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Iranian math genius woman Maryam mirzakhani passed away

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According to Iranian law, she can't register her marriage in Iran (and her child will be considered a bastard), and she didn't wanted too, cause she betrayed her country and migrated to U.S for good.

نظر اسلام در مورد ازدواج مشخصه
ولی شما میتونید نظر اسلام ساخته خودتون رو دنبال کنید
از این اسلامهای رحمانی که هر کس احکام خودش رو میسازه زیاد هست!

He just discovered the formula and then asked the Amerucan psyco murders to build the bomb.
Totally innocent!

When did I say that?
زندگی کردن خارج از ایران نشانه خیانت نیست . اگه قرار بود اون را نسانه خیانت به حساب بیاریم اونوقت لیست خاینین پر میشد از فرزندان افرادی که اوردن اسمشان شدیدا شما را ناراحت میکرد.
نظر اسلام هم در مورد حرامزاده مشخص است اگر شما برخلاف عرف محل زندگیتان ازدواج با کسی رابطه داشتید بدون اینکه با ون ازدواج کرده باشید فرزند حرامزاده به حساب میاید ولی اگر ازدواج شما بر اساس شرایط عرف کشوری که ساکن اون هستید باشد فرزند حرامزاده نیست . حالا اگر نظر شما چیز دیگه ای است امیدوارم روز حساب بتوانید پاسخگوی کسانی که به اونها این نسبت را داده اید باشید.
در ضمن حرامزاده و حلال زاده بودن هیچ ربطی به ثبت ازدواج توی ایران نداره شما میتونی پیش دو تا شاهد توسط یک شخص عادل صیغه عقد را بجا بیارید و فرزند حلالزاده هست بدون اینکه هیچ جا هم ثبت بشه
در این مورد ایشان اگر دلشان میخواست میتونستن برن و هر سفارت ایران که خواستن ازدواجشان را ثبت کنن و هیچ کس هم از ایشان نمیپرسید که شوهر شما مسیحی هست یا مسلمان یا آتییست .و این موضوع هیچ جایی هم ثبت نمیشد.

تنها چیزی که هست فرزند زنان ایرانی که با مرد غیر ایرانی ازدواج کرده اندتابعیت ایرانی نمیگیرند که برای خوشحالی شما به اطلاع برسانم که الانتوی مجلس طرحی در جریان هست که به این فرزندها هم تابعیت ایرانی داده بشه . که بعد از مرگ ایسان چند تا از نماینده ها هم پیشنهاد دادن که این طرح هرچه سریعتر به نتیجه برسه تا به فرزند ایشان هم به راحتی بشه تابعیت ایرانی داد.

Well he didn't ask them to build it he said to them it can be built and Germany is working on it it was American who decided to build it and he was not in the team who built the bomb . by the way I still can't see which part of his work was nation specefic?
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Every one has to meet their creator one day, RIP

But she was a lucky lady who got a chance to live in west and study, She can't do this in her own country.
Every one has to meet their creator one day, RIP

But she was a lucky lady who got a chance to live in west and study, She can't do this in her own country.
She studied in his coin try and got her degree in her own country . she began her work in her fields in her own country so please don't talk about those nonsense as more than 65% of graduate of universities in Iran are women.

Is Iranian media state controlled?
State controlled no way but let just say that it will have unpleasant consequence if you publish something that you have no business publishing also as conservative paper like keyhan wrote an article about her it clearly shows she was not disowned
She studied in his coin try and got her degree in her own country . she began her work in her fields in her own country so please don't talk about those nonsense as more than 65% of graduate of universities in Iran are women.

State controlled no way but let just say that it will have unpleasant consequence if you publish something that you have no business publishing also as conservative paper like keyhan wrote an article about her it clearly shows she was not disowned
It was a general question abt your media nothing to do with maryam . I could care less about disowning or owning her as the woman had already carved her place well due to her brains that no disowning or owning could effect.
According to Iranian law, she can't register her marriage in Iran (and her child will be considered a bastard), and she didn't wanted too, cause she betrayed her country and migrated to U.S for good.

نظر اسلام در مورد ازدواج مشخصه
ولی شما میتونید نظر اسلام ساخته خودتون رو دنبال کنید
از این اسلامهای رحمانی که هر کس احکام خودش رو میسازه زیاد هست!

He just discovered the formula and then asked the Amerucan psyco murders to build the bomb.
Totally innocent!

When did I say that?
این تقصیر دولت ایران هست که تمی نواند از این افراد استفاده کند ... و هرکسی حق انتخاب محل زندگیش رو داره و ربطی به خیانت کار بودن یا نبودن ندارد.
مولانا هم رفت قونیه زندگی کرد پس خیانت کار بوده؟
در مورد ازدواجشون هم اصلا یک موضوع شخصی هست .. چرا انقدر به خاطر مسائل بی خودی به مردم انگ می زنیم؟
خدا رحمتش کنه. هم دوره ای ما بود. از پریروز بدجوری حالم گرفتست. آدم وقتی هم سن و سالاش میمیرن حالش خیلی بد میشه.

According to Iranian law, she can't register her marriage in Iran (and her child will be considered a bastard), and she didn't wanted too, cause she betrayed her country and migrated to U.S for good.
Am I a traitor too Mohsen jan? This mindset of equaling migration to treason has a long root in our culture and besides our tolerance for other cultures, is one of the reasons why unlike Romans and British, our religion, thoughts and culture has be confined to our physical borders. Just so you know, Roman and British settlers were always ahead of their armies in finding new promising lands and setting up a colony.

There is nothing wrong with migration if your heart still beats for your country and preserve your identity. On the contrary, then you become a representative, promoting your country's name and culture.

I like to think people who know me here have lot more respect for Iran now than before they met me.
it's no surprise , there are tons of iranian math graduates in north america who are more qualified .. myself included , i studied calculus in canada . this woman , was just a trivial tongue in cheek . life in entire north america is like that , you get famous for no reason , like donut trump


Yes, i have many acquaintances including some who are practically our own family. I have worked with several brilliant academics from Iran as well - superb. A good friend who is a world class mathematican and lives in next city in the field of symmetry knew Maryam personally and had worked on a paper with her. He told me several years ago that he was working with Maryam before she was even given the price and how gifted she was.

Irrespective, she attained a lot for the life she had and will be missed.

You know what, There was such a story but you've heard it completely different, Here's the original one. Right after she won her Fields Medal in 2014, Professors in Sharif University of Technology (Where she got her B.S. degree) decided to invite her to the university so she can give a speech to the young students so that maybe she can be an inspiration for our young minds, But a bunch of Islamist A-holes (Like those whom you can find in this very forum) started attacking this great woman on her marriage, And professors who feared that these idiot A-holes may turn the event into a great embarrassment decided to take back their invitation and the whole event got canceled.
That is such a shame - at least I was very surprised how much coverage she was given. Unfortunately these islamic lunatics - there are in every religion whose purpose is to sow their own narrow mindset. Malala, Ansari, Maryam are names which our daughters need to aspire to as role models not the street garbages like kardashians.
Am I a traitor too Mohsen jan?
some minds, some expertise, some knowledge is unique, so abandoning the country for such people is absolute treason.

This mindset of equaling migration to treason has a long root in our culture and besides our tolerance for other cultures, is one of the reasons why unlike Romans and British, our religion, thoughts and culture has be confined to our physical borders. Just so you know, Roman and British settlers were always ahead of their armies in finding new promising lands and setting up a colony.

There is nothing wrong with migration if your heart still beats for your country and preserve your identity. On the contrary, then you become a representative, promoting your country's name and culture.

I like to think people who know me here have lot more respect for Iran now than before they met me.
Those colonies which you mentioned, did they change their own religion or they changed the other's religion?
please don't confuse the exporting the culture by dissolving in another culture; in her case it's super clear, she is the second case.

زندگی کردن خارج از ایران نشانه خیانت نیست . اگه قرار بود اون را نسانه خیانت به حساب بیاریم اونوقت لیست خاینین پر میشد از فرزندان افرادی که اوردن اسمشان شدیدا شما را ناراحت میکرد.
نظر اسلام هم در مورد حرامزاده مشخص است اگر شما برخلاف عرف محل زندگیتان ازدواج با کسی رابطه داشتید بدون اینکه با ون ازدواج کرده باشید فرزند حرامزاده به حساب میاید ولی اگر ازدواج شما بر اساس شرایط عرف کشوری که ساکن اون هستید باشد فرزند حرامزاده نیست . حالا اگر نظر شما چیز دیگه ای است امیدوارم روز حساب بتوانید پاسخگوی کسانی که به اونها این نسبت را داده اید باشید.
در ضمن حرامزاده و حلال زاده بودن هیچ ربطی به ثبت ازدواج توی ایران نداره شما میتونی پیش دو تا شاهد توسط یک شخص عادل صیغه عقد را بجا بیارید و فرزند حلالزاده هست بدون اینکه هیچ جا هم ثبت بشه
در این مورد ایشان اگر دلشان میخواست میتونستن برن و هر سفارت ایران که خواستن ازدواجشان را ثبت کنن و هیچ کس هم از ایشان نمیپرسید که شوهر شما مسیحی هست یا مسلمان یا آتییست .و این موضوع هیچ جایی هم ثبت نمیشد.

تنها چیزی که هست فرزند زنان ایرانی که با مرد غیر ایرانی ازدواج کرده اندتابعیت ایرانی نمیگیرند که برای خوشحالی شما به اطلاع برسانم که الانتوی مجلس طرحی در جریان هست که به این فرزندها هم تابعیت ایرانی داده بشه . که بعد از مرگ ایسان چند تا از نماینده ها هم پیشنهاد دادن که این طرح هرچه سریعتر به نتیجه برسه تا به فرزند ایشان هم به راحتی بشه تابعیت ایرانی داد.

Well he didn't ask them to build it he said to them it can be built and Germany is working on it it was American who decided to build it and he was not in the team who built the bomb . by the way I still can't see which part of his work was nation specefic?
از نظر قوانین مدنی:
ازدواج ایرانیان مقیم خارج از کشور تابع کدام قانون است؟

اگر خواستی نظر مراجع تقلید رو هم برات میزارم، هر چند که فکر نمیکنم برات اهمیتی داشته باشه!

except the students whom he trained to work for Psyco murder Americans:

some minds, some expertise, some knowledge is unique, so abandoning the country for such people is absolute treason.

Please refer to the IRI law which constitutes this as treason. Furthermore she has done more for Iran than many so called nationalists can do in 1000 life times.
. .
some minds, some expertise, some knowledge is unique, so abandoning the country for such people is absolute treason.

Those colonies which you mentioned, did they change their own religion or they changed the other's religion?
please don't confuse the exporting the culture by dissolving in another culture; in her case it's super clear, she is the second case.

از نظر قوانین مدنی:
ازدواج ایرانیان مقیم خارج از کشور تابع کدام قانون است؟

اگر خواستی نظر مراجع تقلید رو هم برات میزارم، هر چند که فکر نمیکنم برات اهمیتی داشته باشه!

except the students whom he trained to work for Psyco murder Americans:

You don't get it those laws are only applicable if she want to live in Iran or if she had any property in Iran and after her death she want it to passed over to her child.
She lived in USA and married according to USA law which is completely legal and norm for the country and society she live in so you can't claim her marriage is void as its completely legal in USA for a Muslim woman to marry a non Muslim and I dare you to bring a decree from a prominent cleric that say if she marry according to the law of the country she live in her children is a bastard.

And please please please..... Read the article before posting it.
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You don't get it those laws are only applicable if she want to live in Iran or if she had any property in Iran and after her death she want it to passed over to her child.
She lived in USA and married according to USA law which is completely legal and norm for the country and society she live in so you can't claim her marriage is void as its completely legal in USA for a Muslim woman to marry a non Muslim and I dare you to bring a decree from a prominent cleric that say if she marry according to the law of the country she live in her children is a bastard.

And please please please..... Read the article before posting it.
so you admit that she never wanted to return, and that's what I'm saying, she is(was) an American, died an America.

religious orders are borderless. being in Iran or U.S wont change them, as long as she is a Muslim, Islamic rules applies to her wherever she is. I dare you one cleric stating that a Muslim girl can marry a non Muslim man in another country. even in U.S her child will be considered a bastard in the Muslim's community.
but again as i clearly stated in my previous comment, even Islamic laws don't apply to those who abandon Islam.

she is(was) an atheist American.
it has nothing to do with Iranian section, except that once she was an Iranian but sold her country for another life in U.S.

it's not treason , there are other names for it
for example merchant?!

for example merchant?!

i don't quite recall , but her affair with a swedish viking heretic was mast mali in the iranian media . quickly
you're either a muslim or you're not .. you cant marry a swede and then brag about islam in your math class

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