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Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

The biggest obstacle to the Azerbademjan situation is Russia. Its become abundantly clear that Iran and Armenia need to get into some kind of defense agreement to stop Turkish enchroachment/aggression/ ethnic propaganda.

Yet Armenia went out of its way (on Russian orders) to make the oil pipeline gauge connecting to Iran smaller. a ridiculous move that makes absolutely no sense. Russian troops are deployed along the Iranian and turkish borders with Armenia. and Russia is treaty bound to protect armenia.

Armenia is Russias vassal. and Iran had respected that. but now Russia is looking the other way to azeri aggression because they dont like the current Armenian government. and could care less if Armenia lost its Iran connection (and becomes even more reliant on Russia)

Iran cannot afford to sit idle and let this happen. Deploying to the borders is only the first step. its a universe away from potential land grabs.. Iranian policy is firm that it respects its neighbours soveriegnty (unfortunately)... look for small scale steps like exchange of fire between the borders. Iran has previously opened fire on azeri ships and foreign ships employed by alievbaijan. and forced them out of disuputed caspian waters claimed by Iran.

azerbademjan is easily intimidated by show of force. They have calculated that since Iran has a large azeri population, the Iranian government will be reluctant to defend its interests... it is the exact same miscalculation saddam made with Iranian arabs in khuzestan..

its beyond time azerbademjan/pink panturks got taught a lesson. Historically they have always interpereted Iranian reservations as weakness and invitation for aggression. Usually this ended up with a devastating lesson that put them in place when a shah abbas or Nader showed up.. we need that same mentality.
My throat as been turned red when screaming this out for years about who really is the biggest threat. I’m glad they are finally taking this seriously and the era of patience with this country is over
Anyone know what kind of upgrade package these tanks have received?

It seems like only the Artesh(Army) is involved in this, and the IRGC is playing a small role. I saw earlier some IRGC equipment there (Artillery rockets), but not a single video showing T-72S tanks.
Artesh modernized chieftains from "Kheybar conquerors" military drills
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