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anyone what's the story and weapon used ?... what failed ?


Saudi SAM fails during Houthi attack
by Jeremy Binnie

A surface-to-air missile (SAM) launched by a Saudi air defence system to intercept a threat from Yemen on 4 September appears to have malfunctioned.

Saudi Patriot launchers during Exercise ‘Ramah al-Nasr 1' that was held in the Eastern Province in January–February. (Saudi Press Agency)

Saudi Patriot launchers during Exercise ‘Ramah al-Nasr 1' that was held in the Eastern Province in January–February. (Saudi Press Agency)
The incident happened during an attack carried out by the Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah (the Houthis), which announced it had launched a Zulfiqar ballistic missile and eight Sammad-3 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at Aramco's Ras Tanura oil terminal on Saudi Arabia's Gulf coast, as well as five Badr ballistic missiles and another two Sammad-3s at Aramco facilities in Jeddah, Jizan, and Najran.

The Saudi Ministry of Defence reported that it intercepted three ballistic missiles and three UAVs carrying explosives that were heading towards the Eastern Province, Jizan, and Najran. It did not report the claimed attack on Jeddah. It said debris from an intercepted ballistic missile fell on Dammam, injuring two children and inflicting minor damage to 14 houses.

Multiple amateur videos purportedly filmed in the Dammam area south of Ras Tanura showed a fast-moving light in the night sky that witnesses presumed was an incoming missile, which then exploded, apparently after hitting the ground.

The missile seen in the amateur video footage must have been a SAM rather than the Zulfiqar as it was flying at a low trajectory and its motor was still burning. The Zulfiqar, which is an extended-range version of Iran's Qiam, would not have been visible as its motor would have burned out after its boost phase and then detached itself from the re-entry vehicle carrying the warhead to fall somewhere short of the target. The Sammad-3 is powered by a propellor rather than a jet.

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anyone what's the story and weapon used ?... what failed ?


Saudi SAM fails during Houthi attack
by Jeremy Binnie

A surface-to-air missile (SAM) launched by a Saudi air defence system to intercept a threat from Yemen on 4 September appears to have malfunctioned.

Saudi Patriot launchers during Exercise ‘Ramah al-Nasr 1' that was held in the Eastern Province in January–February. (Saudi Press Agency)' that was held in the Eastern Province in January–February. (Saudi Press Agency)

Saudi Patriot launchers during Exercise ‘Ramah al-Nasr 1' that was held in the Eastern Province in January–February. (Saudi Press Agency)
The incident happened during an attack carried out by the Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah (the Houthis), which announced it had launched a Zulfiqar ballistic missile and eight Sammad-3 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) at Aramco's Ras Tanura oil terminal on Saudi Arabia's Gulf coast, as well as five Badr ballistic missiles and another two Sammad-3s at Aramco facilities in Jeddah, Jizan, and Najran.

The Saudi Ministry of Defence reported that it intercepted three ballistic missiles and three UAVs carrying explosives that were heading towards the Eastern Province, Jizan, and Najran. It did not report the claimed attack on Jeddah. It said debris from an intercepted ballistic missile fell on Dammam, injuring two children and inflicting minor damage to 14 houses.

Multiple amateur videos purportedly filmed in the Dammam area south of Ras Tanura showed a fast-moving light in the night sky that witnesses presumed was an incoming missile, which then exploded, apparently after hitting the ground.

The missile seen in the amateur video footage must have been a SAM rather than the Zulfiqar as it was flying at a low trajectory and its motor was still burning. The Zulfiqar, which is an extended-range version of Iran's Qiam, would not have been visible as its motor would have burned out after its boost phase and then detached itself from the re-entry vehicle carrying the warhead to fall somewhere short of the target. The Sammad-3 is powered by a propellor rather than a jet.

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I think I recall a identical incident in March as well which their is also evidence it evaded interception.

Only missile that can reach that far would be the Zulfiqar missile, not to be confused with the Iranian Zulfiqar missile which are very different missiles, just the same name.


Small warhead in general, might be somewhere like 200kg.
Medium Range Ballistic missile probably around 1000km, with a separable warhead.
Unguided, and no evasive capabilities, but a very small and very fast warhead.

In the march incident interceptors were used but could not intercept the warhead, where it impact an open area within the city. Some good luck there. This class of missile is performing well against US interceptors and other countries should take note.

I linked a very informative thread here for you if you'd like to take a look at it about the March incident.

I think the article is wrong here saying their was a malfunction, but more likely the interceptors simply failed to intercept the warhead. The basis for their claim is simply that the warhead was producing light ( motor was still burning ) which means it probably was a failed SAM, but in the march incident in what was confirmed to be a missile warhead, was also doing the same. I think they under estimate the speed of the warhead, the warhead could also have been burning from heat on arrival.
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The Saudis are notorious for trying their very best to deny casualties or material losses as much as possible. They learned this trick from the Americans and Zionists as well.

In Syria the rebels, anytime pro government forces or Russian jets hit their targets, every single time, time after time, they claim civilians killed. So in essence if you were to believe the Syrian rebels, basically pro gov forces only kill civilians yet the rebels only kill enemy soldiers.

This despite the fact that the pro gov forces have a technological advantage in the air. Obviously collateral damage is a part of warfare but to say that pro government forces ONLY kill civilians is ridiculous. Why wouldn't they target the enemy ? Why only civilians. What a joke.


I think I recall a identical incident in March as well which their is also evidence it evaded interception.

Only missile that can reach that far would be the Zulfiqar missile, not to be confused with the Iranian Zulfiqar missile which are very different missiles, just the same name.

View attachment 776911

Small warhead in general, might be somewhere like 200kg.
Medium Range Ballistic missile probably around 1000km, with a separable warhead.
Unguided, and no evasive capabilities, but a very small and very fast warhead.

In the march incident interceptors were used but could not intercept the warhead, where it impact an open area within the city. Some good luck there. This class of missile is performing well against US interceptors and other countries should take note.

I linked a very informative thread here for you if you'd like to take a look at it about the March incident.

I think the article is wrong here saying their was a malfunction, but more likely the interceptors simply failed to intercept the warhead. The basis for their claim is simply that the warhead was producing light ( motor was still burning ) which means it probably was a failed SAM, but in the march incident in what was confirmed to be a missile warhead, was also doing the same. I think they under estimate the speed of the warhead, the warhead could also have been burning from heat on arrival.
In Syria the rebels, anytime pro government forces or Russian jets hit their targets, every single time, time after time, they claim civilians killed. So in essence if you were to believe the Syrian rebels, basically pro gov forces only kill civilians yet the rebels only kill enemy soldiers.

And the notorious "Liveuamap" was and is relaying these claims systematically and uncritically. Truly pathetic, looking at their stupid maps with these Soviet era Pravda-like annotations.
What is all this siliness about Kashan Airport I here?

Apparently this is where Iran is training it's foreign allies? Because they saw a couple drones parked there?
What is all this siliness about Kashan Airport I here?

Apparently this is where Iran is training it's foreign allies? Because they saw a couple drones parked there?

It is not believable that they mix Houthis and HZ and Hamas in the same location. Likely multiple locations are in use.
What is all this siliness about Kashan Airport I here?

Apparently this is where Iran is training it's foreign allies? Because they saw a couple drones parked there?

A so called "world summit on counter terrorism" held in 💩zionist israel💩,if it wasnt so thoroughly sickening in its utter total hypocrisy,it would almost be funny.🤮
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