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Iranian Chill Thread

احتمالا این نفوذی هایی که دارن آزاد آزاد تو نطنز سورتمه میرن کمالوندی رو وقتی داشته از نطنز بازدید میکرده گرفتن تو روز روشن مثل سگ کتک زدن، بهت قول میدم قسر در رفتن هم. این وضع دیگه از ریدن هم گذشته....
کسی که می‌گن شناسایی شده که برق رو قطع کرده رو هنوز نتونستن بگیرن
واقعاً از ریدن هم گذشته. یعنی انقدر بی‌صاحب هست کشور که یه کسی میاد برق یکی از حساس‌ترین مراکز کشور رو منفجر می‌کنه بعد هم به آسونی در می‌ره و نمی‌تونند بگیرنش

در مورد کمالوندی هم به نظرم حق با تو هست. حالا یا خود مأمورین امنیتی گرفتن مثل سگ زدنش که امیدوارم همین باشه،‌یا اینکه انقدر خر تو خر هست که یکی دیگه می‌خواسته بکشتش​
کسی که می‌گن شناسایی شده که برق رو قطع کرده رو هنوز نتونستن بگیرن
واقعاً از ریدن هم گذشته​

until additional protocol is not stop this kind sabetage will continue

Iran ambastor to IAEA Kazem Gharib Abadi: IAEA inspector had explosive nitrates (7 Nov 2019) Thursday that the U.N. inspector at Natanz nuclear site last week tested positive for suspected traces of explosive nitrates.

@Dariush the Great

معلوم نیست تو نطنز چه خبر هست
می‌گن سخنگوی انرژی اتمی هم سرش شکسته هم مچ پاش. می‌گن از چند متر ارتفاع افتاده پایین. حالا خدا می‌دونه چرا باید از چند متر ارتفاع بیافته پایین مگر اینکه ریزش سقفی یا چیزی اتفاق اتفاده باشه

هر چیزی هست یه آتش‌سوزی ساده و یه مشکل برقی معمولی نیست. احتمال می‌دن تا ۹ ماه در نطنز نشه غنی‌سازی کرد. احتمال زیاد به سانتریفیوژها هم آسیب شدید وارد شده و چند هزار سو توان غنی سازی رو دوباره از دست دادیم

در این صورت احتمال زیاد نشت گاز هگزافلوراید اورانیوم هم اتفاق افتاده که متاسفانه گاز رادیواکتیو و بسیار خورنده‌ای هست و اگه آزاد بشه به تجهیزات دیگه و افراد اونجا آسیب جدی وارد می‌شه. این یعنی اگه این اتفاق افتاده باشه احتمالاً‌ تلفات نیروی انسانی هم داریم

حالا باز جمهوری اسهالی هارت و پورت کنه. این چهارمین شکست فاجعه‌آمیز جمهوری اسهالی تو این مدت هست که بدون پاسخ مونده و خایه پاسخ دادن ندارن. اما باز هم مثل فوتبال که هر موقع می‌رینن می‌گن چیزی از ارزش‌های تیم خوبمون کم نمی‌شه،‌ اینجا هم با وقاحت به کس‌شعر گفتن‌هاشون در مورد قدرت نداشتشون ادامه می‌دن اما دریغ از یک پاسخ مناسب و درخور به این همه حملات سنگین دشمن​

They have embedded themselves deep within Iran's nuclear program and are using well established supply lines to bring in explosive components in order to destroy whatever it is they deem to be a threat in accordance with Israel's "red lines". We need to be asking not how Iran is going to stop this (they can't), but rather what is going to be blown up next?

This would constitute as a total defeat against Israel and a MASSIVE security risk for the safety and wellbeing of the country. Can't even begin to emphasize just how bad this actually is.

Read this thread on Twitter:
@Arian @Dariush the Great

I don't really know who else to say this too so i'll just go ahead and announce this here. As of this latest incident, i'm no longer going to defend (even one iota) Iran and its constant failures. This completely exemplifies a total lack of control of ones own security apparatus and is a sign of utter incompetence, weakness and defeat against a much more competent adversary (talking about Israel here).

We owe it to ourselves (and for the sake of reality) to call out, without reservations mind you, Iran on all its bullshit from here on out. Although I'm nobody, i'd like to think that my sentiment is shared amongst quite a few of you here as well as amongst a growing chorus of concerned individuals who care about Iran's safety.

This is just above and beyond disgrace......I mean the word "humiliated" is almost not enough to fully explain what has been happening. Might as well admit defeat when the enemy can literally do whatever it is they want, whenever they want, against whom ever they want with only a single line of "we'll hit them back when we choose too". It's as if they think this will be enough.
@Dariush the Great

معلوم نیست تو نطنز چه خبر هست
می‌گن سخنگوی انرژی اتمی هم سرش شکسته هم مچ پاش. می‌گن از چند متر ارتفاع افتاده پایین. حالا خدا می‌دونه چرا باید از چند متر ارتفاع بیافته پایین مگر اینکه ریزش سقفی یا چیزی اتفاق اتفاده باشه

هر چیزی هست یه آتش‌سوزی ساده و یه مشکل برقی معمولی نیست. احتمال می‌دن تا ۹ ماه در نطنز نشه غنی‌سازی کرد. احتمال زیاد به سانتریفیوژها هم آسیب شدید وارد شده و چند هزار سو توان غنی سازی رو دوباره از دست دادیم

در این صورت احتمال زیاد نشت گاز هگزافلوراید اورانیوم هم اتفاق افتاده که متاسفانه گاز رادیواکتیو و بسیار خورنده‌ای هست و اگه آزاد بشه به تجهیزات دیگه و افراد اونجا آسیب جدی وارد می‌شه. این یعنی اگه این اتفاق افتاده باشه احتمالاً‌ تلفات نیروی انسانی هم داریم

حالا باز جمهوری اسهالی هارت و پورت کنه. این چهارمین شکست فاجعه‌آمیز جمهوری اسهالی تو این مدت هست که بدون پاسخ مونده و خایه پاسخ دادن ندارن. اما باز هم مثل فوتبال که هر موقع می‌رینن می‌گن چیزی از ارزش‌های تیم خوبمون کم نمی‌شه،‌ اینجا هم با وقاحت به کس‌شعر گفتن‌هاشون در مورد قدرت نداشتشون ادامه می‌دن اما دریغ از یک پاسخ مناسب و درخور به این همه حملات سنگین دشمن​
bayad vaghe bin bashim. esraeil dar Iran hamishe boode. Hala ba oomadane social media mardom behtar motevaje mishan. esrail hadde aghal in baazi ro 20 sale pish dar khaake iran shoroo karde. pas in chize jadidi nist vaghean, toye mossad aslan yek bakhshe bozorg ro faghat va faghat baraye iran dorost kardan. yek listi be onvane ''eliminated target'' daran va yek listi ''planned operations''. Agar eshteba nakonam hanooz 100ha target dige daran dar khaake Iran.

@Arian @Dariush the Great

I don't really know who else to say this too so i'll just go ahead and announce this here. As of this latest incident, i'm no longer going to defend (even one iota) Iran and its constant failures. This completely exemplifies a total lack of control of ones own security apparatus and is a sign of utter incompetence, weakness and defeat against a much more competent adversary (talking about Israel here).

We owe it to ourselves (and for the sake of reality) to call out, without reservations mind you, Iran on all its bullshit from here on out. Although I'm nobody, i'd like to think that my sentiment is shared amongst quite a few of you here as well as amongst a growing chorus of concerned individuals who care about Iran's safety.

This is just above and beyond disgrace......I mean the word "humiliated" is almost not enough to fully explain what has been happening. Might as well admit defeat when the enemy can literally do whatever it is they want, whenever they want, against whom ever they want with only a single line of "we'll hit them back when we choose too". It's as if they think this will be enough.
Nothing to add here, what had to be said has been said a dozen times regarding this topic. I would like to invite brother @SalarHaqq to provide some insight.
bayad vaghe bin bashim. esraeil dar Iran hamishe boode. Hala ba oomadane social media mardom behtar motevaje mishan. esrail hadde aghal in baazi ro 20 sale pish dar khaake iran shoroo karde. pas in chize jadidi nist vaghean, toye mossad aslan yek bakhshe bozorg ro faghat va faghat baraye iran dorost kardan. yek listi be onvane ''eliminated target'' daran va yek listi ''planned operations''. Agar eshteba nakonam hanooz 100ha target dige daran dar khaake Iran.

100%, you absolutely hit the nail on the head!

They have so many other targets, objects and individuals on their hit-list to kill (at any-time) of their choosing within Iran itself. Like I said, the question no longer is how to stop it but who is going to get killed next.

Maybe this is why IRGC doesn't openly respond to Israel, since they know (possibly) that it will be their lives on the lines if any sort of operation is enacted against sensitive Israeli assets or personnel?
100%, you absolutely hit the nail on the head!

They have so many other targets, objects and individuals on their hit-list to kill (at any-time) of their choosing. Like I said, the question no longer is how to stop it but who is going to get killed next.

Maybe this is why IRGC doesn't openly respond to Israel, since they know (possibly) that it will be their lives on the lines if any sort of operation is enacted against sensitive Israeli assets or personnel?
behtare ke ghabool konim ke harif esrail nistim. vaghean zendegi intori behtar migzare, va bayad ham ghabool konim ke hame ma gool harto poorta masulin bi orze ro khordim. baba jan, agar tavanesho nadarin moghabele esraeil vaystin pas chera enghadr goh mikhorin? mosalame, baraye yek keshvare bozorgi mesle iran va ba in tarikhe bozorgi ke daare kheyli dardnake yek keshvare fesgheli 70 saale intori dare dahane ma ro servis mikone. fekr konam ghanoon jangal va ghanoon darwin ham inja moassere :D
behtare ke ba khande va joke begzaroonim.
کسی که می‌گن شناسایی شده که برق رو قطع کرده رو هنوز نتونستن بگیرن
واقعاً از ریدن هم گذشته. یعنی انقدر بی‌صاحب هست کشور که یه کسی میاد برق یکی از حساس‌ترین مراکز کشور رو منفجر می‌کنه بعد هم به آسونی در می‌ره و نمی‌تونند بگیرنش

در مورد کمالوندی هم به نظرم حق با تو هست. حالا یا خود مأمورین امنیتی گرفتن مثل سگ زدنش که امیدوارم همین باشه،‌یا اینکه انقدر خر تو خر هست که یکی دیگه می‌خواسته بکشتش​
Kasi ke bekhad too alman toilet dar forodgah umumi tamiz kone bayad 100ta security check ro clear kone. too iran dar tasisate atomi har sagi ke bekhad miad o mire.
behtare ke ghabool konim ke harif esrail nistim. vaghean zendegi intori behtar migzare, va bayad ham ghabool konim ke hame ma gool harto poorta masulin bi orze ro khordim. baba jan, agar tavanesho nadarin moghabele esraeil vaystin pas chera enghadr goh mikhorin? mosalame, baraye yek keshvare bozorgi mesle iran va ba in tarikhe bozorgi ke daare kheyli dardnake yek keshvare fesgheli 70 saale intori dare dahane ma ro servis mikone. fekr konam ghanoon jangal va ghanoon darwin ham inja moassere :D
behtare ke ba khande va joke begzaroonim.

Kasi ke bekhad too alman toilet dar forodgah umumi tamiz kone bayad 100ta security check ro clear kone. too iran dar tasisate atomi har sagi ke bekhad miad o mire.

If you were to have said this to me several years ago, I most likely would have gotten into an argument with you over how defeatist and non-sensical such an approach would be to this situation, but that is no longer the case now.....Iran is outright losing to Israel where it matters most and all there is left to do is laugh since nothing is being done to change the current situation other than empty speeches and calls to patriotism and martyrdom...

I'm fucking done, the Iranian government can go **** itself for all I care.
first step to Iran should get out of the NPT. we have always been spied out from the IAEA agents. this is the best excuse to leave the NPT. when there are not controlls or inspection it will be hard for mossad to send spies or agents to manipulate the program.
we have seen time and time again that the IAEA worked in the favour of mossad (they showed a list of our science online, gave out information which was only for the aegncy and not the public, agents where tested positiv with explosive nitrates etc.).
if the mossad is forced to only use Iranian within Iran for their dirty work (mok rats) i t will be much easier for our counter intelligence to find them, then mossad sendin someone with an international organization.

2. IRGC should only once hit israhell hard. the only reason they allow themself to do that is that they know there is no retaliation, they feel safe. if they get a hard respond next time they would think 100 times before making any actions against Iran.

kheili halamo gereft
bayad vaghe bin bashim. esraeil dar Iran hamishe boode. Hala ba oomadane social media mardom behtar motevaje mishan. esrail hadde aghal in baazi ro 20 sale pish dar khaake iran shoroo karde. pas in chize jadidi nist vaghean, toye mossad aslan yek bakhshe bozorg ro faghat va faghat baraye iran dorost kardan. yek listi be onvane ''eliminated target'' daran va yek listi ''planned operations''. Agar eshteba nakonam hanooz 100ha target dige daran dar khaake Iran.

Nothing to add here, what had to be said has been said a dozen times regarding this topic. I would like to invite brother @SalarHaqq to provide some insight.

man ferk konam mossad badaz enghelab Irano tark nakard. be nazare man faghad khodesho keshid aghab ke barnamehasho avaz kone, va bebine be kodoom samt Iran mire.
mossad bishat az 20 pish shoroo kard ke be Iran latme bezane. tamame oon ghatlaye zanjerie kare mossad bood, ke taghsire Iran endakhtan. in ghatla baes shod ke kheili az keshvara dige ba Iran hamkari nakonan.
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@Dariush the Great

معلوم نیست تو نطنز چه خبر هست
می‌گن سخنگوی انرژی اتمی هم سرش شکسته هم مچ پاش. می‌گن از چند متر ارتفاع افتاده پایین. حالا خدا می‌دونه چرا باید از چند متر ارتفاع بیافته پایین مگر اینکه ریزش سقفی یا چیزی اتفاق اتفاده باشه

هر چیزی هست یه آتش‌سوزی ساده و یه مشکل برقی معمولی نیست. احتمال می‌دن تا ۹ ماه در نطنز نشه غنی‌سازی کرد. احتمال زیاد به سانتریفیوژها هم آسیب شدید وارد شده و چند هزار سو توان غنی سازی رو دوباره از دست دادیم

در این صورت احتمال زیاد نشت گاز هگزافلوراید اورانیوم هم اتفاق افتاده که متاسفانه گاز رادیواکتیو و بسیار خورنده‌ای هست و اگه آزاد بشه به تجهیزات دیگه و افراد اونجا آسیب جدی وارد می‌شه. این یعنی اگه این اتفاق افتاده باشه احتمالاً‌ تلفات نیروی انسانی هم داریم

حالا باز جمهوری اسهالی هارت و پورت کنه. این چهارمین شکست فاجعه‌آمیز جمهوری اسهالی تو این مدت هست که بدون پاسخ مونده و خایه پاسخ دادن ندارن. اما باز هم مثل فوتبال که هر موقع می‌رینن می‌گن چیزی از ارزش‌های تیم خوبمون کم نمی‌شه،‌ اینجا هم با وقاحت به کس‌شعر گفتن‌هاشون در مورد قدرت نداشتشون ادامه می‌دن اما دریغ از یک پاسخ مناسب و درخور به این همه حملات سنگین دشمن​

ارین جان
ما نفوذی داریم و خلخالی رو کم داریم

حالا انتقام هم بگیرن هنوز نفوذی دارن

اگر مثل فقرا زندگی میکردند تن به خفت نفوذ نمیدادن و اقازاده پس نمینداختن

خامنه ای و اغلب روسا شل اند و بی بخاری اونها شده عامل این مسایل
If you were to have said this to me several years ago, I most likely would have gotten into an argument with you over how defeatist and non-sensical such an approach would be to this situation, but that is no longer the case now.....Iran is outright losing to Israel where it matters most and all there is left to do is laugh since nothing is being done to change the current situation other than empty speeches and calls to patriotism and martyrdom...

I'm fucking done, the Iranian government can go **** itself for all I care.

This is a cold war being fought between Iran and the Zionist block. In war there will always be setbacks and humiliations. It is part and Parcel to the nature of conflict especially one where you are fighting a superior force. Iran's strategists know this and are wise enough to be patient and know when to act and when not to react. If they were a bunch of reactionary idiots as some here would want them to be then the Islamic republic would not have survived this long and had the success it has in the region. Iran is playing the long game and unfortunately she has to contend with a large pool westophile traitors and crypto Jews. Even if enrichment at Natanz is hindered for a year it does not mean that Iran's nuclear program has been halted. To cry and moan for a small attack such as this just shows that you do not have the stomach for the fight and perhaps you should not waste your time here and go pursuit other interests. Surrender to the Zionists is nothing short of total defeat for Iran and will spell her annihilation. People fail to realize that the goal of our enemies is nothing short of Global domination through the establishment of "Pax Judaica" and the enslavement of the gentiles for the servitude to "God' chosen people" as they like to call themselves. It is only little old Iran( minus the millions and millions of small brain dead and heartless traitors) and her small band of allies that have stood in front of this demonic endeavor. We need to toughen up and not throw our arms up in the air at every setback or tactical defeat. This is not an easy fight, it never has been and never will be.
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This is a cold war being fought between Iran and the Zionist block. In war there will always be setbacks and humiliations. It is part and Parcel to the nature of conflict especially one where you are fighting a superior force. Iran's strategists know this and are wise enough to be patient and know when to act and not to react. If they were a bunch of reactionary idiots as some here would want them to be then the Islamic republic would not have survived this long and had the success it has in the region. Iran is playing the long game and unfortunately she has to contend with a large pool westophile traitors and crypto Jews.

مهمه که احساسی نباشیم اما نفوذی هست برادر عزیز
از کجا تکنولوژی نفوذی اومده و احتمالا باهمون تکنولوژی عزیز هم شده

نطنز مهم نیست
جای مهم اونجاست که ما نمیدونیم

دعوای اصلی سر برجام ه نه نطنز
و پاسخ باید از جنس خودش باشه

ما هم زدیم
تو لبنان
در مرز افغانستان
و غیره
This is supposed to be a 'chill' thread, yet all I see are Iranis crying their eyes out or stomping around in anger.

Just a couple of weeks ago these same people were celebrating scratching an Israelis owned civilian ship, claiming they had restored deterrence.

My advice to you, is to get back into your borders and stop having regional ambitions of hegemony. All you need to do is concentrate on Iran, developing Iran, fixing the mess in Iran. You don't need to concern yourself with Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi, Bahrain etc. Stay in your own patch or things are going to get much worse for you.
This is a cold war being fought between Iran and the Zionist block. In war there will always be setbacks and humiliations. It is part and Parcel to the nature of conflict especially one where you are fighting a superior force. Iran's strategists know this and are wise enough to be patient and know when to act and not to react. If they were a bunch of reactionary idiots as some here would want them to be then the Islamic republic would not have survived this long and had the success it has in the region. Iran is playing the long game and unfortunately she has to contend with a large pool westophile traitors and crypto Jews.
This assessment is correct. From a tactical point of view it is clear that the attacks on iran and iranians by the zionist entity are big defeats. However, if the objective is to actually weaken Iran, then I would say, theses attacks are merely mosquito stings. Look at Irans progress since the end of war. None of us would argue that Iran has continuously closed the gap with the zionist block. This has been done under severe sanction and attacks!!!

Now, imagine that Iran retaliated in kind in 90s or 00s or even 10s. Could you really make the case that Iran would have been better off today from a strategic point of view? The combined forces of our opponents has been and is still too overwhelming. But that scale will soon tip. Which is why our opponent has intensified their effort to lure us into a quagmire where they are in theory in advantage. That advantage is shrinking every day.
We are maybe 10 years away where no one will dare to play with fire like this again. By then Iran will have built a power projection military that can take on anyone in west asia. In 20-30 years Iran will be one of the 5 real power blocks in the world beside US, EU, Russia and China. This is grounded in the fact that Iran has a vast natural and human resource. Irans engineering endeavour has reached a point of no return and we are innovators which widens possibilities to a great extent.
This is supposed to be a 'chill' thread, yet all I see are Iranis crying their eyes out or stomping around in anger.

Just a couple of weeks ago these same people were celebrating scratching an Israelis owned civilian ship, claiming they had restored deterrence.

My advice to you, is to get back into your borders and stop having regional ambitions of hegemony. All you need to do is concentrate on Iran, developing Iran, fixing the mess in Iran. You don't need to concern yourself with Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi, Bahrain etc. Stay in your own patch or things are going to get much worse for you.

We don't take advice from lapdogs. Run along little boy.
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This is supposed to be a 'chill' thread, yet all I see are Iranis crying their eyes out or stomping around in anger.

Just a couple of weeks ago these same people were celebrating scratching an Israelis owned civilian ship, claiming they had restored deterrence.

My advice to you, is to get back into your borders and stop having regional ambitions of hegemony. All you need to do is concentrate on Iran, developing Iran, fixing the mess in Iran. You don't need to concern yourself with Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Saudi, Bahrain etc. Stay in your own patch or things are going to get much worse for you.

Some predictions for you:

1) Iran will not decrease its regional activity.
2) Setbacks in the nuclear program will eventually be restored and the learning curve will make Iran more resilient in the future.
3) Strategically, Iran has moved steady forward under the guise of sabotage and it won't be any difference this time.
4) The nuclear knowledge is fully institutionalized and will prevent external powers from nullifying its existence. At best, developments in the nuclear space will be delayed for a short amount of time.

All this makes that you soon will be forced to return to your incognito (hidden) modus in this subforum, silently reading our comments in frustration while we discuss military strategy and Iran's position in the world.
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