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Iran's intelligence chief in Saudi Arabia.


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
RIYADH—Iran's intelligence chief traveled to Riyadh for talks with Saudi Arabia's top intelligence officials, maintaining security contacts between the two neighbors even as Saudi leaders publicly accuse Iran of instigating political unrest and a nuclear arms race in the region.

Iranian Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi talked Monday with Saudi Crown Prince Nayef, who is also the Saudi interior minister; Saudi intelligence director Prince Muqrin; and other top Saudi royals, the Saudi Press Agency reported Tuesday. Iranian and Saudi officials "reviewed a number of issues of common concern," the Saudi news agency said.

Saudi accusations have mounted against Iran in recent months, with Saudi officials publicly accusing Shia-dominated Iran of inciting trouble among the Shia Muslim populations of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, and other Arab nations.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. also charge Iran with plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Saudi officials have been increasingly outspoken in public warnings to Iran to back away from what many in the Gulf and the West contend is an Iranian push to develop a nuclear-weapons program. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful uses.

"I really, sincerely hope Iranians listen to their wise people,'' Prince Muqrin, the intelligence chief, told The Wall Street Journal earlier this month.

Despite the rhetoric between Iran and Sunni Muslim-led Saudi Arabia, the two countries maintain contacts under a late 1990s' security pact, Saudi political analyst Abdullah al-Shamri said Tuesday.

"I think there were indications from our side the last two months that the patience of Saudi Arabia might run out," Mr. al-Shamri said. "Iran may be wise to sit down" now with the Saudis.

Saudi King Abdullah met Tuesday with the head of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, Abdul Latif Zayani. Their session was ahead of a GCC meeting later this month in Riyadh in which Gulf leaders are to discuss bolstering a regional military force, in part due to Arab unease over Iran's nuclear program.

Reacting to that unease, former Saudi intelligence director Turki al-Faisal earlier in December raised the possibility of Saudi Arabia creating its own program for weapons of mass destruction, in response to what he said was Iran's program.

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

Iran's Intelligence Chief Held Talks With Saudis - WSJ.com
This is good news, lets hope usa does not make up some news tomorrow that will cause further tension.
Attack On Iran Will Have 'Calamitous' Consequences: Saudi Prince

(RTTNews) - Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Chairman of Saudi Arabia's King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies, has called for the creation of a nuclear-free Middle East while supporting a system based on rewards and sanctions to deter nations in the region with nuclear ambitions.

Addressing academics and faculty members at the Alfaisal University in Riyadh on Monday, Prince Turki also warned that any attack on Iran would have huge consequences for the region and its adverse impact would be felt worldwide, the Arab News reported.

He said a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) was the best way to get Iran and Israel on board and to force them to abandon nuclear programs. "Such a zone must be accompanied by a rewards regime for those countries in the region that join the zone," he said and called for a "nuclear security umbrella" guaranteed by all the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council for the region.

Replying to a question about the possibility of an attack on Iran to force it to roll back its controversial nuclear program and the impact of such an action, Prince Turki said the impact would be "calamitous … cataclysmic, not just catastrophic."
He said Iranian actions had provoked worldwide opposition but at the same time suggested that Iran's nuclear program was being singled out, while Israel was being given a clean chit. Any unilateral decision to launch a military attack aimed at halting Iran's nuclear program could have huge consequences, he warned.

Prince Turki expressed grave concerns that if Israel and Iran acquired a range of nuclear weapons, they would unleash a cascade of nuclear proliferation that would significantly destabilize the region and possibly destroy efforts to establish a nuclear weapons free zone in this part of the world. In this context, he noted that last year's nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference had included in its final document a call for the establishment of a Middle East zone free of all weapons of mass destruction.
^^^We all know Israel has had nukes for quite some time. And just how are they going to 'punish' or 'reward' Israel for the sake of a nuclear free Middle East?
Quite an interesting piece. Iran might be sharing some crucial info after the secret plane confiscation.

I wonder what possible closed door discussions were between the two intelligence chiefs... i suppose something important has got to be cooking in there
Iran oilmin had "friendly chat" with Saudi's Naimi

VIENNA Dec 13 (Reuters) - Iranian Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi said on Tuesday he held a "friendly chat" with his Saudi counterpart Ali al Naimi and "everything was OK."

The conversation took place ahead of Wednesday's OPEC meeting.

Iran and Saudi, OPEC's two biggest producers were on opposite sides in June when OPEC failed to agree an output deal for the first time in decades.

(reporting Ramin Mostafavi)

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

You think there is a shift in the foreign policy of the two nations??

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ----------

Iran oilmin had friendly chat with Saudi's Naimi | Energy & Oil | Reuters
I hope these nations sort their problems out, this will be the best for the region and the world as a whole.
He said a zone free of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) was the best way to get Iran and Israel on board and to force them to abandon nuclear programs. "Such a zone must be accompanied by a rewards regime for those countries in the region that join the zone," he said and called for a "nuclear security umbrella" guaranteed by all the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council for the region.

Thats all nice and dandy, but:

1. Israel will never give up nuclear weapons.
2. UNSC promises of guarantees means exactly nothing, they can broke it anytime on any pretense.
Whats funny is KSA is so worrried about Irans nukes whilst they dont say jack about Israel...it shows how much they lick usa's @ss, this is just a political move by Iran, and a very smart one at that.
both countries should sit together and settle their disputes otherwise third party will get benefits from tension among them
Iran intelligence chief in KSA to plot the assassination of Saudi prince - CNN. :D
Why doesn't King Abdullah ever visit Iran, or any other country for that matter? Is he too fat to move or something?
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