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IRGC Navy Records 1 hour Video of US Aircraft Carrier


Mar 15, 2011
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Fars News Agency :: IRGC Navy Records Video of US Aircraft Carrier

IRGC Navy Records Video of US Aircraft Carrier

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) naval forces monitoring foreign military moves in the Persian Gulf have recorded an almost one-hour-long video of a US aircraft carrier from a very close distance, a senior IRGC commander announced on Saturday.

"Forces of the IRGC's second naval zone have recoded a 50-minute video of a US aircraft carrier from 500-meter distance," Commander of the IRGC's Second Naval Zone Ali Razmjou said, addressing a provincial meeting in Iran's Southern port city of Bushehr.

The commander said the move "displays just a small part of the IRGC forces' power and success in the Persian Gulf", adding that given their military capabilities and preparedness, the Iranian Armed Forces do not fear the US threats.

This is not the first time that Iranian forces tracked, photographed and recorded video of a US aircraft carrier.

In December 2011, Iran's Navy Commander Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said that an Iranian vessel and a surveillance plane recorded video of a US aircraft carrier during the Navy drills near the Strait of Hormoz in the Persian Gulf.

In April, Commander of the IRGC Navy Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi had stressed his forces' domination and control over the US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf, and said that the American naval forces need IRGC's permission for any move in the regional waters.

"Today, Americans admit and acknowledge that the Persian Gulf is under the tight control of the IRGC Navy," Fadavi said at the time.

"This doesn't mean inspection (of their ships), but controlling (them). That is to say, they should receive our permission and account to us for any move they want to make," he explained.

Also in April, another commander of the IRGC said that all vessels, including the US warships, enter the Persian Gulf waters through the Strait of Hormuz only after they are checked by the IRGC naval forces.

"The alien vessels which enter the Persian Gulf via the Strait of Hormuz always provide the needed answers and information to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) units," Lieutenant Commander of the IRGC Navy Alireza Tangsiri said at the time.
Are you know what is the point of this news !?

The point is that 20 years ago they crashed our airliner in international rout (/path) but now , they can't ( they have no dare ) shot our small UAVs in above of their aircraft carriers !!!
he didn't even get what twilight said !OMG
he's not troll he's something beyond that
Was there an Iranian Stealthy Superman Flying at 18 Knots 500 Meters Away to be Precise with GPS Co-ordinates for 50 Minutes with a RAM Coated and Side Angles Cut Camera with Flash Lights Going into the Black Hole from the Carrier?

:what: ... !
Indian leaders lick the boots of an white Italian former air hostess so you got no room to talk. Maybe the Shah was licking American boots and that is why Iranians kicked him out

You post that verbal vomit like masochistic ritual of some kind seeking humiliation from Indian posters, and when asked you don't have any source to back your statement.

Will the video made public like the RQ-170 drone?
Umm Hmm! Pretty Impressive, If it is true.. But I don't think Iran have to use it against U.S cuz they never going to attack Iran in future. and If they intended to do that adventure then It will be interesting for sure and a perfect platform for Iran to show its operational capabilities, :triniti: :sniper:
Oh why Indian are so worry about USA hegemony !? are Indian become American slaves or they want become American puppets !!!

I don't know Indian aircraft carrier sailing in sea with USA's flag , sorry , we won't bother your aircraft carrier anymore !!!
Go and beg your red masters for weapons . Make sure that the so called American slaves or Puppets will not give land to US for Anti Iran ops . Your all aircrafts fly with the command of Russians and your navy has got all the boats with Russian flags .

American puppets- Indians are proud of it lol
Indian leaders lick the boots of an white Italian former air hostess so you got no room to talk. Maybe the Shah was licking American boots and that is why Iranians kicked him out

back to topic this is great news if they can watch it for 1 hour imagine what fun they could have if they were ordered to turn their weapons on rather than cameras and videos
Americans never killed our soldiers . Drone is not our national bird . Now who is American puppet and boot licker? You know how Italian govt was begging us to release their men who killed our citizens? :tongue: Did you atleast track their helicopter when they took out Osama ? :rofl:

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