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You have single digit IQ. Bumping old thread with useless posts is spamming, otherwise I don't care you worship Riadh or Qom - for me all sectarian low lives are same.

I don't worship Riyadh... but defence.pk is surely a swamp of those who worship Qum and their holy leader was Zardari, who they want to arrest using minister appointed by Qum. Make fool of gullible but for me it's a joke.

Sectarians are indeed low lives, but in Pakistan sectarian power houses, towns, power centers are all around and openly black mailing, individuals, institutions, society, judiciary and they even control most of state ministries, especially interior ministry is decided 100% in Qum.

On the contrary, Muslims never made mafiaism in Pakistan, because they believe in Allah is their mafia, and buddy. They are not protected by state of Pakistan which is puppeteered from Qum but by Allah.
In New Zealand Muslims have more respect than Pakistan, where Muslims are living in hiding from IRGC puppies!

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