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IRGC presents an Iranian built Scan Eagle to Russia Airforce chief

More like insulting the Russians. "hey you Russians cannot build drones, we give you this."

I think the Iranians were tired of giving small Persian rugs to their guests, so this may be a nice welcome. Of course the gesture is more symbolic than anything else. Although the Russians did probably ask (and perhaps were given) access to the RQ-170 drone Iran captured two years ago.
I think the Iranians were tired of giving small Persian rugs to their guests, so this may be a nice welcome. Of course the gesture is more symbolic than anything else. Although the Russians did probably ask (and perhaps were given) access to the RQ-170 drone Iran captured two years ago.

No way ! :coffee:
I think the Iranians were tired of giving small Persian rugs to their guests, so this may be a nice welcome. Of course the gesture is more symbolic than anything else. Although the Russians did probably ask (and perhaps were given) access to the RQ-170 drone Iran captured two years ago.

No way ! :coffee:
does Russia allow our access to their pak-fa? I don't think so.

Russia has more leverage over Iran than otherwise. Simply put; Russia has more assets Iran wants to have than the other way around. Think of missile technology, nuclear technology, political support, etc.
Russia has more leverage over Iran than otherwise. Simply put; Russia has more assets Iran wants to have than the other way around. Think of missile technology, nuclear technology, political support, etc.
we ourself have all of these, our enrichment cycle is completed, we are building a heavy water reactor in Arak, in the missile field we are self-sufficient, and as we build bigger satellites we will prepare bigger carriers.
we appreciate Americans present so we are not gonna exchange their latest tech for some decade old tech from Russia.
it's always a tit for tat, after we proved our capabilities by detecting and capturing RQ-170, now Iran and Russia are talking about Exchange of Technical Know-How on Air Defense Systems
First of all such a small drone has very little significance, secondly there is nothing much to copy there, because real systems like FBW, software, payload chips, ground control are impossible to copy. It only shows the desperation of isolated Iran.

we might be after we finished our Qaher313.
You mean when pigs fly? :lol:
First of all such a small drone has very little significance, secondly there is nothing much to copy there, because real systems like FBW, software, payload chips, ground control are impossible to copy. It only shows the desperation of isolated Iran.


we have our own software, payload chips & ground control ... stop spreading your BS !

you just fell behind this isolated country in drone technology ...

Russia has more leverage over Iran than otherwise. Simply put; Russia has more assets Iran wants to have than the other way around. Think of missile technology, nuclear technology, political support, etc.

missile technology !!! :laughcry:

nuclear technology !!!

... !!!

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