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Is India the home of World's 2nd largest Muslim population?

The largest population of Hindus and The second largest population of Muslims living and thriving together ...

The premise that goes against forecasts advocates of Tow Nation Theory who propounded that Muslims can not live with Hindus peacefully and so Muslims need home of their own ....

Go to UP and kashmir please and live in muslim majority areas. You will get the point.
it is true. Muslim population is growing more. many places in my area of Kerala(central Kerala) which were once villages of hindu/syrianchristian settlements are now mappila(shafite sunni)'s equalling numbers. however, my muslim friends they have only 1-2 kids these days. they were overpopulating for decades for sure, that's why they made inroads to rural villages rather than city's and major towns which were there strongholds in Kerala.
one practice is, I believe common in other parts of India too is, once Muslims comes and settles, build masjids and starts Baank 5 times, Hindus,Christians will leave that place. secularism- yes, but don't want to live in a muslim area among them. this is not hatred. but uncomfort. :)
is not india too populated too?

It is, unfortunately. Both you and I know the negative consequences of overpopulation. Bangladesh is even more overpopulated.

However, Pakistan is just barely managing it, I think we're not quite into that red zone yet, so we need to start doing something about it know. Otherwise by 2050 Pakistan's population will reach 300-400 million!

Islamic Republic of India. Does that sound good to you? Soon we will all be wearing topia and praying West. They have their own countries pakistan and bangladesh, so why don't they leave?

Can 11 % of a nations population make such a difference ?
Nepal also has a growing Muslim population who are mostly from Bihar and are involved in criminal activities.
They are stereotyped as sexually devious and most rapes in the country are done by Muslims.
One of them made a comment on my cousin and my uncle beat the shit out of him.:P

what were you doing when your uncle was beating him ? LoL
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Sunni muslims are feared by others except militant Hindu groups. commoners stay away from them. they are not minority anymore. remember the Azad maidan rioting(Bombay)? NorthEasterners fled for months after Muslim veiled threats against them a year back. don't consider 19-22crore muslims as minority.

real minorities are Christians, Sikhs, Parsis etc.
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.
No one is going to exterminate anyone, even if India wanted too, Muslims in India have a tendency to fight back with brutal results for both sides unlike the Jews.
Sunni muslims are feared by others except militant Hindu groups. commoners stay away from them. they are not minority anymore. real minorities are Christians, Sikhs, Parsis etc.
But militant Hindu groups have blanket eyewash from prospective rulers.. and you telling me that ALL Sunni Muslims are dangerous?

No one is going to exterminate anyone, even if India wanted too, Muslims in India have a tendency to fight back with brutal results for both sides unlike the Jews.
The fight back may not work out well for Muslims. After all, the Serbs were succeeding against the Bosnian Muslims.. whats to stop the same happening in India?
Perhaps not , but 11% can easily be exterminated much like the Jews under Nazi Germany..
Opinions on this thread reflect such mentality growing.

Very good point.

But that one poster forms 0.00000000000037% of Indian population. So saying that his opinion 'reflects' any kind of mentality probably dosnt make much sense, does it?
The fight back may not work out well for Muslims. After all, the Serbs were succeeding against the Bosnian Muslims.. whats to stop the same happening in India?
I'm not familiar with Bosnian Muslims but in India people are generally fearful of Sunni Muslims. They have a reputation. Look at the statistics from any communal riot and they took there fair share of victims.

And Indians in general don't look at everything through religious lenses anyway, most Indians would rather get on with their own lives then commit genocide against Muslims lol.
Nothing to be proud of.

Yes, India is home to all religions, it has the largest Hindu and the 2end largest Muslim population....

Proves the 2 nations theory wrong.

+6 decades and we still stand as one nation

Jai Hind!

Nothing to be proud of.

You dont understand India, this country is not a theocratic backward state made for one particular religion... By comments like these you are offending millions of proud Indian Muslims who have served the nation, may it be in the military, civilian services, economy, politics etc etc.... Abdul Kalam (father of India`s missile arsenal), M.H. Premj (Lead figure in one of India`s biggest MNCs) are just two of them who have done more for the nation than you will do in your entire life by writing BS on PDF Mr. Keyboardwarrior.
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Very good point.

But that one poster forms 0.00000000000037% of Indian population. So saying that his opinion 'reflects' any kind of mentality probably dosnt make much sense, does it?
It only takes one Hitler with his cabal.

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