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Is Anyway to Counter the T-50 (PAK FA) jet fighters?

That war of 1971 was a war based on Indian terrorism supporting the Muqti-Bani through 34 terrorist training camps. India never has the balls to attack Pakistan. That is why it was defeated in 1948 and 1965. India did loose 22% of Kashmir in 1948 and 9% in 1965 and we are proud of capturing it. We do admit defeat in 1971, but we do not lie to our citizens like the Indian text books that India won all 3 wars of 1948, 1965 and 1971. So, if India won 1948 and 1965 after loosing 31% of Kashmir then Pakistan won the 1971 War after loosing territory.

*** we love.

I will not discuss about 1948, 1965, or 1971 wars because that will be going off-topic. Just understand that excuses never win wars, nor do excuses ever alter history.

My point was that everytime Pakistan attempted a preemptive air strike in the past, it ended in failure. Since 65 and 71, the gap between the PAF and the IAF has only increased. If PAF couldn't launch a successful preemptive attack in 1965 or 1971, there is no way they can do one in 2010 or 2020.

Forgot about attacking India first and focus on defending your own country. It is better not to awaken sleeping giants.
I think Pakistan can has following options-

1.Rely on Chinese Jxx stealth fighter , and wait for more year and hope for its development.

2.Go toward America for F-35 and request them, compel them do everything to give F35 to Pakistan

3. Hope some another friendly country to Pakistan make stealth fighter and when there will be more 5th generations fighter in market than Pakistan has chance to buy it and in the mean time hope to revival of economy.

4.Forget to fight stealth fighter , make more nuclear bomb , missiles and don't rely on air force.

But for every option there is one problem money for Pakistan not only to purchase it but to maintain it.

Why do everyone assume that you need a stealth fighter to counter another stealth fighter?

The best way to counter stealth is with L-band radar and infrared:

Stealth fighters were designed to specfically defeat X-band radar and their stealth becomes less effective with L-band.

No stealth fighter can avoid giving off infrared due to the fact that it burns jet fuel at a very high rate and friction from air resistance.

In the future, I expect missiles with mixed seekers/sensor fusion and intelligent processing will be used to counter stealth aircraft.
everything is manufactured in India even the engines

Under license.

Anyway, my point is Storm Force seems to be getting way ahead of himself.

If you read his posts, you might get the impression that the only thing FGFA is going to inherit from PAK-FA is the airframe.

For example, the following has been suggested:

Engines - Kaveri
Radar - Israeli
Composites - Indian
Weapons - Western, Israeli

I'm just telling him reality might not be what he imagines.
Yes, in case of a war scenario, pre-emptive strikes by the PAF to destroy the parked T-50s on the ground. That would be perfect.:pakistan::pdf:

This was possible in older days buddy.. Now we have chain of radars on your border and we are almost monitoring your flight take off and landing on the bases that are couple of miles away from border.. We have new SAMS coming in Place... So if you read broadsword .. Pakistan has already lost the credibility of fighting a conventional war with India..
Now PAF will be just on defending side to avoid loosing Fighters...
Post reported. Don't flame bro. It really doesn't look good.
words in green are written by rhasta.i was just replying.look page no 2.
Under license.

Anyway, my point is Storm Force seems to be getting way ahead of himself.

If you read his posts, you might get the impression that the only thing FGFA is going to inherit from PAK-FA is the airframe.

For example, the following has been suggested:

Engines - Kaveri
Radar - Israeli
Composites - Indian
Weapons - Western, Israeli

I'm just telling him reality might not be what he imagines.

Thats definitely wrong. Kaveri engine for FGFA?..you got to be kidding right. It dosent even have the thrust required for MCA yet and you want it to power a heavy class aircraft like FGFA? Thats really hard to imagine.

Radar is going to be Tiikhmorov AESA N 013AE and we are giving the processing unit is from India.

Compsites?...we are already co-operating with Russia and sukhoi uses the Autolay programme and furnaces from India.

Weapons are specifically developed and we are paying for the R 77M and the KS 172 Novator specificallu for us. The Russians are going for the Upgraded R-33 called R-37 for the LRAAM. The R 74 will be as good or better than the AIM 9x.

Avionics are Indian made the MFD might be made by Samtel-DRDO collaboration and the MC is based on our ANURAG processor. The MIL 1773 STD bus is going to be used.
L-band and similar - the longer wavelength reduces the ability to break out clusters of aircraft, and you also lose positional accuracy. In general, the longer the wavelength, the longer the range, but at the cost of sensitivity and accuracy.

X-band is in the sweet spot. Much higher a frequency, and your beam begins to be absorbed by airborne water, weather, and particulates. There is a theoretical LADAR (Laser radar) that can draw an actual image of the target. The ultimate in narrow beamwidth and sensitivity. Unfortunately, LADARS keel over when dealing with clouds and particulates, and range is an issue.

Wiki is a good reference: Radar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes Chogy many years ago I was playing a flight simulator game and my plane had some laser guided missiles... but I would instantly lose lock on the enemy plane when it flew into clouds... Your comment reminded me of that... :)
Yes Chogy many years ago I was playing a flight simulator game and my plane had some laser guided missiles... but I would instantly lose lock on the enemy plane when it flew into clouds... Your comment reminded me of that... :)

That would be true, although I am not aware of any real-world laser guided air to air missiles. Is there such a beast?

Same deal with IR missiles and clouds. In training, we were not allowed to use clouds, because the risk of air to air collisions is very high, but we always briefed it. "Remember, a cloud can save your life. Dive into one if it's there and you are in trouble." Unfortunately, clouds don't stop AIM-120 and similar.
That would be true, although I am not aware of any real-world laser guided air to air missiles. Is there such a beast?

Same deal with IR missiles and clouds. In training, we were not allowed to use clouds, because the risk of air to air collisions is very high, but we always briefed it. "Remember, a cloud can save your life. Dive into one if it's there and you are in trouble." Unfortunately, clouds don't stop AIM-120 and similar.

well I am totally ignorant when it comes to military technology,but I am curious to know.Can you please explain how does the AIM-120 counter the clouds???
well I am totally ignorant when it comes to military technology,but I am curious to know.Can you please explain how does the AIM-120 counter the clouds???

They rely on radar guidance. It's IR seekers that have trouble in cloud cover.
They rely on radar guidance. It's IR seekers that have trouble in cloud cover.

So its like the fighter plane uses its own radar to guide the missile towards the target is it???So, that means the plane has to be in the arena until and unless the missile hits the target or it is confirmed that the missile missed the target.Hence it is not a fire and forget kind of thing......

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