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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

Ramadi had completely fallen.

Ramadi + Fallujah = Right next door to Baghdad.

Baghdad won't look good. I have a feeling it will be much, much worse considering the majority are Shia. It could turn into an ocean wace of bloodshed.
@Serpentine @SALMAN AL-FARSI

You both don't make any sense. Reality is army has serious flaws, every time they end up in failure all you do is put blame on 'fifth columiists' , 'Sunni residents'. This is definition of incompetence. It's the army/militia that flee from the ISIS insurgency. The militias are present in Fallujah but still losing eastern portions to ISIS. Not being welcome there is not equivalent to being militarily competent. I believe cowardice is a big factor here, suggesting leveling cities is a sign of cowardice. Iraqi militias operate in the same way most regional armies do, which is strike fear into civilian population hoping it will bring about results. This method won't work, it is counter-effective. Now ISIS can send reinforcements east and try retaking Tikrit, or going for Samarra, which endangers Baghdad. So ruling out a solution makes no sense.

The Iraqi government needs to fund the army and improve its skills, whilst take political steps needed to reconcile the nation. Both of you are against that because you want Iranian dominated government, which will only complicate matters.

Ramadi had completely fallen.

Ramadi + Fallujah = Right next door to Baghdad.

Baghdad won't look good. Expect the Capital to turn into Fallujah 2.0

They have not completely fallen. Although I believe once they are, they won't go on full on offensive in Baghdad until they retake Tikrit otherwise they will easily be ambushed unless they manage to do the unbelievable and enter central Baghdad and maintain a presence there.
Iraq is a failed project. No one is ready to settle for the other. Partition is the best option.
@Matan_press 14m14 minutes ago
#ISIS declares 150 female prisoners freed from #Ramadi Counter-Terrorism Center after storming it.. #Anbar #Iraq
InvestedIraq ‏@InvestedIraq 15m15 minutes ago
Head of Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Ammar al-#Hakim : federalism is best way forward for #Iraq
From Somalia Live ‏@hassanistiila 16m16 minutes ago
#BREAKING, #Iraq - >150 #ISF still intense fight against #ISIS in #Houz area in center #Ramadi, PM order to counter attack
Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton 22m22 minutes ago
#Iraq: Here we go. Statement from PM Abadi gives official cover for Hashd al-Shabi to move into al-Anbar.
Hedi Kurda ‏@hedikurda 25m25 minutes ago
It's absolutely astonishing and sad how useless the Iraqi security forces are. Country hostage to #ISIS & Iranian militias. #Iraq
@IraqiSecurity 2m2 minutes ago
3 Hashd al-Sha'abi regiments have reached al-Mazra'a, east of Fallujah, to reinforce #Iraq's forces there (likely for the Karma op).

g1 ‏@g1mg1 3m3 minutes ago
#Anbar Situation 17 May 2015 HQ:http://s6.uplod.ir/i/00601/qkz7ldfbk7b5.jpg…#Iraq #Ramadi #Fallujah #الانبار #الرمادي #العراق

Most of eastern Fallujah is in control of militias/army. Ramadi seems to be largely in control of ISIS.

iraq happenings ‏@iraqhappenings 21m21 minutes ago
Iraq war a mistake, White House hopefuls says #iraq http://wordlink.com/l/17Xeo

Iraq is a failed project. No one is ready to settle for the other. Partition is the best option.

How exactly are you gonna do that?

Envtl Peacebuilding ‏@EnvPeacebuild 7m7 minutes ago
#Iraq and #Kurdistan's relations grow sour as KRG awaits full #oil payments http://goo.gl/xEoAJ6 #environmentalpeacebuilding
Envtl Peacebuilding ‏@EnvPeacebuild 1m1 minute ago
#Iraq Baiji #oil refinery may be destroyed in battle to save it http://goo.gl/X7PnDb #environmentalpeacebuilding
Sputnik ‏@SputnikInt 5m5 minutes ago
US-led coalition carries out 26 airstrikes against #ISIL in #Syria, #Iraq http://sptnkne.ws/mpx
Dudi Cohen ‏@dudi_cohen 12m12 minutes ago
#Suleimani in #Iraq #IRGC


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T. Grant Benson ‏@GrantB911 2m2 minutes ago
MT @RamiAlLolah: Unconfirmed reports: Coalition forces may strike #Iraq|i army 8th Brigade in #Ramadi to prevent seizure of arms by #ISIS
Some Arab reports are saying they already took over 8th birgade base? So they must have taken weapons.


Anyways, this is being blown out of proportion, I'm pretty sure prior to coalition IS was controlling Ramadai , Falujjah, Tikrit, and going on offensive in Samarra. So it is not yet game changing.
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This is the fault of that Western - Saudi backed prime minister in Iraq .

Iraq trusted Iran and they could take Tikrit and eastern parts . Iraq trusted the US and Arabs , They lost Ramadi .

I let Iraqis to judge not anyone else .
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Karbala & Najjaf provinces send their sons on the borders with Anbar in case #ISIS attacks the cities. #Iraq

Do you know why ISIS captures cities like Ramadi, Tikrit or Mosul so easily, while it can't even get close to cities like Basrah, Najaf or Karbala? I think the answer is not that difficult.
Do you know why ISIS captures cities like Ramadi, Tikrit or Mosul so easily, while it can't even get close to cities like Basrah, Najaf or Karbala? I think the answer is not that difficult.

Because US starts bombing them. And because government/Iran gives Shias arms. Sunni tribes/civilians don't get weapons.
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Yes! That's exactly what I meant. :toast_sign: Genius answer.

I know truth hurts you. :-)

All Shia/Iranian militias are good for is being sectarian in their language and threatening to rape woman. Without US support IS will rape every Shia militia in Iraq. Everybody knows this, even with government arming all Shia's desperately. Shia's aren't known to be fighters, they prefer life over death. People of Anbar shouldn't fight ISIS in order for sectarian government to return and talk shit and intimidate innocent women. If it wasn't for 'big satan' the government would be toppled. Even with 'big satan' it will happen. :lol:

If Saudi Arabia gave IS 1% of the support you give to Shia militias in Iraq IS would take over Baghdad within one week.
I know truth hurts you. :-)

All Shia/Iranian militias are good for is being sectarian in their language and threatening to rape woman. Without US support IS will rape every Shia militia in Iraq. Everybody knows this, even with government arming all Shia's desperately. Shia's aren't known to be fighters, they prefer life over death. People of Anbar shouldn't fight ISIS in order for sectarian government to return and talk shit and intimidate innocent women. If it wasn't for 'big satan' the government would be toppled. Even with 'big satan' it will happen. :lol:

If Saudi Arabia gave IS 1% of the support you give to Shia militias in Iraq IS would take over Baghdad within one week.

Good, please reveal more of yourself. It's getting interesting, yet unsurprising. :D
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The Baghdad government did the mistake to refuse to grant Sunni Arabs autonomy in Anbar. Instead they condemned Sunni leaders like Hashimi to death and shot at protesters. A very bad mistake. Now Anbar will be de facto independent for the next years
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