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IRAQ war is illegal?

Any "Human" wont have any doubt in the crimes of the United states of Zombieland.
why even put up such a stupid question when even a child knows that its illegal !
Iraq war was illegal: UK
Updated at: 0315 PST, Thursday, July 22, 2010

LONDON: The Deputy Prime Minister's statement, while standing in for David Cameron in Prime Minister's Questions, could lead to renewed legal claims against the Government and armed forces.

Clegg's comments angered some Conservative MPs, many of whom, including Mr Cameron, had voted for the 2003 invasion. His remarks came as Mr Clegg clashed with Jack Straw, who was standing in for Harriet Harman, Labour's leader.

Speaking about the former foreign secretary he said: "Maybe he one day - perhaps we will have to wait for his memoirs - could account for his role in the most disastrous decision of all, which is the illegal invasion of Iraq."

The Liberal Democrats were the only mainstream party to oppose the decision to topple Saddam Hussein. In the Commons Mr Clegg seemed to revel in reminding Mr Straw that it was Labour that had taken the country to war illegally.

Before his surprise outburst Mr Clegg had enjoyed raucous backing from his Coalition colleagues as he stood in at the Dispatch Box for the first time for the Prime Minister who is in America.

But his comments were seized on as he was speaking for the Coalition. Downing Street unconvincingly claimed that Mr Clegg was allowed to speak in a personal capacity.

In an attempt to defuse the row Number 10 said that the Iraq Inquiry, led by Sir John Chilcot, would declare whether the invasion on March 2003 was illegal.

But hours later a spokesman for the inquiry made it clear that Sir John would not make a conclusion on whether the America-led invasion, which was backed by 45,000 British personnel, was legal.

However, Downing Street still chose not to distance itself from the comments as Tory MPs attacked Mr Clegg for his contentious remarks.

Iraq war was illegal: UK
Iraq war disgust me the way US functioning works.. The personal problem with Saddam has been made as fight between two nations... Sending UN convoy to search WMDs and once it is not found attack with full power...what kind of illogical and illegal action that was?

World owes a big explanation from USA for past 7 years.. Lets see when they come back with what they have got..
Iraq war was indeed illegal. It was invaded on the false grounds (read: presence of weapons of Mass Destruction, free Iraqi people etc…). The reality was US and Britain wanted a tight rein on Saddam Hussein, which the latter opposed. This is not to say Saddam Hussein was a saint.
why even put up such a stupid question when even a child knows that its illegal !

You are right my friend.

Iraq was invaded over two LIES...

(1) Weapons of mass destruction
(2) Iraqi connection to 9/11 attack

Both these lies, resulted in the deaths of over one million innocent Iraqi civilians. It makes me feel sick to think about it.
Ya no doubt the war was start on a base of false theory of weapon of mass destruction, when there were no such weapons exist there. The only purpose of war was to capture oil resource to support that time claim of up coming daggling economic stands. So war was started illegally based on false goals.
If this stupid iraq war didnt happen, we probably had a better Afghanistan in terms of security and peace. That war took all the attention, resources away from afghanitan.

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