Russia as well as China suit better as a long term partner, common security threats and common goals than any other country for muslim countries in general. Our leaders can make mistakes but for the long term you should look behind temporary political scene and think from common goals, security of countries. Eu countries are good to trade with but because of centuries of historical issues with Ottoman Empire there is tendency to back up any Usa-British-israel plan against muslim countries seeing us as a threat. No matter what you think this will be the case for a long time so there is no common threat-security with them but common goals , improving trade can be ofcourse will make it easier and faster for these historical threat issues to melt away. We all know the usa-israel + britain(side kick figure) nexus there is nothing more to comment about that.
By meaning partner I dont mean trusting blindly. In any agreement you need to think and secure your position from your point of view. This is like trade you trust but you do everything accordingly without gaps that can result in negative results for each side.
The leaked israeli attack plan documents from Usa, as well as fake pressuring israel staged drama for ceasefire attempts of Eu countries should not change Iran's position about Russia.