'Abu Nimr' (tribe?) counters ISIS attack in Hadeethah(very intense):
PMF in Ramadi shelling ISIS fighters:
There are IS videos of offensive but its against forum rules to post them. ISIS making advances in Ramadi and Fallujah. Also fighting near Bejjei, Tikrit under control of IA still.
You seem to have comprehension problem, Al Jazeera broadcasted news. You don't have to believe it, since it's already biased for you. There are links online if that's what you want:
مقتل 150 من الجيش العراقي و"الحشد" بتفجيرات بالفلوجة
Basically what he's saying is stop opposing our plan, let us assume control over the region by 'exporting revolution'. By killing Sunni's, intimidating them, raping Sunni women. All while calling for Islamic Unity and claiming to be 'saving Islam'. They will never understand until their country is under threat.