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Iran's New Unmanned Bomber Drone 'Karrar' Unveiled

it looks like something taken out of history book.

I'd like to know which book in particular. I am a history buff after all but I haven't seen a historical equivalent to it, unless of course you are referring to the V-1 flying bomb in which case this isn't a flying bomb and nor does it use a pulse-jet engine and nor is it not meant to be re-used again. As for the V-1, it is a cruise missile and not a drone. Moreover, all cruise missile share an inherited design feature from the V-1 as it characteristics are the basics of such a system.

Its wingspan it too short to be a long endurance flyer. It seems to be lacking a decent sensor suit. Not so sure about internal fuel capacity.

The wingspan bears correlations to drag and to lift, not to the length of the flight i.e endurance. The only bit we know concerning the fuel capacity is that it can reach distances up to a 1,000km, which is significant. The internal control system are however the most confusing bit.

It does seem like 70's cruise missile to be honest.

What is a "70's cruise missile" and why must this look like one also?
Have to agree it does look a lot like a V1


Most likley though a reworked Tupolev Tu-143


The Tu-143 was introduced in 1976 and strongly resembled the Tu-141, but was substantially scaled-down. It was a short-range tactical reconnaissance system and had a low-level flight capability. It was truck-launched with RATO booster, recovered by parachute, and powered by a TR3-117 turbojet with 5.8 kN (590 kgf, 267 lbf) thrust. The initial version carried film cameras, but later versions carried a TV or radiation detection payload, with data relayed to a ground station over a datalink.

The Tu-143 was used by Syria in reconnaissance missions over Israel, as well as by Soviet forces in Afghanistan.
Any news on the avionics ? Also what will be the control system ? I am guessing a LOS ground system ? I have a hard time seeing that thing precision bombing anything. Looks more like the aircraft is built around getting the bomb to the target rather then other roles.
democracy ka manthra bajana walay insaniath ka dushman hain..i.eQUOTE]

Sorry I dont speak Indian...:no:

fisrt of all Indian is not a language, he is speaking Hindi.
Secondly Iraq was more stable without your democracy.
I really hate it when some Americans don't admit to the mistakes they made in Iraq and Afghanistan
well democracy on those now democratic countries are just in ist infancy and alot of people are trying to derail it...we must fight against those extremists....but make no mistake we will hunt them down and Kill them ALL...:usflag:

including ureself inshallah first...:woot::lol:
Why the rudeness?:undecided: we want democracy to the entire world, whats so bad about it?.....:usflag:

Well, the Taliban just want to impose Sharia in their own country... whats so bad about it?

Please understand that freedom means allowing people to do as they wish within limits that they set for themselves. It does not mean imposing your idea of freedom and forcing people to mimic you. That is not freedom. It is slavery.

Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq are stable, and neither of the two are democratic. American interference in both countries has made the situation far worse than it was previously. I don't know whether it is even worthwhile engaging you in discourse because your responses in this thread, at least, have been quite simplistic... but anyhow, please understand that America lost in Iraq and has lost in Afghanistan. From Iraq, due in part to Obama's sound approach, they were at least able to engineer a somewhat low-key exit. It remains to be seen whether the same happens in Afghanistan.

Net-net, the only thing that people will discuss "in future" when they look at American involvement in both these unnecessary wars is how it spurred the decline of the American economy and robbed it of its status as the world's only superpower. Sad but true.
Yes, the German V-1 pulse-jet powered flying bomb/ crude cruise missile. Despite the difference in construction, power-plant, physical features, internal armament (to the external pods on the Karar), range, payload size, internal systems, difference in intended roles (the Karar is not a cruise missile but a drone), speed, in technology used, and so forth, it is still an Iranian variant of the V-1. Say if it actually were a cruise missile, the same logic is still not used for non-Iranian products despite the fact that all modern cruise missiles share the basic design characteristics amongst each other and as such with the V-1 as well. But then again, the North Korean explanation is always readily present.

The only thing I can't see similar to Karrar is V1. It is mostly based on MQM-107 Streaker and Iran's Ababil drone in total design and is completely for different purposes.

Here I have copied the info that a man involved with Karrar said yesterday on TV:
* They worked on it for seven years (from design until production of multiple products (in specially designed facilities)). I forgot the name of the man who came up with the idea for this vehicle, but he is a martyr now.
* The vehicle launches from a specifically designed launcher (as seen in photo).
* Launchers can be on land as well as on ships at sea.
* The vehicle's landing gear involves a parachute and an inflatable landing gear. I'm not sure whether these are two separate systems or whether they complement one another. I think, with regards to the inflatable landing gear, he mentioned that it's separate method of landing. So, that it can either land by using its parachute, or by inflating a landing gear of some kind (when it's fitted with it).
* The vehicle is specifically designed to be able to target land, sea, as well as aerial targets.
* The vehicle can be fitted with multiple types of missiles as well as bombs.
* Depending on what it is carrying and what its mission is, the vehicles range of operation is more than 300km. (he didn't say what the max operational range is). Meaning, it can hit a target at at least 300km distance and return.
* The vehicle has multiple systems to prevent it from getting lost upon losing contact with control center.
* The vehicle has more than one hundred censors built in.
* The vehicle has multiple cameras.
* The vehicle can be commanded directly from the control center, as well as be pre-programmed to Launch -> fly to target -> destroy target -> return to center, without ever being in contact with the command center.
* The vehicle is hard to detect due to how it is built and how it behaves in air.
* The vehicle, as well as the software on it, as well as the design has been completely designed in Iran, and a university was also involved.
* The man furthermore mentioned that they're very happy with the results, because they had initially expected it would take them 15 years to reach this stage, but they did it in 7.
* He furthermore said that he sees it as more advanced than what China, India and Russia have produced, and even France and UK.
* What I found very interesting also is that he mentioned: We currently have vehicles in development that are considerably more advanced than the karrar.
Its a unmanned combat air vehicle, i dont think it can be used for reconnaissance.
The only thing it isn't is a reconnaissance UAV. Iran has Ababil and Mohajer series drones for that. It is a bomber drone. I don't have the links right now but there are films that show it dropping a bomb.
Why the rudeness? ... we want ... whats so bad about it? :usflag:

Well exactly ... when the heart is "pure", the means must be just - automatically and unimpeachably so. How could anyone question anything "bad" about it?

Name me one bozo from your warm fuzzy trailer park who doesn't want their womenfolk to experience the full joy of sex! And for whom "liberty" is simply "no means yes" and "yes means five" ...

What, they don't really like it? Well they like not having teeth knocked out of them, don't they?

What works for the trailer park must work for the little world out there, no?

After all, isn't the world your trailer park?

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for the Iranian "drone" physically, it has far more in common with a one-shot cruise missile than it does with a drone that loiters, gathers intel, with a light attack capability

Drones like the Predator need to loiter at slow speeds, which allow tight turns over a point on the earth. They need sensors. They need landing gear unless Iran wants to mess with parachutes, a real PITA and a recovery method which usually results in some damage.

This thing has a high wing loading, a turbojet engine, and lacks (for now) any sort of sensor suite. So why not call it what it apparently is, a cruise missile?

Note the strong similarity to a known cruise missile:


It appears to be well-made, and it is definitely impressive. Cruise missiles have a huge advantage over ballistic missiles in cost, and in their ability to saturate air defenses preparatory to an attack by manned aircraft.
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