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Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace

This is provocation. Pakistan should mobilize troops to southwest.

Not needed , just force it to land down if it comes again and send a strong message , nothing else . Iran isn't in a position to fight a war and neither is Pakistan . 
Bad Idea.. as much as we would be able to give them a certain run for their money...their ability to influence sectarian violence and allow our neighbours to the east space to create further troubles for us is unmatched. Better not to incite them and instead work with them(but then you infuriate Khadim-e-Harmain..and as such are between a rock and a hard place)

Actually , @Oscar , their ability to influence sectarian violence is almost ten times less when compared to their Saudi rivals because of lets say disparity in numbers , so its not really a problem . Even more , when its Tehran which has started the whole thing , it will be quite easier to convince the ' nation ' and justify the response . Aren't they even today allowing the neighbor to create problems for us ? What worsens the situation here , mate ? I do not understand the mindless provocation by the Iranian Govt after the emotional outburst by their MP , what do they hope to achieve even ? As for the last part , you are quite right , but there's no no-win scenario here too , only if the people and Govt set their priorities and loyalties right .
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Not needed , just force it land it down if it comes again and send a strong message , nothing else . Iran isn't in a position to fight a war and neither is Pakistan

This is the operative part of the entire thread.

Responses & opinions should be worked around this.
Anything that you dont agree with is not trolling. Learn that already after all these years.
The Saudis and Iranians compete for influence in Pakistan which has the Pakistani state trying to pull a balancing act between the two. Hence, while you cannot do more for Iran..you cannot do less for it at the expense of Saudis.
Can we see such attempts from Iran as a pressure tactic to try to improve our relations with them and eventually sign Gas pipeline? After our uncuth behavior over pipeline and if u take the Irani Ministry for Oil and Gas's statement that he has no hope of pak ever importing gas from them has to do with it?

Because honestly before they havent done anything like this when we were improving our relations with Iranis and then this ganja arrived and spoiled that party.
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Jeez!! This might be an un-intentional incident and you guys are firing nukes to tehran. Grow up.
Laughing out loud at the Pakistani fanboys who are threatening with firing nukes and missiles on Iranian cities, while their army even struggles to fight rag-tag militias, and who are controlling various parts of Pakistan to this day. Perhaps Pakistan should first control its own border sections, before trying to fight with a country that has been preparing for an armed conflict with its border countries for more than 30 years. Pakistanis may impress Indians with their bravery, but Iranians have been fighting wars 2500 years before anyone in the world knew about Pakistan or Pakistanis.

All that 2,500 year none sense is irrelevant. And in the end Pakistan's military assets are superior to Iran's, that should be enough to impress.

Anyways, many of you are over reacting about nothing.
The basic argument should not be "Iran is not in a position to go to war with Pakistan , neither is Pakistan in such a position" ... The point is "Why the hell do we need to go to war with Iran or even think about it ?"
Its really really bad to see some guys talking about using nukes against Iran and destroying Iranian cities . We may have differences but are they so big ??
And most importantly war is not a "Feast" . India has violated our air space , LoC and has talked about "surgical strikes " inside the territory of Pakistan several times , But we did not go to war with India !! Its because we know that war is not going to solve any problems , its only going to add to our miseries .. Iran is not our enemy and we should coperate with them , so should Iran ...
We should not let GCC use us against Iran and we must stay neutral in this "Arab - Iranian conflict "
Looking for more enemies , are they ? They are most welcome to do so , but we will not guarantee our response because Islamabad reserves every right to defend itself against any such ill advised move which may result in further trouble for the already isolated and sanctioned Tehran . Last time , we arrested their border guards and only released them after the request from Govt of Iran . On another note , I will wait for more sources to confirm that because ISPR said nothing and there's nothing on the T.V. either .
i highly doubt that since you have got a sippah-salar like kayani & a pm like navaz sharif ... :suicide2:
It is becoming a trend these days. Voilate the Pakistani air space, then they say that our radar was telling that we are still in Iran / India. :pissed:
you guys looking for enemy in wrong place.let me ask you a question what is in Iran's best interest? to have stable and secure neighbor or unstable one.?
Cmon thats just a helicopter, we've made Chinese to camp and what not inside our borders :sarcastic:

QUETTA: An Iranian armed forces helicopter violated the Pakistan’s airspace on Tuesday.

The Iranian chopper entered Pakistani airspace from Iran’s Saravan region into Mashakhail area of Washuk district in Balochistan near the Pak-Iran border.

According to a senior government official, the Iranian helicopter infiltrated into the Pakistani airspace at around 1:30 pm on Tuesday and returned after flying around for several minutes.

According to reports, government of Pakistan has not yet raised the issue with Iran.

Iranian officials had threatened that it might even cross the international border into Pakistan to chase extremist elements engaged in anti-state activities in Iran.

Iranian helicopter violates Pakistan airspace – The Express Tribune

Pakistan must increase the no. of Police in Balochistan from few hundred thousands to 500,000 thousand young trained men also they should increase the no. of Levis and FC Balochistan Force by 3 times to boost border security with AAA Guns and Anza-II/IIIs
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