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Is anyone on this forum diagnosed with ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Yaar itni dayr internet par google hi kerlo :angry:
oh i had that and did not know it is a disease :P
I had to walk around to read keep to concentration on study, i could not sit down more than half an hour LOL

I've literally seen monkeys with perfect 10 women. Success or failure lies entirely in your attitude and confidence.
how about you ? lol
I've literally seen monkeys with perfect 10 women. Success or failure lies entirely in your attitude and confidence.
I know, but the ones I know look at money+figure :P
I'm still trying to convince my parents bhai, so there is still hope ;) & PLEASE don't get angry for me. I don't like to see others get angry or feel sorry for me :( .

& thanks for your advice :)
Oh no iwasnt feeling sorry for u. ,i just wished that ur parents just listen to u and thats it.
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First of all , Thanks to all of you for replying to my message & your advice :) . Thank you so much

Second, I can't go for any diagnosis, I am a college student in my teens & live in India; my parents are typical South Asian conservative parents! They & my family members believe that introversion is a mental problem! & a normal human is naturally an extrovert.

They also believe that ADHD is just a reason for bahana to not get good marks in their studies & it only applies to the West. They stay study & get good marks & this problem will go away.
So I can't go for a diagnosis right now. Only after I leave college & get my first paycheck can I afford to pay & visit one :(

Third, my friends were discussing Percy Jackson(some fiction book in which the hero has ADHD), & I was in a parallel discussion with another friend about my problems in life. Then someone suddenly says--just like ADHD dude & everyody laughs.... after some time(1 week), I decide to do some research on ADHD in my spare time, & when I do.
I realise that some of those symptoms & problems do apply to me.(lack of concentration,fidgeting with my legs frequently even when I am tired,restlessness,procrastination,zoning out during conversations etc).

I am spending some time on quora & other forums & finding out if I do have ADHD or some other related disorder with similar symptoms. & how I can tackle it, I am doing meditation which has helped improved my concentration.
I also want to know what it is like having ADHD & other such disorders & see if it resembles what I feel

& yes , this is hurting my studies! I feel i can do much much better than I am doing right now if I knew how to tackle my problems.

@Shamain Yes i was the one who asked the speaking to self question. Thanks for your advice, it's come down quite a bit. But it is still there


First---you need to stop thinking that it is a problem----it actually is not----. It is an asset----you just need to learn how to use it and program yourself to its powers and weaknesses.

It is a similar issue that in right handers a left hander child is born----.

Stop looking around and searching for the magic bullet---because there are none----.

It is also upto you to admit that you are a " LEFT HANDER ".

Just learn to live your life " one day at a time "---today is the day----this is what I am going to accomplish today "----this is all you need to live a very successful life----you will find it to be a fascinating experience---.

Other than that---you can make your life a SOB STORY---" A DUKHI KAHANI "---so that you can keep telling others to have pity on you----.

Just think about it this way----how did TENDULKAR build up his centuries-----one at a time or how? How did he score his centuries---one run at a time and some times 2's and 4's and a rare 6 as well.

Just like the foundations of a building----one brick at a time---.

First---you need to stop thinking that it is a problem----it actually is not----. It is an asset----you just need to learn how to use it and program yourself to its powers and weaknesses.

It is a similar issue that in right handers a left hander child is born----.

Stop looking around and searching for the magic bullet---because there are none----.

It is also upto you to admit that you are a " LEFT HANDER ".

Just learn to live your life " one day at a time "---today is the day----this is what I am going to accomplish today "----this is all you need to live a very successful life----you will find it to be a fascinating experience---.

Other than that---you can make your life a SOB STORY---" A DUKHI KAHANI "---so that you can keep telling others to have pity on you----.

Just think about it this way----how did TENDULKAR build up his centuries-----one at a time or how? How did he score his centuries---one run at a time and some times 2's and 4's and a rare 6 as well.

Just like the foundations of a building----one brick at a time---.
Yes like how we eat food...one bite at a time ....

May apko kha loon,?
There is no cure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but treatment can help relieve the symptoms and make the condition much less of a problem in day-to-day life.ADHD can be treated using medication or therapy, but a combination of both is often the best way to treat it.Treatment will usually be arranged by a specialist, such as a paediatrician or psychiatrist, although your condition may be monitored by your GP. So instead of writing on an online forum visit a paediatrician or psychiatrist.
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