Alot of crap on this thread
Look Iran has holes in its defence, lack of a modern air force being one
But it also has positives, it is not a small nation, it's big with a big population
Because of its size and large army and population a invasion is out of the question
Hence if war breaks out the U.S aim will be to subdue Iran by multiple military strikes from as far as possible, trying to destroy multiple Iranian military and nuclear assets
Iran has multiple proxies in the region
It's aim should be to
1- Target all U.S forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria through these proxies and its own forces
2-Any U.S base in the mid East should be targeted, many do not have sufficient anti missile defense including bases in Afghanistan and Iraq/Syria
3-US main base is in Bahrain I think, well within Iranian range and even with a anti missile defense, Iran should target this with multiple strikes
4-Iran could close the Hormuz but it may not be necessary as any military action would automatically close it
Let's be clear Iran will take punishment but because of its size it won't be invaded just hit
But those hits could be severe
However, Iran in response could finish the U.S presence in Iraq, Syria and even Afghanistan
Iran may take more damage but it's going no where whilst the U.S could be pushed out
Right now Iran's proxies should begin to use some serious weaponry to hunt every American
American military
Or American company, contractor, etc in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan