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Is India Stealing Pakistan’s Water?

If not I hope India did! They stole "pakistan" from India in 1947. Time to return favor. But the article says we don't. Too bad
lets scrap the indus treaty and make a new treaty which will offer them 30% or less(like we offered BD in Teesta water sharing treaty)..take it or leave it..its time to give Hafiz Saeed and Lal topi a reality check and a scope to declare of "gwaza e hind"(or whatever $h!t it was)... :yay:

Maybe you can tell me, why you guys lost all your arbitration cases before the international court???

If you guys had any merit in your arguments then you would have won all of them. So, in international arena you have to present your case on merit, not emotional appeal and name calling.

Do you guys even maintain records as to how much water flows in each of these rivers?? As part of the treaty your Indus water commissioners are allowed to inspect water flows in india. In fact only recently a three member team visited Jhelum river near Srinagar.
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The Indus water deal is anyway too generous to Pakistan, its time to renegotiate the deal
From all the discussion I have seen on this issue, Pakistan seems more afraid of India building the capability to turn of water. The sane ones in Pakistan don't want us to have the capability even though it is legal. Now it is impossible for us to generate run of the river projects without building that turn water off capability. More over why should we not. The Pakistanis have not been kind or friendly atleast neutral. They have always been keen on hurting us. So the ability we have/will have is utterly frightening to them.

The insane ones ofcourse want us to roll over and die.
Is India Stealing Pakistan’s Water?

India is also stealing excise duty... and eating roads build by taking loans from IMF and debt being return by taking taxes from Pakistanis.

Any denials?
India is also stealing excise duty... and eating roads build by taking loans from IMF and debt being return by taking taxes from Pakistanis.

Any denials?

I can deny or accept only if your sentence makes any sense..
India is also stealing excise duty... and eating roads build by taking loans from IMF and debt being return by taking taxes from Pakistanis.

Any denials?

Cry us a river if you must. Might help out with the situation. Despite on the record statements by the very lawyer who represented them recently on the same matter at the ICC some people never learn. Either the best lawyer they could find is a retard or their government has set a new standard in imbecility.

cry you a river huh?, when did indians start listening to justin thimberlake?

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