This system is not build to stand alone in a conflict, it is one of many tiers of air defense and of a whole army, just like there is air force, land force, sea force... there are planes tanks vessels which have their own functionality and designation. Iron dome foremost with high priority will protect installations with strategic importance such as airfield, army bases, electricity plants, ports etc and not residential areas, what is your beef? you think people at MoD are stupid? Rafael engineers are dumb? system was built for a specific needs, to please you and make it "sense" in your eyes is not one of its needs
I actually think that Rafael´s attempts to market Iron Dome, have a very weak base. System serves for little more than psychological effect. It can be usefull for example if it intercepts 1 or 2 rockets heading towards a populated area which would otherwise create terror effect among the population. But statements such as "a missile umbrella" or "cost effective" regarding this system, are just far from real.
And isn´t Iron Dome deployed around urban areas? that confirms my statement.
In serious conflict this system is useless, redundant.
Those tests do not seem to correspond to actual conflicts. A poor atempt at marketing.From actual interceptions.
This is actually the way to go. But Iron Dome will be innefective and redundant in suchl world" scenarios.In real world there will be massive counterbattery fire.