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Iranian Chill Thread

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What’s going on in Iran?

The blood hard liners decided to embarrass Rouhani by targeting his handling of the economy...now it’s COMPLETELY backfired.

Protests are widespread, and now Monarchists and NCRI are hijacking this claiming that this is the beginning of the end of the IRI.

Highly unlikely that the army would fight the IRGC, but perhaps if things get faaaaar too out of hand, or that the stability of the entire nation is at risk (Like people killing each other, shootings etc...), the army would step in to secure the territorial integrity of Iran.

BT often spouts a lot of garbage and he's usually right 10% of the time. I guess anything goes in this crazy world.
Highly unlikely that the army would fight the IRGC, but perhaps if things get faaaaar too out of hand, or that the stability of the entire nation is at risk (Like people killing each other, shootings etc...), the army would step in to secure the territorial integrity of Iran.

BT often spouts a lot of garbage and he's usually right 10% of the time. I guess anything goes in this crazy world.

It's worrying bro, check this out:


Actually insanely furious with the hard-liners right now. Alamholda and Raesi should be put on trial for undermining the IRI. In addition, religious institutions should fund themselves via charity. Islamic Republic doesn't mean helping already wealthy (and in some cases corrupt) Bonyads; it means implementing and living by Islamic laws.

These protests are a good sign.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Iranians have grievances against the government. If the Islamic Republic wants to stay in power it must be mindful of the will and patience of the people.

These protests are by no means a threat to the overall stability of the country. They happen now and again. But they serve as a good reminder to the IR that it has to reform.

I wouldn't point fingers to the west. They are exploiting the situation, but that doesn't mean they created it.
View attachment 445495

What’s going on in Iran?

The blood hard liners decided to embarrass Rouhani by targeting his handling of the economy...now it’s COMPLETELY backfired.

Protests are widespread, and now Monarchists and NCRI are hijacking this claiming that this is the beginning of the end of the IRI.
بابا اینا همه اش شعره. امروز تو خیابون آزادی خبر آنچنانی نبود یه فیلمایی الان دارم تو اینترنت می بینم اگه خودم اینجا نبودم فکر می کردم الان تهرونی ها دارن انقلاب می کنن
These protests are by no means a threat to the overall stability of the country. They happen now and again. But they serve as a good reminder to the IR that it has to reform.

Citizens cannot enforce rules with brutal force, that is called "vandalism", if not terrorism. In Law States, rules designated by laws, and being enforced by law enforcement units (Police, Gendarmerie etc).

If the people want change, then why they don't elect people into parliament that would pass laws to make change, instead of burning streets and screaming insults?
. .
@yavar @mohsen @2800 @skyshadow
Citizens cannot enforce rules with brutal force, that is called "vandalism", if not terrorism. In Law States, rules designated by laws, and being enforced by law enforcement units (Police, Gendarmerie etc).

If the people want change, then why they don't elect people into parliament that would pass laws to make change, instead of burning streets and screaming insults?

Of course I do not endorse vandalism and violent protests. Anyone who burns public and private property, attacks police officers, and disrespects the flag should be arrested. But the people have a right to peaceful protest and this should be supported.
آزادی گروگان ایرانی توسط قرارگاه قدس سپاه در خاک افغانستان
شناسه خبر: 1616314 سرویس: سیاسی
۱۰ دی ۱۳۹۶ - ۱۵:۲۸

رزمندگان قرارگاه قدس سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی موفق به آزادی گروگان ایرانی در خاک افغانستان شدند.
به گزارش گروه دفاعی خبرگزاری تسنیم، سردار محمد مارانی فرمانده قرارگاه قدس نیروی زمینی سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی، جزئیات آزادسازی یک گروگان ایرانی در افغانستان را تشریح کرد.

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خنثی‌سازی 126 عملیات پیچیده هواپیماربایی توسط سپاه

سردار مارانی با اعلام این خبر گفت: رزمندگان قرارگاه قدس در اقدامی اطلاعاتی و عملیاتی موفق شدند مهندس شرکت جهاد نصر را که آدم‌ربایان به یکی از ولایت‌های مرزی کشور همسایه انتقال داده بودند، آزاد کنند.

وی افزود: مهندس شرکت جهاد نصر پیمانکار طرح 46 هزار هکتاری آبرسانی به مزارع شهرستان هامون واقع در شمال سیستان و بلوچستان بوده است.

فرمانده قرارگاه قدس سپاه ادامه داد: مهندس حسین حاج‌ملک در تاریخ 23 آذرماه امسال در حال بازگشت به محل استراحت خود بود که توسط افراد ناشناس بین مسیر شهرستان هامون و زابل به‌گروگان گرفته شد.

سردار مارانی تصریح کرد: گروگانگیران این فرد را به کشور افغانستان انتقال دادند و پس از 2 روز خودروی وی در یکی روستاهای شهرستان نیمروز در حالی که سوخته بود، کشف شد.

وی تأکید کرد: گروگانگیران به خانواده این فرد گفته بودند "در صورت نپرداختن مبلغی فرزندتان کشته می‌شود" که پدر وی با مراجعه به قرارگاه قدس کمک برای آزادی فرزندش را خواستار شد.

فرمانده قرارگاه قدس سپاه خاطرنشان کرد: رزمندگان قرارگاه قدس با هماهنگی صورت‌گرفته با مراجع قانونی و انجام کار اطلاعاتی و عملیاتی ویژه در تاریخ سوم دی امسال موفق به آزادسازی حاج‌ملک از چنگال گروگان‌گیران شدند. در این عملیات پنج نفر از عوامل گروگانگیر که در داخل کشور فعال بودند، شناسایی و دستگیر شدند.

انتهای پیام/*

تبریک میگم به تمام مردم ایران بخاطر این عملیات موفق و افتخار امیز:smitten:


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Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani
Al Jarida, considered an Israeli mouthpiece, says Israel was 'on the verge' of assassinating Soleimani, but the U.S. warned Tehran and thwarted the operation

Washington gave Israel a green light to assassinate Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Monday.

Al-Jarida, considered an Israeli mouthpiece, quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that "there is an American-Israeli agreement" that Soleimani is a "threat to the two countries' interests in the region."

The agreement between Israel and the United States, according to the report, comes three years after Washington thwarted an Israeli attempt to kill the general.

The report says Israel was "on the verge" of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general.

The incident, the report said, "sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue."

The Kuwaiti report also identified Iran's second in command in Syria, known as "Abu Baker," as Mohammad Reda Falah Zadeh. It said he also "might be a target" for Israel, as well as other actors in the region.

Agha Soleimani needs to stop being very open about his whereabouts. There is a fine line between bravery and foolishness.
سلام . یک افسر پلیس توی اصفهان کشته شده و 3 نفر زخمی شدن به دلیل اینکه یکی از تروریست هایی که تظاهرات میکرده بهشون شلیک کرده با یک اسلحه شکاری . نجف اباد
سلام . یک افسر پلیس توی اصفهان کشته شده و 3 نفر زخمی شدن به دلیل اینکه یکی از تروریست هایی که تظاهرات میکرده بهشون شلیک کرده با یک اسلحه شکاری . نجف اباد
تکذیب شد
. . .
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