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Iranian fleet hunts australian recognition (sonar) devices

Cheap sonar detection devices aren't secret hi-tech equipment, nothing much to study. They are designed to be dropped and left in the ocean and not recovered. :what:
Cheap sonar detection devices aren't secret hi-tech equipment, nothing much to study. They are designed to be dropped and left in the ocean and not recovered. :what:
"In 2002 then-Chief of Air Force Air Vice Marshal Angus Houston claimed that the AP-3Cs were the best maritime patrol aircraft in the world and The Australian reported that they were superior to the United States Navy's Orions, though an upgrade was planned for the USN's Orion fleet". even after that Australia has upgraded this plan several times so I'm sure every thing in this plane is hi-tech.
when plane uses latest tech, then those devices are latest tech too, being cheap or high tech is nothing me or you could comment on. Information is a key part in military, knowing performance and specifications of latest sonar devices and designing countermeasure tactics and devices is important for us.
The plane is hi-tech, yes. But sonar detection devices are cheap, unsophisticated, throw away equipment hence why they are dropped into the water and not recovered.

I don't know where you got this idea from that they are some sort of hi-tech, secret technology equipment. They aren't f-22 raptors lol.
The plane is hi-tech, yes. But sonar detection devices are cheap, unsophisticated, throw away equipment hence why they are dropped into the water and not recovered.

I don't know where you got this idea from that they are some sort of hi-tech, secret technology equipment. They aren't f-22 raptors lol.
first of all, information about performance of those Sonobuoys is very important for us regardless of tech inside them.
if it's not hi-tech why Canada signs a contract for three years tech and engineer assistant with a US company to build a Sonobuoy factory? why companies are producing newer generations once a while? why your companies still researching for newer versions? why they put self-destruct mechanism in them?

"apart from detecting very quiet diesel submarines specialized sonobuoys can also detect electric fields, magnetic anomalies, and bioluminescence (light emitted by microscopic organisms disturbed by a passing submarine) as well as measuring environmental parameters like water temperature versus depth, air temperature, barometric pressure, and wave height"

Here have some of your self-compliments:video
Australian DSTO mechanical and electronic engineers achieved a breakthrough by fitting twenty-five hydrophones and all the other electronic equipment inside the standard sonobuoy container. Not only can the Barra sonobuoy detect weaker sounds than the simpler sonobuoys but it can also determine where the sounds are coming from by beamforming the planar array of hydrophones. It was also established that it would be feasible to carry all the high-speed signal processing equipment in the aircraft
For over 30 years Barra has been, arguably, the most advanced sonobuoy system in the world
first of all, information about performance of those Sonobuoys is very important for us regardless of tech inside them.

They are stock standard. There's nothing Iran could gain out of studying them. Your military probably has loads of them.

They aren't anything special hence why they are dropped into the water and not recovered. You are pretending that they are some sort of special equipment and the Iranian military picking them up is a major achievement.
They are stock standard. There's nothing Iran could gain out of studying them. Your military probably has loads of them.

They aren't anything special hence why they are dropped into the water and not recovered. You are pretending that they are some sort of special equipment and the Iranian military picking them up is a major achievement.
even if we have them they are pretty old models.
cost of recovery and replenish is more than creating one, that's why they aren't recovered. also how can they be recovered when
opponent is in the area. didn't you forget self-setruct mechanism?
cost of recovery and replenish is more than creating one, that's why they aren't recovered.

I know, but what i'm saying is that if they were super top secret advanced hi-tech sonar devices that Australia wouldn't want anyone having to study, they would be recovered. But that's not the case as we have seen, they are stock standard disposable devices.

also how can they be recovered when
opponent is in the area. didn't you forget self-setruct mechanism?

Iran isn't an "opponent" or if you read the article the interaction wasn't confrontational. It was friendly and professional. The Australian Navy likes to keep tabs on all countries navies in the area and Iran does the same thing. There isn't anything wrong with it.
I know, but what i'm saying is that if they were super top secret advanced hi-tech sonar devices that Australia wouldn't want anyone having to study, they would be recovered. But that's not the case as we have seen, they are stock standard disposable devices.

Iran isn't an "opponent" or if you read the article the interaction wasn't confrontational. It was friendly and professional. The Australian Navy likes to keep tabs on all countries navies in the area and Iran does the same thing. There isn't anything wrong with it.
so if something isn't super top secret hi-tech, it doesn't worth study or reverse engineer ?
I was talking about opponent in battle field not this incident.
anyway you said what's my source and I quoted your defense sources which say your Sonobuoys are most advanced in the world, what's your source for saying those are unsophisticated objects?
stock standard belong to export market, not the original country and even those are only available for your allies not every country.
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