The purpose is to test new systems in order to prepare the background for next bigger, more serious launches. If this sat operation is successful then the next step will be sending a 10 meter resolution sat (scheduled to be launched in 2015) and then the time comes for sending a commercial telecom sat to GEO stationary 36000 km + two other military sats (an observation aperture radar and a less than 1 meter resolution spy satellite). They only wait for the heavier carrier to send them up.
Meanwhile, other sectors are working on completing the GHAEM and GHOGHNOOS SLVs to carry that heavy telecom sats.
So, in a nutshell, the purpose is to experiment devices that Iran made already in order to use them in future commercial launches.
All future launches will be done according to plans as today the head of ISA announced no funding problems will stop their plans and they are determent to launch all of them in near future.