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Iranian Trained Terrorists involved in Sectarian Killing in Pakistan

I am sorry to hear that, may the deceased rest in peace. Was it revealed later who were the perpetrators in that masjid attack? Are you saying they were Shia because it was a Sunni mosque?

I condemn killing of any civilian, be it Sunni or Shia, but you see, as @Atanz said, Shias are receiving much more than they are giving. You see for a group like TTP, it doesn't matter if you are Sunni or Shia, they will kill you if you oppose them. LeJ has mostly targeted the Shias and that's actually the reason of creation of Shia militant groups in Pakistan (which barely exist today). Yes they may be responsible for civilian casualties too, I never denied that, but please, you should understand who started it all at first. What led to rise of sectarian fights in Pakistan? Who killed the most numbers of civilians, who is the main culprit? You know better than me that they are nowhere near equal, even though, loss of even one innocent life is a huge crime based on Quran.

First of all, Iran's role is not proved in any of them and that list is ridiculous.

Secondly, I'll ask you a question and it will be revealed whether you are a hypocrite or not, since you claim that you care about civilian lives. Does it matter if a civilian life is lost in a terrorist attack or in a war? Well guess what? in 1980, Saddam Hussein attacked Iran, used all kinds of war crimes including massive use of chemical weapons, with support of almost all Arab countries except Syria and Libya, and also with support of Europe, USSR and US. It led to death of tens of Iranians, including thousands of civilians. It was one of the biggest civilian casualties in ME after beginning of 20th century. But for people like you, those lives don't matter, because they weren't killed in 'terror' attacks.

Now let's assume all of those attacks in your list are Iran's job (which they are not proved), what's the total number of civilian casualties in those attacks? Now compare it to number of Iranian civilians killed by Iraq and regional countries and west, doesn't it mean that they are the biggest terrorists? Or only civilians that are killed in suicide bombings count?

I think we better not go in past decades, because, I too can bring up matter of nasty game that Pakistan played along with Saudi Arabia in Afghanistan in 90s, which led to death of thousands of civilians, doesn't it also come under the terrorism category? Let me assure you, no country is innocent, so stop playing innocent please.

My whole point in this thread was about the current situation, not years ago, and on bogus claims about non-existent Iranian groups in Baluchistan which is the most stupid thing to say, because Iran itself is complaining to Pakistan about cross border attacks, but it wants to cause unrest on the other side of the border, which would directly hurt Iran itself first and foremost.

So you think I cheer every time I hear that an Iranian dies?. That I throw a party and invite mullahs and pray for more deaths?, what kind of a sick minded person are you?, I'm well aware of the hardships faced by Iranians in the Iran-Iraq war and no any attack on civilian infrastructure or civilians, especially during war time is considered a terror attack, a famous historical example was Hitler's "terror bombing" campaign.
No, those people are not targeted by militant groups because they are Sunnis or Shias but because they are Pakistanis, they merely attack Sunnis to gain support of Shias and attack the Shias to gain support of Sunnis, they want to exploit these wounds to bring Pakistan down.
What fate would you have chosen for Afghanistan?, give an already strong group support to quickly end the war or give support to an entirely new alliance and aide it in its power struggle which would result in even larger bloodshed?. Oh and let's forget that Pakistan aided in ceasefire in between various fighting groups in Afghanistan and those millions of Afghanis given refuge both Sunnis and Shias. And for your claim that the list I gave you about terror attacks that you denied about Iran having played a role, you do know that the 2012 attack on Israeli diplomat in India was found to be done by Iran, not said by Americans or Israelis or Pakistanis but by Indians themselves. And no I'm not playing "innocent", no I only wanted to give you a reminder of what is reality and what is yours and your fellows analysis and mocking, remember its not a Sunni Shia problem labeling these as such will only divide us.
UNFORTUNATELY, not until you educate them, they wont know the difference...WHY our bloody politicians cant educate them? Even basics so that they dont have to go to a peer baba or some idiot claiming to have ancestry from Prophet or some idiot claiming to have flown to the moon or who is some WALI or some highly skilled person (self proclaimed without the need to go to any educational institute) or coz he is student/ son of some famous previous imam?!

THESE basic cultural shit needs to go! Heck even in 1 of the masjid we had in UK...this old man was self proclaimed imam ...I once asked why? The aunty told me he proclaimed himself coz he is the oldest in the community who can say no to him?

I'll say the words my father says whenever someone asks him such questions:
"Jab tak ghaday ko lathi nahin parhti tab tak woh agay nahin chalta". Now its up to us to decide who delivers the lathi its either the military, or its us, the educated Pakistanis who for once go and actually vote and demand rights from governments, the problem is that educated people like me ( I don't know about you I know you're educated, I'm trying to say that us educated people) don't care what happens to the other part of our population because they only face these hardships; until and unless a purge is not done on the corrupt and their worldly materialistic distractions are obliterated they will not realize that it is the people who are the kings and they are merely slaves working according to their wishes.
A very fair and simple question from my Pakistani brothers:

Everybody in world knows that all the Wahhabi, Salafi Takfiri groups and organisations in Pakistan and Afghanistan recruit new man power from Madrassahs... It is also a known fact that who and which country funds these madrassas all around the world... From Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, to Cacause and Europe... from Pakistan and Afghanistan to Africa....

Everybody knows that these kind of Madrassas are acting like a recruting and brain washing and then training base for Takfiri, Al qaeda, ISIL, Tahreek, Jundallah, Taliban groups....

Why Pakistani and other host countries' government don't act against these schools? Are they afraid of the funder country? Does it really worth it? Every year more brain washed Takfiris came out of these Madrassa... now their numbers are less than coule of hundred thousands but if not stopped they may become as big as no country on earth can stop them...

What is the true policy of Pak gov regarding these bases of Fitna?
you have no sh!t. future will prove that.
I remember the last time some pak officials made an story that Iranian have entered Pakistan's territory and killed your border guards, you were jumping up and down that we will do this, we will do that.

yet later your prime minister visited Iran, shook hand witn Iranian, smiled and not only didn't say anything about that news, he talked about boosting the relations between two countries.
and about the original news; some pak soldiers were chasing after some criminals entered Iran's territory and our border guards mistook them for terrorists and opened fire on them.

@mohsen, Pakistan wants to keep good relationship with Iran - let there be no doubt on that. We have no claim on your kidney neither we want to poke into your matters - literally there is no interest in seeing you in trouble or cause a problem for you and there are good reasons for that. If Pakistan down-played border incident with Iran, it doesn't mean Iran didn't do what it did on border incident. We have an enemy on the east, we need no enemy on the west ! but not just that, we don't have a claim on your kidneys - don't forget this part.

And weather we have a $hit or not is not in your knowledge - you just saw an officer mentioning an "Islamic neighbouring country" and he was still cautious to name Iran straight away. You are failing to see that Pakistan is still trying to be soft on your "deliberate mistakes" but that doesn't mean your all mistakes have an "automatic pardon" coming. Be mindful of what you are playing with and be-mindful that you can be played on equal grounds. We haven't just played back yet and let there be no doubt on our capacity to treat you as you are trying to treat Pakistan.
We haven't just played back yet and let there be no doubt on our capacity to treat you as you are trying to treat Pakistan.
Are you going to run Pakistan from all the way in Australia? We have a type of job system we call "Remote Working" for those civil servants that can do their job from home... do you do the same?
Are you going to run Pakistan from all the way in Australia? We have a type of job system we call "Remote Working" for those civil servants that can do their job from home... do you do the same?

I am Part of my Nation! If my flags are not able to make you read, nothing else will.
Tens of 'actual' terrorist attacks from Pakistani soil against Iran in past years and yet the only thing you guys can come up with is a random guy throwing baseless accusation?

What if I show a random video of an Iranian saying Pakistan's ISI is organizing terror attacks against Iran, by groups like Jaish al-Adl or former Rigi group? Based on your logic, it should be a well proof of Pakistan's support for terrorists in Iran, right?

Hundreds if not thousands of terror attacks by Saudi-inspired groups inside Pakistan, killing thousands of people and you desperately try to blame Iran so that Saudis, God forbid, might not get angry with you. Pathetic.

Easy there fella. The government of Pakistan or its armed forces have said no such thing. Now i cant comment on what the above guy is basing his judgement on but rest assured this is not the official policy of Pakistan. Terrorism in Pakistan is Indian sponsored and that is what our official position is.
I am Part of my Nation! If my flags are not able to make you read, nothing else will.
so you are an Australian running Pakistan from Pakistan!!? Either this or the one I told first... This is what I read from your flags
Now @Serpentine tell me how do you think my family feels about Shia? Imagine we werent having that wedding festival....

You must be a little girl with two ponis : ) someone told Shia did this and you engraved in your brain that Shias were bad people.

In 1997 there was only Ptv, no live coverage no breaking news. How could you say Sunni killing was not worth news.

Regarding discussion, my vote goes to Shias, see why : Ahmadis were declared as Non-Muslim but no one ordered to behead them. They remained equal citizens. On the other hand a bunch of people on their own declared Shias as 'Kafir' and at the same time summoned they be removed from the surface of the Earth. Shias don't declare anyone non Muslim, they don't have this craze. They act in self defence basically.
You must be a little girl with two ponis : ) someone told Shia did this and you engraved in your brain that Shias were bad people.
Where did I say they are bad?

Kindly use your little brain in proper sense!

In 1997 there was only Ptv, no live coverage no breaking news. How could you say Sunni killing was not worth news.
Coz it wasnt even on PTV...no news paper...Kindly explain that bit!

Shias don't declare anyone non Muslim, they don't have this craze.
Do you wanna bet on that?
Do you wanna bet on that?
Kindly prove otherwise.... calling ISIS non Muslim does n't count as every person on earth are agreed to this one
Kindly prove otherwise.... calling ISIS non Muslim does n't count as every person on earth are agreed to this one
Are you serious? Even Sunnis call them non Muslim what are you high on?

I am not going to point it out and behave as someone who wishes to go hurt people...You wanna do it go ahead...Those interested can google it!
Are you serious? Even Sunnis call them non Muslim what are you high on?

I am not going to point it out and behave as someone who wishes to go hurt people...You wanna do it go ahead...Those interested can google it!
I googled it and could not find a single source to prove there is a single shia group who takfirs... please kindly provide the proof or let us just get over it...
How did you miss this one which made world news: Iraq: Shia militias 'killing Sunnis in reprisal attacks' - BBC News

Was it not aired in Iran?
ans where in it says shia militia are takfiris?

are you serious brother? do u even know what Takfir and Takfiri means?

The report (which is very biased btw, as usual from BBC) says nothing about Shia declare Takfir or being Takfiri...it is the story of those civilians trained in a week to get ready to fight ISIL and Takfiri Tribal forces and are called Hashd al Sha,abi army of Iraq.... It is the story of some soldiers who killed some Sunnis in revenge to what ISIS and Sunni Tribal fighters did to shia in Iraq... I think you said something and now is out of clue!! please let's finish this baseless subject...there are no shia organisation as Takfiris...
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