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Is FATA a Colony of Pakistan?

I think punjab and baluchistan should also be broken into more provinces.. for the sake of better gvernance !

I think punjab and baluchistan should also be broken into more provinces.. for the sake of better gvernance !
It is not an exaggerated question at all if asked by a person who hails from and lives in FATA.
It is an adequate term to describe the plight and the series of agonies, the people of FATA are facing, for the last 66 years. Sword is not used in modern warfare just because it does not fulfill the requirements of present day warfare.
The legal and administrative systems applicable in a population of 5 millions are as anachronistic as a sword in modern warfare. FCR, a legal and administrative system is one such example that set apart FATA from the rest of the country.
A Political Agent, head of a tribal region exercise extensive executive and judicial powers that at certain circumstances cannot be revised even by a regular court of law, which is at all costs the negation of the basic human rights.
An experimental laboratory animal is entitled for certain basic rights in the world of global village of 20th millennium but the tribal men, the devoted guardian of Pakistan’s 2500 miles Durand Line are deprived of the same basic human rights.
The per capita public development expenditure is shockingly low, one third of the national average. Social development indicators are worse from the day zero. The overall literacy rate is 17.42% compared to 56% nationally.
FATA has a per doctor rate of 1:6,762 compared to the national 1:1,359. Most locals depend on agriculture since there is no industrial development.
The Peshawar High Court Chief Justice Remarks that tribal areas were being treated like the British colonies are historic and self-explanatory forever.
We demand of government that the FATA forum convention three recommendations, calling for extending the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Peshawar High Court to FATA, separating judiciary and executive in the tribal areas and enforcing the fundamental rights provided by the Constitution of 1973 be extended to bleeding FATA without any query and further delay.
Dr Mukhtar Ali
Kurram Agency

Is FATA a Colony of Pakistan?

Mr. Mukhtar Ali.. you shall write letter to Asif Ali Zardari to attach it to Dehli.
I think punjab and baluchistan should also be broken into more provinces.. for the sake of better gvernance !

I think punjab and baluchistan should also be broken into more provinces.. for the sake of better gvernance !

I agree! Sindh too. On admin level it makes perfect sense.

Look at Türkiye go see how many provinces there are. They have their issues but the governance is years ahead of ours
Whats up with this forum? Here and there a pakified pathan pops up and try to convince us that he is more loyal to master than master himself. Is that what they teach you in schools that pashtun nationalism is product of marxism? Zarrgaya pashtun nationalism dates back to time when pashtun as identity came into being for the first time, when pashto came into being four thousands years ago ...sher shah suri was pashtun nationalist, so were khushal baba, mirwais neku and ahmad shah baba.
I dont need your permission to talk about tribals of FATA from a sell out, enslaved man...some wise person has said,

Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave , not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one's existence. ¡±

See now the funny thing is you are calling him a slave?

Afghanistan has been invaded by 26 countries, you are a colony. You can't choose your leader, if you look funny you will be shot like a dog by NATO. So you are a slave, not him.

There's plenty of freedom here, there's plenty of nuclear bombs, plenty of fighter jets to protect us. No army is invading us. That's true freedom.

You are a young man, sitting in England, disgruntled with your identity. You are unhappy your country is being pillaged and destroyed and controlled. Worst of all there is nothing you can do about it. So you read some literature of extremist websites and come on here to sow discourse amongst Pakistanis to make yourself feel better.

Fact of the reality is my lost brother, NATO are here to rule you forever, and that is the story of Afghanistan.
I believe it is high time that we integrate FATA into our mainstream politics and society. Ideally, we should declare FATA a new province or semi-autonomous province like G-B. Introduce highly organised civil infrastructure and allow the tribal spirit to fully embrace and contribute to being Pakistani!
Whats up with this forum? Here and there a pakified pathan pops up and try to convince us that he is more loyal to master than master himself. Is that what they teach you in schools that pashtun nationalism is product of marxism? Zarrgaya pashtun nationalism dates back to time when pashtun as identity came into being for the first time, when pashto came into being four thousands years ago ...sher shah suri was pashtun nationalist, so were khushal baba, mirwais neku and ahmad shah baba.
I dont need your permission to talk about tribals of FATA from a sell out, enslaved man...some wise person has said,

Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave , not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one's existence. ¡±

Sir, the same logic applies to all ethnic groups. For example, I am Punjabi and I feel pride on that. I read and perceive Punjab as an ancient culture apart from the present nation-state paradigm. However, this is confined to history and culture. When the current affairs come I am a Pakistani, similar is the case with Paktuns.They have an affinity for the common history shared with Afghanis but whence it comes to nationhood, they are Pakistanis. You'd see that over here. Our military has a high history of Pakhtun warriors. The discourse that you lodge in creates nothing but tensions amongst the Pakistani and Afghani peoples. Both of our nations are post-colonial and thus we inherit a lot of mess and mistakes but that does not mean we start to undo what we have, rather we should adapt.

I agree! Sindh too. On admin level it makes perfect sense.

Look at Türkiye go see how many provinces there are. They have their issues but the governance is years ahead of ours

Agreed we should look for more provinces but not just in Punjab and Balochistan but I think that KPK and Sindh would benefit too if it is done right.
Whats up with this forum? Here and there a pakified pathan pops up and try to convince us that he is more loyal to master than master himself.]

Pashtuns in Pakistan are the true masters, Considering their population ratio, they dominate military and bureaucracy in the Federal government. They have their own assembly and elected government in KPK.

In Sindh they used to be second class citizens in Karachi. Not anymore. They can face off the MQM goons with no issues at all.

Show me one area of Afghanistan that has given any such control to Pashtuns. Even in Kandhar, NA soldiers roam around like they are two bosses.

How many elected Pashtun are running southern heartland?


unlike Pashtuns in Afghanistan who are slaves to Northern Alliance,

and thus yell and scream like a village woman at anyone who is doing better than them.

Pathetic, that 40 years of war has NOT taught you sir to think like a progressive and forward looking person.

Still yelling like a village mai.

Whats up with this forum? Here and there a pakified pathan pops up and try to convince us that he is more loyal to master than master himself. Is that what they teach you in schools that pashtun nationalism is product of marxism? Zarrgaya pashtun nationalism dates back to time when pashtun as identity came into being for the first time, when pashto came into being four thousands years ago ...sher shah suri was pashtun nationalist, so were khushal baba, mirwais neku and ahmad shah baba.
I dont need your permission to talk about tribals of FATA from a sell out, enslaved man...some wise person has said,

Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave , not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one's existence. ¡±

Spoken word by word, bit by bit - like a true Internet afghan!

You forgot to mention "dal khor", khar bachya

"Pashtun nationalism" hasn't existed since the late 1960s and 70s. Why should we need it anyways when Pakhtuns already have a base in our north. We don't need afghan Farsi/darri speakers to lecture us on Pashtunisms - given we have more in Pakistan than there are in your country.

As I said - speak for yourself only. Don't speak on our behalf. And don't call us slaves when your country is led by the biggest slave in the world, getting pushed around, and having money thrown at by different countries and their intelligence agencies (while non afghans protect Kabul)
Whats up with this forum? Here and there a pakified pathan pops up and try to convince us that he is more loyal to master than master himself. Is that what they teach you in schools that pashtun nationalism is product of marxism? Zarrgaya pashtun nationalism dates back to time when pashtun as identity came into being for the first time, when pashto came into being four thousands years ago ...sher shah suri was pashtun nationalist, so were khushal baba, mirwais neku and ahmad shah baba.
I dont need your permission to talk about tribals of FATA from a sell out, enslaved man...some wise person has said,

Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave , not a free man. One whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive, is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one's existence. ¡±

:lol: pakfied ? so why you farsied pashtuns or for that matter Afghanistani pushtuns are desparate to get our support for fulfilling your dream against the fariswan domination there in your country?

And last but NOT the least honestly Pakistani Pukhtuns are far more comfortable with Afghanistani farsiwans than communist pashtuns there.

Russians would have lynched you for if it was not us the Pakistani Pukhtuns who sacrificed our lives for driving them out.

likes you the so-called english version of Afghanistani pushtuns ran away to west on Pakistani passports and still is the case.
Ashna eating pulses is your personal matter, though it is known that it produces farting.

you forgot your favourit gobhi prodcues more farts that too the smelly ones ;)

Still lar Afghans will always remain a minority in Pakistan,

Can you first define who is Afghan? then we can talk about lar and bar.

I am not speaking on "behalf" of Tribals, i am speaking "about" tribals......

why dont you talk about your own tribals they need some attention more than us Pakistanis

He is just an individual. You seem to forget that ethnic Pasthuns ........ taliban, hizb e islami etc, are fighting against foreign presence.....Russians also stayed in Afghanistan for a decade, had installed communist puppets like babrak karmal and najibullah......At that time people like you were calling us slaves of Russians, but the fact is they were unable to modify and subdue afghans , they got defeated.....That is how we Afghans are, that is how your ancestors were, the most independent people on earth. ...it is easy to conquer Afghanistan but it is difficult to keep the occupation for long and it is nearly impossible to conquer the minds of Afghans and subdue them to slavery..........On the other hand your hindi people were always slave-minded and subservient.....[/QUOTE]

i answered it already. You being Afghanistanis were no match to Russians alone . It was our support which helped out and still doing the same.

On the other hand if you Afghanistanis were so brave then Sikhs would not have ruled over you.

Relationships between Afghans and Hindi muslims (now Pakistanis) were very good before 1947, any kind of bitterness that exists nowadays is due to un-natural durand line, the line drawn by colonial farangis, affirmed by monarchs......Lar Pakhtunkhwa rightfully belong to us, we have waited for 120 years and we would wait for 120 years more if we have to.....No boundary is ever permanent, pashtun unity is inevitable.....

:laugh: you Afghan pushtuns are considerd as Kabulis kabaljack and aliens here by us Pakistani pukhtuns in KP.

SO NO dear NO unity. You can keep dreaming about getting power against farsiwans in your own country imagining our shoulders to climb but sorry our shoulders are NOT for you.

We are very content here and we dont want to join you for your power wrangling.
LOL - Another back stabber afghani who is under occupation of foreign forces since decades is talking about Pakistani Pashtuns? :coffee:
The disorder and instability in Afghanistan is due to durand line issue,.....


Afghanistanis want to keep their country without "char-diwari" (protective wall), so every fing Tom, Dick, Abdullah and Akram can come pee in Afghanistani back yard, front yard, left yard and the right yard.

And Afghanistanis keep on shouting "don't pee on me, don't pee in my house, don't pee in my kitchen...", all that yelling but no fing concept of building a wall to protect from your house getting peed in and $hat upon.

Hope you understand.

But you may choose not to.

T, half of our territory and population is occupied by Pakistan......

Take care of the half you got, make it prosperous, and the other half will run to you, give you a big hug, kiss you on your cheek, touch your feet and beg you to be given Afghanistani passport.

However if you keep on creating instability, your house will remain on fire, and heck no one would like to come visit you, let alone getting a passport.

Move to 21st century my dear prince, move to 21st century.

LOL - Another back stabber afghani who is under occupation of foreign forces since decades is talking about Pakistani Pashtuns? :coffee:

We consider them backstabbers always so i dont see any issue if he backstab. they are supposed to backstab their own community as well.

We Being Pakistani Pukhtuns do NOT give them right to talk about us.

They failed to consolidate or for that matter they failed to protect their own Pushtuns in North which is dominated by farsiwans and they are dreaming of grabbing our land. well hell NO they aint going to get anything
Relationships between Afghans and Hindi muslims (now Pakistanis) were very good before 1947, any kind of bitterness that exists nowadays is due to un-natural durand line, the line drawn by colonial farangis, affirmed by monarchs......Lar Pakhtunkhwa rightfully belong to us, we have waited for 120 years and we would wait for 120 years more if we have to.....No boundary is ever permanent, pashtun unity is inevitable.....

Well, sir, I would sincerely advice you to read up some history as there were no Hindi Muslims ever; see Hindi is a language and was not adopted by the majority of the Muslims who were fluent in Persian and then Urdu along with their native tongues. If you meant Hindu Muslims then that too is faulty as Hinduism is a religion and one cannot have two faiths simultaneously. The term I believe you wanted to state was Hindusitani Muslim. I would advise you to learn these subtle differences as it would rouse suspicion amongst your so-called Pakhtun brethren whom you wish to liberate. They love their history and heritage.

Secondly, the 'unnatural' Durand line was cordoned by the government of the day of Afghanistan; whether it was monarchy or not is of no concern to Pakistan which is the inherited State of the British India. Should Pakistan deal afresh with every government that rouses up in Afghanistan?

Thirdly, the region of KhyberPakhtunKha, despite our not so perfect democracy, has never heavily voted for the parties that have been pro-Pakhtunistan that shows how dearly they hold your Pakhtunistan such as PPP-S. Furthermore, the Pakhtuns have actively served in the Pakistani military, does that not hint to their loyalties? Why would they happily embrace martyrdom for a nation they do not own?

Fourthly, ask the Pakhtuns of Pakistan no matter how unhappy they are of the state of affairs here they would never want to join Afghanistan nor seek independence. I am of course refering to the contemporary times. Why do not the Afghanis concentrate on Afghanistan instead? I am sure there is a lot to do in your country.
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