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Is a Meeting Between Ma Ying-jeou And Xi Jinping Possible?

Taking back Taiwan not necessary,just let it be unless Taiwaness speak another language.
I agree, but mianland China should maintain the authorization to send armies to protect Taiwan.

There is no need. =
Unfortunately Ma had to back out of any peace treaty, a chuck of the population doesn't support it. So it would be anything short of miracle if he manages to push it before he leaves. Then there's the second option which is keep reducing any influence Taipei internationally and speed up military modernization. China will be strong enough to take Taipei back in 2020.

I believe that, if China takes Taiwan by force, then China has already lost. The only victory for China is a peaceful resolution that can be reunification, confederacy, or some sort of framework. Remember that the Art of War defines victory as reaching the objective without fighting.

What China should do is to continue to growth both economically and militarily. China may be strong enough to take Taiwan by 2020, but China may also be strong enough to take Taiwan without firing a shot by 2050.
One advice for Chinese here: Dont talk Big when u can not purge the corruption in ur army .

Anyway : China has never been brave and smart in full scale combat, no hope for u to take TW back in at least 100 year more (unless US collapse and China still survive )
There is no need. =

I believe that, if China takes Taiwan by force, then China has already lost. The only victory for China is a peaceful resolution that can be reunification, confederacy, or some sort of framework. Remember that the Art of War defines victory as reaching the objective without fighting.

What China should do is to continue to growth both economically and militarily. China may be strong enough to take Taiwan by 2020, but China may also be strong enough to take Taiwan without firing a shot by 2050.

You misinterpreted my comment, what I meant by 2020 Taipei influence will fall almost to noting combined with our military modernization even the US will think twice about coming to Taipei's aid. Forcing Taipei into a corner that it has no other option but signing a peace treaty, invasion is ruled out unless they go for independence.

They can handle their own affairs, the CPC even would allow them to keep the ROC military. Probably greater level of autonomy than HK.
You misinterpreted my comment, what I meant by 2020 Taipei influence will fall almost to noting combined with our military modernization even the US will think twice about coming to Taipei's aid. Forcing Taipei into a corner that it has no other option but signing a peace treaty, invasion is ruled out unless they go for independence.

They can handle their own affairs, the CPC even would allow them to keep the ROC military. Probably greater level of autonomy than HK.

For now, militarily we can take on ROC without problem, but just the consequence would be a bit hard to handle.

By the year 2020, China can take on ROC without worrying too much about the consequence of affecting its growing economy.
Indeed, China will not go to war unless Taiwan is stupid enough to push independence again. We all know how the third Taiwan Strait Crisis ended with the US telling TW to lower their voices and crisis was avoided. Taiwan is in no position to make demands but they can be reassured of keeping their freedom just like Macau and HK. Beijing doesn't care how those cities or even Taiwan is governed, it's only interested in unification and putting the PLA there. Taiwan will eventually understand accepting one country two systems is the best solution for both without waging war.
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