On the surface, news like these might appear like a legitimate cause for rejoicement. And if you noticed, they are increasingly frequent - just a few days ago, I saw an article about the first handful of Iranian women working as car mechanics, thus entering yet another profession typically considered as a male-only domain. This strikes me as very non-coincidental. It is as if some lobbies with hidden interests are coordinating this media effort.
Please pay attention to the fact that this is no longer your regular case of women simply participating a little more in social and public life, or gaining better access to activities which one may consider they are legitimately entitled to partake in - such as higher education (female university students), or many lines of work suitable for both males and females. No, in this recent media PR campaign, the focus is clearly on women exercising typical male professions, which has a particular twist to it.
Hence I would advise extreme caution at this point. I cannot help but suspect that this is just another way through which the globalist oligarchy and its liberal agents inside Iran are trying to impose the long term objectives underlying UNESCO's 2030 agenda, after Supreme Leader Khamenei, in a heroic and courageous move, vetoed and prevented liberals from ratifying legislation recommended by said UN project.
What does this sinister agenda consist in? Simple, it is all about the negation of any and all relevance to biological male/female differences, the reclassification of gender identity as a completely subjective matter left to everyone's whims (meaning one may freely "choose" one's gender regardless of one's biological attributes, and said choice may vary every other day - i.e. one may simply express the wish to be considered a female or a male or ..., switch between these every couple of days and at every turn, state authorities will officially recognize one's updated gender "choice").
In Scandinavian countries, where this logic was taken to extremes, it led to an Orwellian nightmare, featuring things such as "gender neutral" nurseries with "unisex" restrooms, where young boys and girls are no longer called "boys" and "girls", where they are encouraged to cross-dress and play with toys usually reserved for the opposite sex... all in the name of a so-called struggle against "gender stereotypes". In various western countries, parents are no longer designated as "father" and "mother" in official school documents, but merely as "parent 1" and "parent 2" (one of the presented justifications being that this would prevent "discrimination" against homosexual couples with adopted children).
We can easily see how absurd this really is - because let's be honest here, no matter how much one may favor "gender equality", one will have a hard time denying the fact that a spate of biological differences separate men from women, like it or not. Hence it is completely natural that women will be underrepresented in certain professions which, say, rely more on physical strength. And vice versa.
In other words, the globalist oligarchy is seeking to impose generalized gender confusion, the wholesale suppression of traditional gender roles, and a thorough dissociation of biological and subjective gender identities, which will then necessarily result in the dismantling of parenthood and of the traditional relationship of filiation - including and specially in law. Think babies artificially bred in labs, with no parents, as described by Aldous Huxley in his famous dystopian novel... And in the end, when a certain age is reached and the individual is no longer useful to the oligarchy as an exploited working slave, follows compulsory euthanasia - exactly, the recent drive by western regimes to move towards legalization of euthanasia is no accident either!
Because the traditional nuclear family represents one of the last bastions over which the capitalist globalist oligarchy cannot exert unchallenged, absolute control. The functional nuclear family is also an island of serenity amidst the immoral, dog-eat-dog jungle of capitalist exploitation. In a proper family, inter-human relationship does not obey the laws of the market, one will give to the other without financial compensation.
Tearing the individual off from anything resembling immediate relatives, from biological parents, and thus from their very nature as human beings, and turning them into rootless, identityless, dumbed down and confused zombie-like beings, is an ideal recipe to make them accept outright slavery, a new type of subtly imposed slavery in which victims have the impression of being "free" and "equal", and in which the shackles that subjugate them are not immediately perceptible.
So I can only warn Iranians: underneath the facade of "progress" that these news reports appear to convey, beware of the hidden, socially and even anthropologically transformative agendas promoted by certain high circles. Just look at the west, and then see in what creeping ways liberals within Iran, aided by the foreign-based, Persian language propaganda media, are slowly pushing these insane, destructive globalist agendas.