Executing your own scientist for treason (apparently) and a person who has killed nobody is acceptable but when KSA executes 47 terrorists (almost all nationals and all Arabs) all convicted of murder and multiple other serious offenses, of which 2 happened to be Shia, hell breaks lose and embassies are burned and stormed.
Let alone those mass-executions of Sunni Kurds recently. I guess Saudi Arabians and Arabs across the Arab world should have stormed and burned Iranian embassies on their territories. All while doing nothing to try and stop such behavior. Not only that but to this day making excuses for such behavior because an self-appointed Mullah and "religious leader" of 1 small city in KSA, said something pro-Mullah (Wilayat al-Faqih) and anti-House of Saud, his crimes and victims, who were mostly Shia ironically themselves, are irrelevant.
However the Iranians here constantly speak about how bad almost every Iranian opposition group is. Again hypocrisy. Do they not realize this themselves or are they completely blinded by their obsession?
Also I am sure that a swift beheading with a sword (like done in KSA) which lasts 1-2 seconds and which is almost painless for the condemned (probably the most "humane" way of execution as death is instant) is much worse than being hanged as done in Iran which can take several minutes. People can see the videos of both methods on the internet and compare it.
Interestingly enough almost no Saudi Arabians or Arabs for that matter gave much thought to what the Iranian regime did to their own people and who and why they executed them. Sure the media mentioned it (due to the current "Cold War") and people commented more on it than normally, mostly to expose the hypocrisy, but that is about it. Nobody stormed the Iranian embassy or consulates anywhere in the Arab world.
Of course when an Saudi Arabian or Arab in general bothers, like me, to go into such details, there is astounding silence from the "Mullah camp" everywhere. As expected. If we used as much time at countering that tiny minority as they use on us, we would probably have ended all future debates very quickly. I alone could probably deal with 10 of them at once.