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Iranian Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Eastern side

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Aug 31, 2013


Commander: Electronic Systems, Watchtowers Protecting Iran's Eastern Borders

The Iranian Army has reinforced protection of the country’s Eastern borders by deploying an increased number of air defense systems and watchtowers in those regions, a senior commander announced on Saturday.

“Because Iran shares common borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan to the East, we have deployed air defense systems and watchtowers in this region,” Commander of Iran’s Eastern Air Defense Zone Malek Ali Assadifard told reporters today.

He underlined that protection of Eastern Iran’s airspace is very important and that is why different defense systems and watchtowers have been deployed in that region.

In mid-May, the Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli said his forces are fully prepared to defend the country against threats in the region.

Speaking during a visit to the country's Southwestern Air Defense Zone at the time, Esmayeeli pointed to Iran's eye-catching growth in air defense systems in recent years, and stated that Iran's air defense capability is so advanced that it is not comparable to what it could do during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran in 1980s.

“At present, the air defense unit's capability, capacity and expertise can defuse any threat existing in the region," Esmayeeli stressed, adding that the air defense forces enjoy a "desirable" level of preparedness.

In November, different systems with the capability of intercepting incoming cruise missiles as well as optimized and indigenized air defense missiles were tested in the massive aerial exercises code-named 'Modafe'an-e Aseman-e Velayat 4 (Defenders of Velayat Skies 4)'.

The advanced home-made Ya Zahra air defense missile system was among the systems tested in the wargames.

The air defense weapon is capable of identifying, intercepting and destroying aerial targets, including different types of aircraft, choppers and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Ya Zahra is a mobile system and can be linked to the country's integrated air defense network and is capable of engaging and destroying several aerial targets simultaneously and also has a powerful fast reaction and full detection capabilities.

During the wargames, Iran also tested a variety of missile systems, including anti-cruise weapons.

Also artilleries, shoulder-launched weapons and low-altitude missile systems were used in the military drills.

Iranian air defense units also exercised targeting Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with anti-aircraft Hawk missiles.

The missile was fired by a mobile air defense system on a missile-launching vehicle.



No reinforcement like this were made during all those years when US was in Afghanistan and now that they are leaving why this development. You people are scared of Afghanistan which does not have any missiles to mention or air force or army to begin with?

And what makes you afraid of Pakistan now?
Bizarre move.

The border facing Afghanistan is understandable.Who knows what will happen once NATO leave the region.

However why the need to deploy air defence systems near Pakistan border?

I am sure, if someone can prove me wrong we don't have much military activity on the border from our side.

Keep building up and Pakistan will be inclined to respond by deploying our Spada 2000 system and cruise missiles.

Make your choices carefully, or just word your press briefings in a less hostile manner.

No reinforcement like this were made during all those years when US was in Afghanistan and now that they are leaving why this development. You people are scared of Afghanistan which does not have any missiles to mention or air force or army to begin with?

And what makes you afraid of Pakistan now?

What's the problem with being ready to intercept American drones? It has nothing to do with Afghanistan or Pakistan.
What's the problem with being ready to intercept American drones? It has nothing to do with Afghanistan or Pakistan.

The Iranian Army has reinforced protection of the country’s Eastern borders by deploying an increased number of air defense systems and watchtowers in those regions, a senior commander announced on Saturday.

“Because Iran shares common borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan to the East, we have deployed air defense systems and watchtowers in this region,” Commander of Iran’s Eastern Air Defense Zone Malek Ali Assadifard told reporters today.

He underlined that protection of Eastern Iran’s airspace is very important and that is why different defense systems and watchtowers have been deployed in that region.

Drones can only come from east? Oh yes you have the western border in your control on both sides.

By the way what Bashar said (reference to your signature: "Anywhere in the world, whoever uses religion for political aims, or to benefit some and not others, will fall. "The summary of what is happening in Egypt is the fall of what is called political Islam.") doesn't it apply to Iran?
Drones can only come from east? Oh yes you have the western border in your control on both sides.

By the way what Bashar said (reference to your signature: "Anywhere in the world, whoever uses religion for political aims, or to benefit some and not others, will fall. "The summary of what is happening in Egypt is the fall of what is called political Islam.") doesn't it apply to Iran?
I'm against political Islam and imposing religious rules, however even if Iran turns secular, Iran should keep working with the Shia-axis because of religious ties, it benefits religious tourism among these countries and also works against salafism and troublemakers. Shia factor also brings Iran, Iraq, Lebanon closer to each other.

At the same time I want close ties between Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India and China. We have historical and cultural and ethnic ties with these countries.
They don't have aircrafts or drones or missiles

I don't know if you have been paying attention to news for past 2 years, but Iran border with Pakistan and Afghanistan is crawling with UAVs! Jundallah might not have drones, but they certainly have missiles!

These nutjobs claim to be fighting for "freedom" of Iranians! Yet, even their group idiotic name is in Arabic! Typical case of terrorism nutcasery!

No reinforcement like this were made during all those years when US was in Afghanistan and now that they are leaving why this development. You people are scared of Afghanistan which does not have any missiles to mention or air force or army to begin with?

And what makes you afraid of Pakistan now?

Americans gotta be crazy to leave Afghanistan, their bases are there and they will be used in the future, meanwhile what is the problem by maintaining and reinforcing our capability near borders?
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