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Iraq will grow faster than India and China: Obama

Iraq or not, none can match the rise of IND/CN in years to come so that point about Iraq as a counter to us is moot to begin with ! The US went in there for Oil btw did you know that Iraq has the largest proven reserves of oil(last I checked) after Saudi Arabia that too high grade(low on sulphur) & it takes virtually close to nothing to pump it out of the ground !

so how much OIL did the US get for free from the trillions it spent there? the lives it lost there? the injuries its sons and daughters received there? where is that OIL agreement where they are giving OIL to america for free?

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

And why Iraq has a low start?

Well technically because US bombed their economy into nothing but dust.

yes and your and mine tax dollars paid for it...their economy was shoddy because of the sanctions... but yeah we bombed them.
so how much OIL did the US get for free from the trillions it spent there? the lives it lost there? the injuries its sons and daughters received there? where is that OIL agreement where they are giving OIL to america for free?

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

yes and your and mine tax dollars paid for it...their economy was shoddy because of the sanctions... but yeah we bombed them.
They weren't gonna get it for free you know btw US is still employing private contractors(google blackwater) for rebuilding Iraq & other stuff for which the bill is paid by them(Iraq) IIRC ! Now I get it you're a resident American that's why all this fuss over something so trivial.
your are not making any sense.. a wrong war is different from the dollars spent in Iraq by americans, different from the fact that Iraq is now better off to build a great future and that it will be richer because it is no longer a pariah that the world had heavy snactions levied upon. if you think so ill about america don't ask it to help out, don't deal with it period...sit under that tree , hug it all day and hope your passive tendency will protect India. I know you are all about Pak, China and india holding hands and prancing into the sunlight... but rest of the folks have to live in reality...
the sanctions on Iraq where due to the american propaganada on the state of Iraq that it posses WMD, biological weapons, chemical weapons, etc. but your country embarased itself in the international arena when you were not able to retrieve any such weapons when you invaded them.
may be Sadam killed a few 100 country men accusing them of treachery and traitors, but your country has made sure that the comming generation of Iraqi children have to grow among the toxic depeted uranium shells. etc harardous weapons grade mateiral whcih are courtesy of USA.
just don't go blind with Patriotism for your new home, read my signature and stand for what is right.
The US as a country never values human lifes of the world other than its own. that the cold truth and the world knows this.
so how much OIL did the US get for free from the trillions it spent there? the lives it lost there? the injuries its sons and daughters received there? where is that OIL agreement where they are giving OIL to america for free
can you compare the loss of life on the american side and that of the Iraqi side. you just lost a few hundred soldiers and you took 10s of 1000s of Iraqi lifes.
just don't try to equate yours verses theirs. they suffered a lot when compared to your trillion dollor loss and don;t blame them for your loss, you set foot on a soverign country that was part of the UN with out UN approval or you neither had the support of all the UNSC members to take your war on Iraq.

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 AM ----------

They weren't gonna get it for free you know btw US is still employing private contractors(google blackwater) for rebuilding Iraq & other stuff for which the bill is paid by them(Iraq) IIRC ! Now I get it you're a resident American that's why all this fuss over something so trivial.
he is not only resident, he is a citizen of the USA and the Indian flag on his avatar does not mean anything in reference to the stand of the comman man in India, he represents US and not India.
can you compare the loss of life on the american side and that of the Iraqi side. you just lost a few hundred soldiers and you took 10s of 1000s of Iraqi lifes.
just don't try to equate yours verses theirs. they suffered a lot when compared to your trillion dollor loss and don;t blame them for your loss, you set foot on a soverign country that was part of the UN with out UN approval or you neither had the support of all the UNSC members to take your war on Iraq.

and who killed most of them? most iraqi's died by terrorists and not by americans... you are just espousing ill informed talking points. I'm not saying the war was was not the wrong thing to do. But don't give me false propoganda talking points.

he is not only resident, he is a citizen of the USA and the Indian flag on his avatar does not mean anything in reference to the stand of the comman man in India, he represents US and not India.

It's not about the common man, it's about common sense. When you say america did it for oil- then prove it! show us where america got free oil. show us how we profited from this war where we spent trillions and got rid of most terrorists and handed a democracy to them... I'd love an ROI on my tax dollrs :lol:
iraq will grow, america will collapse.

And why the person with chinese flag is so excited..

For those who are poor in Statistics:
1. It need faster growth rate for poor economy to become self sustain economy. So poor/War stuck nation have to grow at @ 20-25% yearly to achieve target in 5-10 years.
2. Developing nations (like India,China,Brasil) need a healthy growth rate to stay developing (say 7-10%), If they want to join the developed nation they need 11-15% for decades.
3. Developed nations growth rate is usually slower 2-5% is too much for them. Sometime 1-2% is ok. Even if they dip negative for couple of year it will not affect there health.

If you look at my analysis, Iraq falls in Category 1. So Its obvious that Iraq will grow faster than category II States.
the sanctions on Iraq where due to the american propaganada on the state of Iraq that it posses WMD, biological weapons, chemical weapons, etc. but your country embarased itself in the international arena when you were not able to retrieve any such weapons when you invaded them.
may be Sadam killed a few 100 country men accusing them of treachery and traitors, but your country has made sure that the comming generation of Iraqi children have to grow among the toxic depeted uranium shells. etc harardous weapons grade mateiral whcih are courtesy of USA.
just don't go blind with Patriotism for your new home, read my signature and stand for what is right.
The US as a country never values human lifes of the world other than its own. that the cold truth and the world knows this.

this is what happens when you sit under a tree and get high. Sanctions on Iraq were UN sanctions, only passed if all 6 UNSC agrees to it. It was not an " American " doing only . You need to be knowledgeable about the basics before you debate nd throw statements at me..

when Saddam's was captured he said he lied and gave the impression about having WMD, to even his own closest advisers, because he wanted IRAN to think that IRAQ had WMD weapons. he never thought the US would follow through and attack...

again , research before you spew- Saddam killed thousands not just 100...research it!
WMD? OMG even american wouldn't even believe that.
Stop treat the world like stupid ok? We all know it's about oil.

---------- Post added at 06:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 AM ----------

Iseral got WMD and much much much destructive WMD but the US/and the world turned a blind eye on it. Care to explain why?
and who killed most of them? most iraqi's died by terrorists and not by americans... you are just espousing ill informed talking points. I'm not saying the war was was not the wrong thing to do. But don't give me false propoganda talking points.

Trying to play smart hun, ya you can tell that terrorist were the cause, but how many terrorist attacts took place pre war in Iraq and how many attack took place after your war on them.
the more you destroy a country the more the country goes into crisis and the more the people will become desperate to fight for the resources that is left. Oil can not be eaten, i am talking about the other esential resources.
Don't justify war, war is never the answer for human problems. the more you kill the more you teach the comming generations that humans do not deserve what God gave us to make life enjoyable.
It's not about the common man, it's about common sense. When you say america did it for oil- then prove it! show us where america got free oil. show us how we profited from this war where we spent trillions and got rid of most terrorists and handed a democracy to them... I'd love an ROI on my tax dollrs :lol:
oh yes, now the common sence comes to the light, the problem with the americans is that they think they know what is best from the world and what is best for other countries and its people.
You say that the developing countries should stop consuming enery less and leave a smaller corbon print, but you will not, WHAT double standards.
this is what happens when you sit under a tree and get high. Sanctions on Iraq were UN sanctions, only passed if all 6 UNSC agrees to it. It was not an " American " doing only . You need to be knowledgeable about the basics before you debate nd throw statements at me..

when Saddam's was captured he said he lied and gave the impression about having WMD, to even his own closest advisers, because he wanted IRAN to think that IRAQ had WMD weapons. he never thought the US would follow through and attack...

again , research before you spew- Saddam killed thousands not just 100...research it!
oh yes, the Isrealis too have WMD why is that you are keeping quite about it.
when US has the right to posses any weapons they have developed and are developing, then any country in the world has the right to develop weapons that suite their need to keep the threat of a hostile nation out of their shores.
I am sure the US knew before the war that Iraq DOES not posses WMD because if they strongly believed in it they would have feared setting foot in Iraq THINKING ABOUT THE risk of being bombed with such weapons.
oh yes, the Isrealis too have WMD why is that you are keeping quite about it.
when US has the right to posses any weapons they have developed and are developing, then any country in the world has the right to develop weapons that suite their need to keep the threat of a hostile nation out of their shores.
I am sure the US knew before the war that Iraq DOES not posses WMD because if they strongly believed in it they would have feared setting foot in Iraq THINKING ABOUT THE risk of being bombed with such weapons.

I smell an Anti American here. you cannot blame the actions of a worthless president, In fact attacking Iraq for fake WMD's was a mistake I will admit that on our part however not all american's supported bushes war.

---------- Post added at 01:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 AM ----------

oh yes, the Isrealis too have WMD why is that you are keeping quite about it.
when US has the right to posses any weapons they have developed and are developing, then any country in the world has the right to develop weapons that suite their need to keep the threat of a hostile nation out of their shores.
I am sure the US knew before the war that Iraq DOES not posses WMD because if they strongly believed in it they would have feared setting foot in Iraq THINKING ABOUT THE risk of being bombed with such weapons.

BTW saddam used the rumor of WMD's because he was in a cold war with Iran.
In another news, Obama promises he'll sh*t gold bricks out of his butt and shoot rainbow from his finger tip.
WMD? OMG even american wouldn't even believe that.
Stop treat the world like stupid ok? We all know it's about oil.

who is the we? we the chinese or we the seditious chinese americans?

The war was because Bush was an idiot and fell for the WMD line and allowed cheney to bs him with false intelligence. It was not for oil and " we" the real americans were also hoodwinked.

This was further multipled by saddam pretending to have WMD , kicking IAEA teams out from inspecting... as confessed by saddam himslelf,. all because he wanted Iran to think Iraq had WMD.
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