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Iranian Missiles | News and Discussions

Where did you get this? Lying as always. Iran does not have blackouts. With 75,000 MW of installed capacity, Iran is well awash with electricity. But then from some one who can create this sick thread and writing sick things about suffering human beings, nothing else can be expected: How italy can profit from the break down in libya | Page 4

All HAWK versions are now obsolete. Even the ones upgraded by US, such as the Turkish HAWK system. That is why you are begging China to sell you a system as US is not supplying you with newer systems and because you can not develop it yourselves. Iran is atleast trying. And this is the difference.

Oh i heared from news. Also that you have mega imflation and people struggle to pay their daily bills. The recent oil prices dont help either. ;). Beside that i know a girl from Tehran who told me about constant power blackouts, mostly in summer because the rotten infrastructure cant take the load. She doesnt live there anymore. She moved to Canada. :)
you exactly left Iran when Iran started to see some real improvements in each and every aspect... The utilities are way better...almost all villages has natural gas now... there are some problems in Ahvaz which is nothing but mismanagement by local authorities... that will be fixed soon inchallah... Black outs are something we tell stories about to kids... You just missed Iran when it started to take off

A military super power like India has always wise commanders to know what to acquire and what to build locally... I admire Indian progress in last couple of decades very much..
Well thanks for the complement but the reality is that our Military is getting screwed on a daily basis by the worthless politicians of this country who think that spending on our defense sector is nothing but a wastage of resources.Our defence budget is meagre compared to all other "big" powers like Russia or China and the main reason behind this is that our Govt. allocates less than 2% of our GDP to the Defense sector(our present defense budget is only around 1.75% of our GDP) when we really need to allocate at least 3% of our GDP to boost up our defense forces.Iran is extremely lucky in this regard as your politicians are much more competent and efficient than ours.They understand the need of the defense forces and hence your armed forces are develoing newer weapons by the each passing day unlike ours:(.
There are no concerns. If no peaceful solition is found and no deal reached that is good for us, then we will have no deal and go on like we do now. This means sabotage. And when the republicans gain the president seat this will hopefully end once and for all and iran will be liberated.
Who is the candidate of republicans for the next presidential elections?
Well thanks for the complement but the reality is that our Military is getting screwed on a daily basis by the worthless politicians of this country who think that spending on our defense sector is nothing but a wastage of resources.Our defence budget is meagre compared to all other "big" powers like Russia or China and the main reason behind this is that our Govt. allocates less than 2% of our GDP to the Defense sector(our present defense budget is only around 1.75% of our GDP) when we really need to allocate at least 3% of our GDP to boost up our defense forces.Iran is extremely lucky in this regard as your politicians are much more competent and efficient than ours.They understand the need of the defense forces and hence your armed forces are develoing newer weapons by the each passing day unlike ours:(.
Don,t worry many are envying your government leaders... Maybe because they see it enough deterrent their current equipment so they rather allocate the budget to other civil purposes... to my eyes and from outside, Indian military is huge and state of the art...
All HAWK versions are now obsolete. Even the ones upgraded by US, such as the Turkish HAWK system. That is why you are begging China to sell you a system as US is not supplying you with newer systems and because you can not develop it yourselves. Iran is atleast trying. And this is the difference.
Don't stop.go on.
An obsolete, dysfunctional clone that will be jammed and destroyed by superior Western Forces.

We all want best for the Iranian peoples, but lets not forget how Saddam used to brag about his military "capability" and what happened to that "capability" once United States decided to pull the plug..
An obsolete, dysfunctional clone that will be jammed and destroyed by superior Western Forces.

We all want best for the Iranian peoples, but lets not forget how Saddam used to brag about his military "capability" and what happened to that "capability" once United States decided to pull the plug..
Sleep Father Deal!! yeah.. all Iranian commanders who call this weapon, STRATEGIC are dumb and fool and you know what is strategic and what is just a dysfunctional clone that will be jammed and destroyed by superior WEST!!!! Sometime I surprise how delusional one can be to even mention such CERTAIN and ABSOLUTE claims such as yours.... Your reasons look like fact to me! One who compare current Iran with Saddam and one who ignores how deadly these long range cruise missile are, otherwise, other superpowers would not make them now, is very much out of discussion... I hope there will be no wars so the world see how stubborn and cheap blood Iranian are when it comes to defending their country...
My take is that these are the same Kh-55 that Ukraine sold them, except with a new paint job.

Things to note:
- These missiles do in fact have a range of 2500km
- It is very possible that Iran has reverse engineered them in the 14 years it has possessed them. Anything is possible in 14 years.
- Kh-55 is originally an air-launched missile, but the test was of ground launch. That raises a few questions.

The most important thing is that these missiles were actually made for nuclear weapons delivery, if that's not the job they are performing, they are not very useful except in mass numbers because they have poor accuracy. If Iran does produce them in mass numbers then it will be deploying them as tactical missiles, which raises another question. Remember that Russia does have tactical versions of Kh-55. But that missile is a significant upgrade over Kh-55. I doubt Iran has achieved that level of technological prowess.
This missile is too big and unmaneuverable to be a good tactical missile. The most useful utility of these will be as over glorified Scuds.
But, if Iran does develop nuclear weapons, then these missiles will alter the geopolitical situation. Without nuclear warheads these are just toothless tigers.
People did not say 'it must be'. They made logical arguments about development in technology, which Iran is familiar with, such as avionics, electronics, material used on these systems, etc. For me, if this Soumar has the same capabilities as the original Kh-55, which is likely, then it would be a huge breakthrough for Iran's missile capabilities, and would give Iran significant capabilities in a field which most countries in the world lack.

Only a matter of time before Israeli missile experts give us an update about this new missile. I give more value to their assessments than to yours.
I doubt it has better capabilities compared to original Kh-55. Remember Iran is like clouds that thunder but do not rain. That said reverse engineering a kh-55 is also a big feat.
we can turn a balisitic missile into an anti-ship missile with CEP of less than 5 metres.who the hell are you to question our technological capabilities?
Sure, Iran (or the glorious Persian empire as you people like to be called) has achieved what even China hasn't.
I saw an Energia rocket there. One of most powerful and complex ever build. Iran cant even shot a monkey into space.

I dont like russia...but compared to Iran its like Japan compared to Somalia.

It seems you are out of your troll mind !

our monkeys crossed 100 km altitude ... it seems you don't the purpose of such a missions !? do you !?

russians are badass in military ... we are in first steps to become a badass nation ... so don't bother yourself !

Sure, Iran (or the glorious Persian empire as you people like to be called) has achieved what even China hasn't.

Problem !?

im a god pretending to be a human

It seems you don't know american soldiers raped thousands german and italian women after your failure in WW2 !?

Nice ... even gods can get a bang !!!

I heared you guys have common electricity blackouts. :D

North koreans have electricity blackouts not Iranian's !

Is this what they told you in the media !? :lol:

My laptop torrenting 24h non-stopping ... go & get some life !

Oh please. Growing up we had weekly blackouts.

"bargh raft" was a common phrase in every household when I was growing up. Every home also has gas lights for blackout situations.

The only person lying here is you not Markus.

In canada !?

Are you talknig about your Memoirs in Iran during 90s !?


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