armchair soldiers and look what they did to your Mumbai!

If you do not have the words to express yourself, its best to sometimes just SHUT THE F**K UP! :wave:

You are not a Mod or Admin here. If you were, this forum would be screwed.

So keep your pathetic comments and thorough incompetence to yourself.
In this case it was X-Man. See his posts:



He actually seems to know what he talking of. Rather unlike your kind!

You are not a Mod or Admin here. If you were, this forum would be screwed.

So keep your pathetic comments and thorough incompetence to yourself.

Tut! Tut! the incoherent BAK BAK in your post shows your current state-of-mind! Get some serious help for yourself and your countrymen!

Israeli's are also reeling in pain knowing that their citizens died because of your special forces incompetence!

Lastly, the only people seemingly 'screwed' by a bunch of novice gun totters are your scared relatives in Mumbai! :rofl:
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