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Iranian UAVs | News and Discussions

We've been pondering that for some time now...

This is the first time I realize how small it is with the people so close to it. I was way off when comparing to S-129 earlier!
Yeah,what would ultimately become the kaman 12 originally started off as 2 quite small single cylinder engine powered drones,even in its stretched mohajem incarnation that was only powered by a small four cylinder engine.
Basically its only a little bigger than an ababil 3,tho it is powered by the mohajer 6 rotax engine so that should give it fairly decent performance

It looks like its using a slightly modified mohajer 6 launch pylon.Hopefully we`ll see the akghar mini cruise missile made operational as well as I think that would be an excellent long range drone launched weapon.

The first decent pic of the rear of the drone and its rotax engine.

This pic shows the rear view [on bottom left] of the iranian spike canister likely adapted for drone launch.

We can see the lines for the emergency parachute recovery system.
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At 00:15 there is a drone whose construction is so sloppy, it is embarrassing and made me wish they would just stop already and buy this equipment from entities inside the country who can do it way better.
It might be an older model or a prototype of some type, in any case the gap in the fuselage is unacceptably wide.
Its a mohajer 2N,you can see the P046A number on the side plus the beefed up landing skid mounts.

You can see that even this one thats been prettied up for display has more than a few gaps in the various access panels.:meeting:
اولین روز رزمایش بزرگ پهپادی ارتش ایران

🔹مراسم سان فرماندهان ارشد ارتش و ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح از ستون ۲کیلومتری پهپادهای ایرانی و بازدید از نمایشگاه بزرگ دستاوردهای پهپادی ارتش/آجامدیا
Mohajer-6 UCAV
at least 5 seen, some with IRIAF personnel standing beside, previously in the Army it was only in service of IRIGF(it is also in service with IRGC GF and IRGC Navy).


Kaman-12 UCAV


Kian(AKA Arash) suicide UAVs



Ababil-3 UCAV(although it appears that the designation for it, is Ababil-4)

Bell-214 armed with suicide UAV


Upgraded AH-1J armed with Shafagh and Spike like missiles
With Iranian Spike

With Shafagh

IRIADF honor guard



Admiral Khanzadi with new IRIN uniform
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Its a mohajer 2N,you can see the P046A number on the side plus the beefed up landing skid mounts.

You can see that even this one thats been prettied up for display has more than a few gaps in the various access panels.:meeting:
I guess so long they do their jobs. The higher speed and heavier drones do seem to built better; guess they can't all be shahed 170.

Something to note, whenever IRGC carries out exercise, I a whole bunch of updates from different youtube channels clips already from state tv. Artesh carries out this drone exercises, and RT is the first youtube vid I see about it. Admiral Sayyari complains that state tv does not cover these things enough but I think artesh doesn't popularize itself enough.
There was an incident of a blogger from I think IRIAF who was berated over his personal blog over some idiotic nonsense too. I don't know the precise details, but it was covered by Omid Dana and later by Parvineh Zamany.

I did see a very short little promo video by artesh about this exercise, but nothing of substance from the actual wargames.
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