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Iranian Missile Enhancements Appear in North Korea

the exact wording may be controversial.....

What is evident is that you haven't noticed the intricacies of the equally controversial language put forward by Israeli officials. When they're dealing with the Palestinians, they cry being severely terrorized and play the victim. When someone is bearing the flag of an ardent rejection of Israeli policies, they reply 'we can defend ourselves.'

Case in point below.

“Human history would have been so different if in 1939 a Jewish soldier could have killed Hitler,” Arye Eldad, an MP from the ultra-nationalist National Union party, said earlier this week. “If Ahmadinejad is in the Israeli Army’s crosshairs for even one second … he can’t be allowed to return home alive,” he told the Ynet news website

This is a quotation from the articled stated below. One can imagine the height of reaction if an Iranian official had said the same-- the media would have a field day. The official has technically called for a country's President to be targeted. The world remains silent though...

Source: The Daily Star - Politics - Netanyahu to Iran: 'We will know how to defend' Israel
What is evident is that you haven't noticed the intricacies of the equally controversial language put forward by Israeli officials. When they're dealing with the Palestinians, they cry being severely terrorized and play the victim. When someone is bearing the flag of an ardent rejection of Israeli policies, they reply 'we can defend ourselves.'

Case in point below.

This is a quotation from the articled stated below. One can imagine the height of reaction if an Iranian official had said the same-- the media would have a field day. The official has technically called for a country's President to be targeted. The world remains silent though...

Source: The Daily Star - Politics - Netanyahu to Iran: 'We will know how to defend' Israel

To be frank the article contains a wide variety of views across the entire Israeli political spectrum....naturally the Hawks among the conservatives are crying hoarse ...and the moderates are more like reassuring the general public that they have the " capability" to defend their homeland against all Ahmedinejad's talk of the " demise of Israel"......so whats wrong in it ?......

bearing in mind Ahmedinejad is lecturing to Lebanese groups like the hezbollah present in large numbers in the crowd....and these include suicide bombers who routenely target Israeli military officers and also civilians ....its a response ...not a provocative act.....

coming to the borders and making inflamed rhetoric this way certainly is a provocative act.....

and a nations political spectrum include a wide variety ranging from ultra-conservatives to moderates to radicalists.....case in example the Indo-Pak situation ....if some hawk in the Pakistani parliament calls for jihad with un believers and infidels in India....should we hold the view that the entire Pakistani political establishment thinks the same .....?
but yet they killed millions of innocent peoples .

millions of people have died from inter-sectarian riots in Iraq , Kosovo, ....several have been butchered in Chechenya.....thousands are dying in Afghanistan and Pakistan today.....thousands are executed in China for treason ...thousands killed as spies /Informants by the KGB......tens of thousands lost their lives in the Sri lankan civil war.....myriads lost their dignity in the Rwandan genocide......

god knows how many battle torture in dark , stench-ridden prison barracks in North Korea / Myanmar .....
how many fingers can we raise ? and in how many directions .....?

missile tech transfer between two unstable nations represent the most serious breakdown of international order imaginable ....because such regimes have no respect for international order or any MCTR agreement ...hence world objection to it......
well they haven't unleashed nuke strikes ....on any nation after Hiroshima even through the most adverse circumstances from throughout the cold war ...to Vietnam and Red china.......and most importantly they look for negotiations and a way to resolve conflicts ....not issue threats every other day and try to initiate potentially disastrous conflicts ( like torpedoing warships etc.).....
They are threatening and demonizing Iran every single day and they have flattened Afghanistan and Iraq. Terrible crimes are happening in those countries by "civilized" western troops.
I love when people overestimate North Korea's military capabilities.

I have to agree, it is very amusing :lol:

But it serves the propoganda purposes of US, whose aim it is to cause panic in their population so they can justify any potential war with enemies. Before any war US has to be the good guys you know (of course they are still the good guys in Iraq, the people love them, they are liberators etc etc)
the exact wording may be controversial.....but there is no doubt about Iranian/arab states attitudes towards the very existance of Israel as a nation.....and their determination to eradicate this perceived threat by any means what so ever......

this was quite recent....now would you be kind enough to share your views on what Iranian /Arabic official attitude towards Israel is on this basis.....keeping in mind that such news would have been read and carefully contemplated by billions.....

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

It's Israel that has never wanted a Palestinian state, read some books by Norman Finkelstein who has produced excellent scholarly works. While Israel should have never been created in the first place, all Arab states want a two-state solution, but the West and Israel have been blocking this consensus for decades. This is one of those (many) things you will never hear in western media.
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They are threatening and demonizing Iran every single day and they have flattened Afghanistan and Iraq. Terrible crimes are happening in those countries by "civilized" western troops.

come on now ....Afghanistan was a special case.....what would Iran do ...if an Arabic country or even Israel flew four jets into a couple of key military/economic installations ? .....negotiate with terrorists and a regime ( Taliban ) actively shielding terrorists or take corrective action.....and they could have retreated after leaving afghanistan in shambles but under Obama they stuck to their strategy of stabilising the country with inviting India and China to invest massively in infrastructure to rebuild the war torn nation.....barring all the recent talk of Lithium deposits and all ...afghanistan would yield no economic /military benefits to the U.S except for perhaps keeping the once terrorist havens clean....they are apparently struggling in this too .....

as regards Iraq dont wanna comment as I have conflicting views on the invasion....imho it was a grand mistake on many levels......
Besides, why should Palestinians recognize an Israeli state (which has no borders by the way) when israel has never accepted a Palestinian state? I say let them accept and recognize a Palestinian state first.
To be frank the article contains a wide variety of views across the entire Israeli political spectrum....naturally the Hawks among the conservatives are crying hoarse ...and the moderates are more like reassuring the general public that they have the " capability" to defend their homeland against all Ahmedinejad's talk of the " demise of Israel"......so whats wrong in it ?......

You apparently missed the point. I do follow Israeli politics and I am well aware of the different segments. By the way, a similar spectrum exists in Iran. My point was, regarding controversial wording that you spoke about. Had the same been said by an official of say, Iran, the reaction would have been inherently very different. Also, it wasn't the talk of self-defense that I was addressing, it was that regarding what they mentioned about a President-- arguably calling for his death.

Also, briefly, Ahmadinejad in that much-controversial UN address had actually quoted Ruhollah Khomeini in those sentences and so, setting aside his views regarding them, they are not his creation. Secondly, the quote addressed the demise of the 'occupying' regime-- i.e the status attributed to it by it's policies.

bearing in mind Ahmedinejad is lecturing to Lebanese groups like the hezbollah present in large numbers in the crowd....and these include suicide bombers who routenely target Israeli military officers and also civilians ....its a response ...not a provocative act.....

Hezbollah does not conduct suicide missions, their missions may be sucicidal but then again, that is a different thing altogether. Suicide missions are conducted by Hamas.

coming to the borders and making inflamed rhetoric this way certainly is a provocative act.....

I take it that you deem it justifiable for asking for one's military to place a country's president in their 'crosshairs' for making a visit in close proximity to their border.

and a nations political spectrum include a wide variety ranging from ultra-conservatives to moderates to radicalists.....case in example the Indo-Pak situation ....if some hawk in the Pakistani parliament calls for jihad with un believers and infidels in India....should we hold the view that the entire Pakistani political establishment thinks the same .....?

I have already addressed the above concerning the broad ranges of political views. Evidently, thus far the entire consensus of your opinion on the Iranian government is based on some preconceived notions-- the sum of which arguably attests a sadistic nature to them. I'll ask the same question that you have posed to me, should we hold the view that the entire Iranian political establishment think in the same light?
It's Israel that has never wanted a Palestinian state, read some books by Norman Finkelstein who has produced excellent scholarly works. While Israel should have never been created in the first place, all Arab states want a two-state solution, but the West and Israel have been blocking this consensus for decades. This is one of those (many) things you will never hear in western media.

thanks for your reference ......would certainly like to read up on additional info on the conflict....though as per my history lessons in high school as I recall .....before Ben Gurion successfully led the jewish movement for creation of Israel subsequently recognized first by USA and Soviet Union ....there was a proposal to partition British mandated Palestine into two states ...one Jewish, another Arabic with Jerusalem the Capital being internationalized....this was accepted by the Jews but not by the Arabs based on the facts that Arabs had more than a Two-thirds majority in Palestine.......
come on now ....Afghanistan was a special case.....what would Iran do ...if an Arabic country or even Israel flew four jets into a couple of key military/economic installations ? .....negotiate with terrorists and a regime ( Taliban ) actively shielding terrorists or take corrective action.....and they could have retreated after leaving afghanistan in shambles but under Obama they stuck to their strategy of stabilising the country with inviting India and China to invest massively in infrastructure to rebuild the war torn nation.....barring all the recent talk of Lithium deposits and all ...afghanistan would yield no economic /military benefits to the U.S except for perhaps keeping the once terrorist havens clean....they are apparently struggling in this too .....

as regards Iraq dont wanna comment as I have conflicting views on the invasion....imho it was a grand mistake on many levels......
Very very naive.


The truth about the U.S. war on Afghanistan
I have already addressed the above concerning the broad ranges of political views. Evidently, thus far the entire consensus of your opinion on the Iranian government is based on some preconceived notions-- the sum of which arguably attests a sadistic nature to them. I'll ask the same question that you have posed to me, should we hold the view that the entire Iranian political establishment think in the same light?

Its quite late here so I ' ll beg your leave to resume this debate after a few hours of sleep .......though I would like to sign off with this.......

regarding the bold part .....sir the man is the President of the State of Iran ...so I think we may safely assume that the majority of the Iranian political establishment think in same light .....if the head of a state echos this view ...and not some thinktank or foreign policy adviser it is most definitely an acute cause for concern......
thanks for your reference ......would certainly like to read up on additional info on the conflict....though as per my history lessons in high school as I recall .....before Ben Gurion successfully led the jewish movement for creation of Israel subsequently recognized first by USA and Soviet Union ....there was a proposal to partition British mandated Palestine into two states ...one Jewish, another Arabic with Jerusalem the Capital being internationalized....this was accepted by the Jews but not by the Arabs based on the facts that Arabs had more than a Two-thirds majority in Palestine.......

The Arab rejection is understandable owing to the fact that 37% of the population was given 56% percent of the land of which they owned only 7%.

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