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Iranian Regime Insider Declares: "Islamic World Must Have Nuclear Weapons"

People maybe against policy of having lots of proxies groups who follow orders from Tehran and who are heavily influenced by Iran to fight their wars and spread their influence. However , this is also geopolitics, Iran is merely furthering it's interests and influence in the region. Nothing wrong in that (geopolitically speaking, of course morally speaking that's another thing altogether). People complaining here about Iran's influence t spread their Shi'a ideology, and influence in the middle East , Pakistan etc only have themselves to blame not Iran. Why blame Iran for your own incompetence? If these countries had a stable strong leadership then I don't think it will be possible for Iran to have such an influence in their countries. For example despite all the talk of KSA incompetence, they still have a strong stable leadership for decades now, reason Iran can't influence KSA from inside at all or have their citizens go fight for them in regional conflicts.. That's not the case with other countries with weak leadership/state like Lebanon, Pakistan,Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan,Palestine etc etc. Countries Iran has quite an influence among the people or state or groups . So why blame Iran? They are merely showing they are a major regional power and key player in the region , since they can influence events in the entire middle East from Tehran. So in this case I agree with @SOHEIL that Iran thinks big compared to Pakistan. Even though I must say it's also because Pakistan faces a giant enemy (India).
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