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Iranian Chill Thread

Where is the $400 billion of investment proposed by China and signed?

It's been five years.
کرنش در برابر باکو و طالبان

این است حکومت اسلامی آخوندی .... شما که از باکو و طالبان مثل سگ می ترسیدم کوه خوردید ۴۰ ساله برای آمریکا شاخ و شونه می کشید
انگار در یک جهان دیگه زندگی میکنید. نمیدونم تاثیر مواد مخدر هست یا رسانه!!
آمریکا و پدر جد آمریکا هم نمیتواند در مقابل ایران غلطی بکند اونوقت ایران از طالبان ترسیده؟ مصرف مواد برای سلامتی ضرر داره جانم
ایران جواب طالبان را همون روز اول داد وقتی کشته هایشان را خاک انداز جمع کردند!
بقیه اش زوزه های سگ زخمی هست که داره آبرو داری میکنه
انگار در یک جهان دیگه زندگی میکنید. نمیدونم تاثیر مواد مخدر هست یا رسانه!!
آمریکا و پدر جد آمریکا هم نمیتواند در مقابل ایران غلطی بکند اونوقت ایران از طالبان ترسیده؟ مصرف مواد برای سلامتی ضرر داره جانم
ایران جواب طالبان را همون روز اول داد وقتی کشته هایشان را خاک انداز جمع کردند!
بقیه اش زوزه های سگ زخمی هست که داره آبرو داری میکنه
actually it was just a claim no evidence of that provided and the photo published actually belong to one year earlier when taliban attacked Pang-Shir valley

by the way do you have evidence for your claim
According to Rybar, the US has given the YPG/SDF in Syria several HIMARS batteries. Officially this has been done to counter Iranian backed militias.

What you except from 80+ years old decision makers
A very good point...I have lots of respect for SL ..he is an Iranian patriot, smart and fearless man..but him and many others around him are all old hands just like what Saudi leadership was before MBS.. put guys like that young IRGC stud "mohammadi..I think !" in charge .."Neekzad" should have been in charge of 4 million housing projects instead he is wasted !.

Iran needs new younger blood in the top leadership ..SL we love you but please stay at home and let others learn from their mistakes also ....part of my morning rants!..lol:coffee:

PS: Tehran medical school branch in IRAQ...educating Iraqis to be good physicians. (All Iranian lecturers)







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must watch!! Its free on twitter for only 24 hours

Documentary “what is a woman” is causing huuuge controversy on twitter.

Watch how disturbing western society and culture has become. We should get on our knees everyday, and kiss the feet of every akhond for preventing this western virus from reaching Iran.

Absolutely disgusting. Shame on every single brainwashed piece of shit who wants to bring this shit to Iran

Go to elon musk twitter account to watch it.
must watch!! Its free on twitter for only 24 hours

Documentary “what is a woman” is causing huuuge controversy on twitter.

Watch how disturbing western society and culture has become. We should get on our knees everyday, and kiss the feet of every akhond for preventing this western virus from reaching Iran.

Absolutely disgusting. Shame on every single brainwashed piece of shit who wants to bring this shit to Iran

Go to elon musk twitter account to watch it.

Iran’s government pays for sex change operations of its citizens.It isn’t that far off the Western thought process.

The only difference is it would rather convert homosexuals into the other gender to create a heterosexual again. Iran looks down on homosexuality, but not transsexuals.
Iran’s government pays for sex change operations of its citizens.It isn’t that far off the Western thought process.

The only difference is it would rather convert homosexuals into the other gender to create a heterosexual again. Iran looks down on homosexuality, but not transsexuals.
And that's only because of Khomeini's anomalous position on the matter, not the sentiments of the general populace.
In articles and interviews and knowing how our culture is, many gay men in Iran have families that prefer them as males rather than chemically/surgically induced hetero females; only a tiny number truly believe they were born in the wrong gender.
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