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Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

Is a Taiwan war conceivable?

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You clearly don't have a clue abut Taiwan. I repeat, the DPP stands for Taiwan independence. People elect the DPP because of they support Taiwan independence. I know you find it hard to digest, but the majority of Taiwanese absolutely detest mainland China. They just don't want to reunify, no matter how much you beg, because they think people like you are pathetic, get it?

I have been to Taiwan many times, i know what the Hokkien people there think like, i have no love and only disgust for alot of these self hating radicalized pride-less people, but that does not mean war is necessary when a peaceful solution can still be found, as i said Taiwan is not a strategical imperative, as long as the status quo is not changed, further economic integration, and cooperation with other countries as well on this issue is key to getting these radicalized fools out of their element, time is on our side.
I think the issue is to old now for there be a war unless you have some nutjob in power.

If the country is self governed for a long period of time you wont have any support in invading and it'll hurt both economys which is whats important right.

Its just to difficult for modern countrys to do.

P.S These chinese supremacists are getting old.

There's no Chinese supremacists here, only China bashers with fake flags.
I have been to Taiwan many times, i know what the Hokkien people there think like, i have no love and only disgust for alot of these self hating radicalized pride-less people, but that does not mean war is necessary when a peaceful solution can still be found, as i said Taiwan is not a strategical imperative, as long as the status quo is not changed, further economic integration, and cooperation with other countries as well on this issue is key to getting these radicalized fools out of their element, time is on our side.

lol, the big shrimps might be laughing at you.
I highly doubt Taiwan would win without USA assistance. They might be able to muster a few victories but will lose the war.

Maybe you dont know, but Taiwan is an island. Now tell me, exactly how China is gonna do it? Million man swim across the ocean? You do know that there is only few places you can land troops there , right? Now the PLA knows that, the problem is so does Taiwan. Fan boy talk is one thing, the reality is another. This will be 10 times worse than Normandie. A land war and a war across the ocean is two different thing.

Has it ever occur to you that Beijing may want to resolve this peacefully first?

Get serious, Beijing wants to resolve it peacefully because they lack the ability to conquer Taiwan. It is not out of good will. Remember Tibet and Xinjiang? Now why wont Beijing to resolve that peacefully? Might makes right.
Get serious, Beijing wants to resolve it peacefully because they lack the ability to conquer Taiwan. It is not out of good will. Remember Tibet and Xinjiang? Now why wont Beijing to resolve that peacefully? Might makes right.

Guess the US is weaker than Iran. The US doesn't want to solve the Iran problem peacefully, but has no choice, despite threatening Iran for decades and even saying "We will obliterate Iran!" - Hillary Clinton. The only thing getting obliterated is the US economy and world oil price records, all helping Iran.

The F-22 is also a trash plane, because it has never proven itself, even against a banana republic like Libya. Why is the US scared to use F-22s against anyone? Is it because they're scared it'll be found out as a bluff and inferior to even the wright brother's biplane?
Guess the US is weaker than Iran. The US doesn't want to solve the Iran problem peacefully, but has no choice, despite threatening Iran for decades and even saying "We will obliterate Iran!" - Hillary Clinton. The only thing getting obliterated is the US economy and world oil price records, all helping Iran.

The F-22 is also a trash plane, because it has never proven itself, even against a banana republic like Libya. Why is the US scared to use F-22s against anyone? Is it because they're scared it'll be found out as a bluff and inferior to even the wright brother's biplane?

In case you havnt noticed. Iran has been under UN sanctions for years. Largely because US pressures. All helping Iran? ROFL, maybe you should take a trip there and see for your self. If someone thinks US is weaker than Iran, that person needs to get his brain checked.

Regarding the second part, if we follow your logic, then every fighter China got is trash cause none of them have ever proven itself either. even against a tiny island called Taiwan. See how easy the table can be turned?

Unfair and unbiased? LMAO
In case you havnt noticed. Iran has been under UN sanctions for years. Largely because US pressures. All helping Iran? ROFL, maybe you should take a trip there and see for your self. If someone thinks US is weaker than Iran, that person needs to get his brain checked.

Regarding the second part, if we follow your logic, then every fighter China got is trash cause none of them have ever proven itself either. even against a tiny island called Taiwan. See how easy the table can be turned?

Unfair and unbiased? LMAO

I'm just following your logic buddy. No need to get emotional. That's not being fair and unbiased. That's being incredible, and we don't want that, we want to stay credible.

Sanctions is a long, long way from "obliterating" by the way.
So far I cant see that from your post. Well, you are the one who are fair and unbiased. Must been my fault then.
So far I cant see that from your post. Well, you are the one who are fair and unbiased. Must been my fault then.

China doesn't talk about "obliterating Taiwan". The US talks about "obliterating Iran".

Iran is still there years after the US threatened to "obliterate" it. :lol:

China says, no nukes on Taiwan or we attack; Taiwan shut down its nuke program in the 70's and every last bit of nuclear material is monitored. China says, "no foreign troops in Taiwan", and every last American soldier pulled out in the 70’s.

US says, no nukes in Iran or we attack; Iran keeps making nukes and spitting in the US's face. And US still can't "obliterate" it.
China doesn't talk about "obliterating Taiwan". The US talks about "obliterating Iran".

Iran is still there years after the US threatened to "obliterate" it. :lol:

Source where US stated that they want to "obliterate" it? From a fair and unbiased source, of course.

China says, no nukes on Taiwan or we attack; Taiwan shut down its nuke program in the 70's and every last bit of nuclear material is monitored. China says, "no foreign troops in Taiwan", and every last American soldier pulled out in the 70’s.

Taiwan abondoned their nuclear ambition because they are under US umbrella. And US dont need to station troops in Taiwan to defend it.

US says, no nukes in Iran or we attack; Iran keeps making nukes and spitting in the US's face. And US still can't "obliterate" it.
Iran keeps making nukes? Really, exactly how many nukes do they got and how are they gonna deliver them? Looking forward to your authentic and unbiased view, of course.

That is the best you can come up with? LOL
Did you even bother to read the links you provided your self?
promises to essentially wipe Iran from the map if it nuked Israel.

Read the sentence as many times as you need to comprehend its meaning.
And I am still waiting for your source on the number of nukes that Iran is keep making. Mrs. fair and unbiased.
Why fight if you can convince them economically. We did that with former East Germany with constant bombardment of advertisement of "western" products on TV, which almost all East German household could receive.

In China's case, it's the pure size and might of China's economy that should do the trick. :)
Götterdämmerung;2329356 said:
Why fight if you can convince them economically. We did that with former East Germany with constant bombardment of advertisement of "western" products on TV, which almost all East German household could receive.

In China's case, it's the pure size and might of China's economy that should do the trick. :)

The problem is that Taiwan is far richer than main land China(per capita). It will only work the other way around:)
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