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Iran’s threat to avenge Fakhrizadeh: Don’t hold your breath

What do you think genius!

I think you're an Iranian keyboard warrior who would rather live in Canada than his own country that he is bragging about, understandably of course, American sanctions have turned Iran into a disaster zone. Still, I think if you had any decency you would appreciate Canada and the West instead of cheerleading for their enemy Iran like a snake
I think you're an Iranian keyboard warrior who would rather live in Canada than his own country that he is bragging about, understandably of course, American sanctions have turned Iran into a disaster zone. Still, I think if you had any decency you would appreciate Canada and the West instead of cheerleading for their enemy Iran like a snake
Words of wisdom from half indian half pakistani genius...you are too primitive to dabbled in the affairs of iran or Canada. You know what they call you in here...I do not wish to humiliate you.
I think you're an Iranian keyboard warrior who would rather live in Canada than his own country that he is bragging about, understandably of course, American sanctions have turned Iran into a disaster zone. Still, I think if you had any decency you would appreciate Canada and the West instead of cheerleading for their enemy Iran like a snake
A false flagger Indian.
Unlike Pakistan, Iran has serious enemies. not a bunch of Indian street shitters!

Iran's serious enemy is the Iranian people. The moment there is a true free and fair election in Iran the Mullas will be on the run for their lives. America and Israel are the only hope for the liberation of Iran from the theocratic regime. Popular uprisings were crushed brutally, now their deliverance can only be external not internal, just as Iraq's liberation in 2003 was external not internal
Iran's serious enemy is the Iranian people. The moment there is a true free and fair election in Iran the Mullas will be on the run for their lives. America and Israel are the only hope for the liberation of Iran from the theocratic regime. Popular uprisings were crushed brutally, now their deliverance can only be external not internal, just as Iraq's liberation in 2003 was external not internal
Please feel free to come and "liberate" Iran. You will get a huge reception from the Iranian people I am sure!
Iranian regime is playing the long game here, they know they can work with coming Biden administration, that is why we wont see any overt acts by Iran. However, this is what the regime in Tehran hopes but Trump had effectively established a new paradigm first by assassinating Solemnai and followed by latest killing of scientist. First and foremost priority for Iran is to get some relief on economic front, and its highly unlikely they will be goaded into attacking so openly.

Words of wisdom from half indian half pakistani genius...you are too primitive to dabbled in the affairs of iran or Canada. You know what they call you in here...I do not wish to humiliate you.

Are you aware what they call you or you just conviniently decided to forget that so you can be a racist against someone you deem inferior to you?
Get lost brown man.

Oh the irony, chances are you are also considered a brown man regardless of how fair skinned you might be. Unless you are actual European white, you are no one but a dirty brown middle eastern in the mind of people who thinks like you.
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Please accept my apologies on behalf of all adult Iranians for the crude racist and ignorant comments by Ayrobarzan. Yes indeed., Iranians are "brown" people like most Asians and Mediterranean people and are proud of that fact. This small racist cringe claiming to be Iranian are part of the imperialist folly of creating a mythical "AryaMehr". So excuse these ignorant trolls.

Now on the question of Iranian retaliation for the murder of its military officers and nuclear scientists, Iranian options are rather limited as Iranian mullahs have set a very bad precedent by not retaliating for earlier US and Zionist aggression in Syria and Iran itself. Now Iran is is a twilight zone as a desperate Trump may lash out at the last minute, so Iran has to play it cool for the foreseeable future until Biden's policies come to light. But don't expect much change in US stance towards Iran as Biden and Kamala are even more in servititude to the Zionists. It should be expected that in the next few weeks there will be more provocations towards Iran.
There is no Russian or Baathist aggression in Syria. The reality is that President Assad is the popularly elected leader of a country that is the last Arab bastion against Zionist Yinon plan expansionism. The Wahhabi terrorists in service of CIA and Mossad tried to topple the elected government of Dr. Assad but failed. Russia was invited by the legitimate Syrian government to help fight against global Wahhabi terrorism. Iran's role in Syria is very limited, to few dozen advisers to the various nationalist militias and the SAA. In any case, the Syrian government has a good handle on the terrorists who are now confined to a limited dwindling region in Idlb, which will also be liberated soon.
There is no Russian or Baathist aggression in Syria. The reality is that President Assad is the popularly elected leader of a country that is the last Arab bastion against Zionist Yinon plan expansionism. The Wahhabi terrorists in service of CIA and Mossad tried to topple the elected government of Dr. Assad but failed. Russia was invited by the legitimate Syrian government to help fight against global Wahhabi terrorism. Iran's role in Syria is very limited, to few dozen advisers to the various nationalist militias and the SAA. In any case, the Syrian government has a good handle on the terrorists who are now confined to a limited dwindling region in Idlb, which will also be liberated soon.
Not sure who you are but you are displaying an Iranian flag..So I go easy on you.....
Next time you appoint yourself to express the view of "adult Iranians" make sure they already have given you such a permission..

You can consider yourself "brown" but do not extend that designation to "all Iranians"...obviously you need some education on the "genetics" ..there are experts in this forum that have already provided the evidence ...just read...If you are a minority Iranian (arab) then you may consider yourself "brown".

You have called me "ignorant Troll"...I am neither "ignorant" nor "Troll"..But unlike you who suddenly shows up in this forum I am defending Iran and Iranians against the real Ignorant Trolls such as "Cherub 786"... I recommend you read his comments in the iranian threads before defending him...Shame on you man...remove that "Darius" name ..the real Darius will be turning in his grave with traitors like you.

As being racist....Guilty as charged and proud of it...
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